Prepare installd to handle profiles per code path

Transform each profile operation to accept the pair
(package_name, profile_name). This will allow installd to get the profile
name from the PackageManager instead of assuming a predefined name. The
PackageManager will compute and assign unique profile names for each code

The end goal is to support installation and extraction of profiles per
code path.

Also, add a few extra tests for merging the profiles.

(cherry picked from commit cfcd6aa28593a227d39868f6f567264fca1360a1)

Test: installd_dexopt_test, installd_utils_test
Bug: 30934496
Merged-In: I580f037d9d3e5537032e815dc803b9ddeff343cb
Change-Id: I580f037d9d3e5537032e815dc803b9ddeff343cb
diff --git a/cmds/installd/tests/installd_dexopt_test.cpp b/cmds/installd/tests/installd_dexopt_test.cpp
index ff29506..729ac3c 100644
--- a/cmds/installd/tests/installd_dexopt_test.cpp
+++ b/cmds/installd/tests/installd_dexopt_test.cpp
@@ -431,17 +431,22 @@
     std::string ref_profile_;
     std::string snap_profile_;
+    static constexpr const char* kPrimaryProfile = "";
     virtual void SetUp() {
         cur_profile_ = create_current_profile_path(
-                kTestUserId, package_name_, /*is_secondary_dex*/ false);
-        ref_profile_ = create_reference_profile_path(package_name_, /*is_secondary_dex*/ false);
-        snap_profile_ = create_snapshot_profile_path(package_name_, "base.jar");
+                kTestUserId, package_name_, kPrimaryProfile, /*is_secondary_dex*/ false);
+        ref_profile_ = create_reference_profile_path(package_name_, kPrimaryProfile,
+                /*is_secondary_dex*/ false);
+        snap_profile_ = create_snapshot_profile_path(package_name_, kPrimaryProfile);
-    void SetupProfile(const std::string& path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode, int32_t seed) {
-        run_cmd("profman --generate-test-profile-seed=" + std::to_string(seed) +
-                " --generate-test-profile-num-dex=2 --generate-test-profile=" + path);
+    void SetupProfile(const std::string& path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode,
+            int32_t num_dex) {
+        run_cmd("profman --generate-test-profile-seed=" + std::to_string(num_dex) +
+                " --generate-test-profile-num-dex=" + std::to_string(num_dex) +
+                " --generate-test-profile=" + path);
         ::chmod(path.c_str(), mode);
         ::chown(path.c_str(), uid, gid);
@@ -449,7 +454,7 @@
     void SetupProfiles(bool setup_ref) {
         SetupProfile(cur_profile_, kTestAppUid, kTestAppGid, 0600, 1);
         if (setup_ref) {
-            SetupProfile(ref_profile_, kTestAppUid, kTestAppGid, 0060, 2);
+            SetupProfile(ref_profile_, kTestAppUid, kTestAppGid, 0600, 2);
@@ -457,7 +462,7 @@
             bool expected_result) {
         bool result;
         binder::Status binder_result = service_->createProfileSnapshot(
-                appid, package_name, "base.jar", &result);
+                appid, package_name, kPrimaryProfile, &result);
         ASSERT_EQ(expected_result, result);
@@ -493,6 +498,32 @@
+    void mergePackageProfiles(const std::string& package_name, bool expected_result) {
+        bool result;
+        binder::Status binder_result = service_->mergeProfiles(
+                kTestAppUid, package_name, &result);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(binder_result.isOk());
+        ASSERT_EQ(expected_result, result);
+        if (!expected_result) {
+            // Do not check the files if we expect to fail.
+            return;
+        }
+        // Check that the snapshot was created witht he expected acess flags.
+        CheckFileAccess(ref_profile_, kTestAppUid, kTestAppUid, 0600 | S_IFREG);
+        // The snapshot should be equivalent to the merge of profiles.
+        std::string ref_profile_content = ref_profile_ + ".expected";
+        run_cmd("rm -f " + ref_profile_content);
+        run_cmd("touch " + ref_profile_content);
+        run_cmd("profman --profile-file=" + cur_profile_ +
+                " --profile-file=" + ref_profile_ +
+                " --reference-profile-file=" + ref_profile_content);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(AreFilesEqual(ref_profile_content, ref_profile_));
+    }
     void TransitionToSystemServer() {
         ASSERT_TRUE(DropCapabilities(kSystemUid, kSystemGid));
@@ -559,20 +590,43 @@
     SetupProfiles(/*setup_ref*/ true);
     createProfileSnapshot(kTestAppId, package_name_, /*expected_result*/ true);
-    binder::Status binder_result = service_->destroyProfileSnapshot(package_name_, "base.jar");
+    binder::Status binder_result = service_->destroyProfileSnapshot(package_name_, kPrimaryProfile);
     struct stat st;
     ASSERT_EQ(-1, stat(snap_profile_.c_str(), &st));
     ASSERT_EQ(ENOENT, errno);
+TEST_F(ProfileTest, ProfileMergeOk) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "ProfileMergeOk";
+    SetupProfiles(/*setup_ref*/ true);
+    mergePackageProfiles(package_name_, /*expected_result*/ true);
+// The reference profile is created on the fly. We need to be able to
+// merge without one.
+TEST_F(ProfileTest, ProfileMergeOkNoReference) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "ProfileMergeOkNoReference";
+    SetupProfiles(/*setup_ref*/ false);
+    mergePackageProfiles(package_name_, /*expected_result*/ true);
+TEST_F(ProfileTest, ProfileMergeFailWrongPackage) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "ProfileMergeFailWrongPackage";
+    SetupProfiles(/*setup_ref*/ true);
+    mergePackageProfiles("not.there", /*expected_result*/ false);
 TEST_F(ProfileTest, ProfileDirOk) {
     LOG(INFO) << "ProfileDirOk";
     std::string cur_profile_dir = create_primary_current_profile_package_dir_path(
             kTestUserId, package_name_);
     std::string cur_profile_file = create_current_profile_path(kTestUserId, package_name_,
-            /*is_secondary_dex*/false);
+            kPrimaryProfile, /*is_secondary_dex*/false);
     std::string ref_profile_dir = create_primary_reference_profile_package_dir_path(package_name_);
     CheckFileAccess(cur_profile_dir, kTestAppUid, kTestAppUid, 0700 | S_IFDIR);
@@ -588,7 +642,7 @@
     std::string cur_profile_dir = create_primary_current_profile_package_dir_path(
             kTestUserId, package_name_);
     std::string cur_profile_file = create_current_profile_path(kTestUserId, package_name_,
-            /*is_secondary_dex*/false);
+            kPrimaryProfile, /*is_secondary_dex*/false);
     std::string ref_profile_dir = create_primary_reference_profile_package_dir_path(package_name_);
     // Simulate a pre-P setup by changing the owner to kTestAppGid and permissions to 0700.