vulkan: Temporarily hack around loader/driver mismatch

A driver was built with an older declaration of
vkGetSwapchainGrallocUsage2KHR, and doesn't match what libvulkan
expects. This is a temporary workaround until the driver can be
rebuilt against the current header. When a new driver is available,
this change should be reverted.

Test: vulkanGears on affected device
Change-Id: I5a8bb16f0f9563e32314cff2a2a7a45760cfc356
diff --git a/vulkan/libvulkan/driver_gen.cpp b/vulkan/libvulkan/driver_gen.cpp
index 6689623..951ea6e 100644
--- a/vulkan/libvulkan/driver_gen.cpp
+++ b/vulkan/libvulkan/driver_gen.cpp
@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@
     INIT_PROC(true, instance, DestroyInstance);
     INIT_PROC(true, instance, EnumeratePhysicalDevices);
     INIT_PROC(true, instance, GetInstanceProcAddr);
+    INIT_PROC(true, instance, GetPhysicalDeviceProperties);
     INIT_PROC(true, instance, CreateDevice);
     INIT_PROC(true, instance, EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties);
     INIT_PROC_EXT(EXT_debug_report, true, instance, CreateDebugReportCallbackEXT);