Add libvrflinger for use in SurfaceFlinger

A separate CL uses this code from SurfaceFlinger.

Bug: None
Test: Manually ran modified SurfaceFlinger
Change-Id: I34588df1365588c0a0265e1e2325e3dd5516206a
diff --git a/libs/vr/libvrflinger/hardware_composer.h b/libs/vr/libvrflinger/hardware_composer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfe8c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/vr/libvrflinger/hardware_composer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#include <log/log.h>
+#include <hardware/gralloc.h>
+#include <hardware/hardware.h>
+#include <hardware/hwcomposer2.h>
+#include <private/dvr/buffer_hub_client.h>
+#include <private/dvr/sync_util.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <thread>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+#include <pdx/file_handle.h>
+#include <private/dvr/buffer_hub_client.h>
+#include <private/dvr/frame_time_history.h>
+#include <private/dvr/sync_util.h>
+#include "acquired_buffer.h"
+#include "compositor.h"
+#include "display_surface.h"
+#include "DisplayHardware/ComposerHal.h"
+// Hardware composer HAL doesn't define HWC_TRANSFORM_NONE as of this writing.
+#define HWC_TRANSFORM_NONE static_cast<hwc_transform_t>(0)
+namespace android {
+namespace dvr {
+// Basic display metrics for physical displays. Dimensions and densities are
+// relative to the physical display orientation, which may be different from the
+// logical display orientation exposed to applications.
+struct HWCDisplayMetrics {
+  int width;
+  int height;
+  struct {
+    int x;
+    int y;
+  } dpi;
+  int vsync_period_ns;
+// Layer represents the connection between a hardware composer layer and the
+// source supplying buffers for the layer's contents.
+class Layer {
+ public:
+  Layer();
+  // Sets the hardware composer layer and display metrics that this Layer should
+  // use each Prepare cycle. This class does not own either of these pointers,
+  // which MUST remain valid for its lifetime. This method MUST be called once
+  // in the life of the instance before any other method is valid to call.
+  void Initialize(Hwc2::Composer* hwc2_hidl, HWCDisplayMetrics* metrics);
+  // Releases any shared pointers and fence handles held by this instance.
+  void Reset();
+  // Sets up the layer to use a display surface as its content source. The Layer
+  // will automatically handle ACQUIRE/RELEASE phases for the surface's buffer
+  // train every frame.
+  //
+  // |blending| receives HWC_BLENDING_* values.
+  // |transform| receives HWC_TRANSFORM_* values.
+  // |composition_type| receives either HWC_FRAMEBUFFER for most layers or
+  // HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET (unless you know what you are doing).
+  // |index| is the index of this surface in the DisplaySurface array.
+  void Setup(const std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>& surface,
+             hwc2_blend_mode_t blending, hwc_transform_t transform,
+             hwc2_composition_t composition_type, size_t index);
+  // Sets up the layer to use a direct buffer as its content source. No special
+  // handling of the buffer is performed; responsibility for updating or
+  // changing the buffer each frame is on the caller.
+  //
+  // |blending| receives HWC_BLENDING_* values.
+  // |transform| receives HWC_TRANSFORM_* values.
+  // |composition_type| receives either HWC_FRAMEBUFFER for most layers or
+  // HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET (unless you know what you are doing).
+  void Setup(const std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer>& buffer,
+             hwc2_blend_mode_t blending, hwc_transform_t transform,
+             hwc2_composition_t composition_type, size_t z_order);
+  // Layers that use a direct IonBuffer should call this each frame to update
+  // which buffer will be used for the next PostLayers.
+  void UpdateDirectBuffer(const std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer>& buffer);
+  // Sets up the hardware composer layer for the next frame. When the layer is
+  // associated with a display surface, this method automatically ACQUIRES a new
+  // buffer if one is available.
+  void Prepare();
+  // After calling prepare, if this frame is to be dropped instead of passing
+  // along to the HWC, call Drop to close the contained fence(s).
+  void Drop();
+  // Performs fence bookkeeping after the frame has been posted to hardware
+  // composer.
+  void Finish(int release_fence_fd);
+  // Sets the blending for the layer. |blending| receives HWC_BLENDING_* values.
+  void SetBlending(hwc2_blend_mode_t blending);
+  // Sets the Z-order of this layer
+  void SetZOrderIndex(int surface_index);
+  // Gets the current IonBuffer associated with this layer. Ownership of the
+  // buffer DOES NOT pass to the caller and the pointer is not guaranteed to
+  // remain valid across calls to Layer::Setup(), Layer::Prepare(), or
+  // Layer::Reset(). YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
+  IonBuffer* GetBuffer();
+  hwc2_composition_t GetCompositionType() const { return composition_type_; }
+  hwc2_layer_t GetLayerHandle() const { return hardware_composer_layer_; }
+  bool UsesDirectBuffer() const { return direct_buffer_ != nullptr; }
+  bool IsLayerSetup() const {
+    return direct_buffer_ != nullptr || surface_ != nullptr;
+  }
+  // Applies all of the settings to this layer using the hwc functions
+  void UpdateLayerSettings();
+  int GetSurfaceId() const {
+    if (surface_ != nullptr) {
+      return surface_->surface_id();
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  void CommonLayerSetup();
+  Hwc2::Composer* hwc2_hidl_;
+  // Original display surface array index for tracking purposes.
+  size_t surface_index_;
+  // The hardware composer layer and metrics to use during the prepare cycle.
+  hwc2_layer_t hardware_composer_layer_;
+  HWCDisplayMetrics* display_metrics_;
+  // Layer properties used to setup the hardware composer layer during the
+  // Prepare phase.
+  hwc2_blend_mode_t blending_;
+  hwc_transform_t transform_;
+  hwc2_composition_t composition_type_;
+  // These two members are mutually exclusive. When direct_buffer_ is set the
+  // Layer gets its contents directly from that buffer; when surface_ is set the
+  // Layer gets it contents from the surface's buffer train.
+  std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> direct_buffer_;
+  std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface> surface_;
+  // State when associated with a display surface.
+  AcquiredBuffer acquired_buffer_;
+  pdx::LocalHandle release_fence_;
+  pdx::LocalHandle acquire_fence_fd_;
+  bool surface_rect_functions_applied_;
+  Layer(const Layer&) = delete;
+  void operator=(const Layer&) = delete;
+// HardwareComposer encapsulates the hardware composer HAL, exposing a
+// simplified API to post buffers to the display.
+class HardwareComposer {
+ public:
+  // Type for vsync callback.
+  using VSyncCallback = std::function<void(int, int64_t, int64_t, uint32_t)>;
+  // Since there is no universal way to query the number of hardware layers,
+  // just set it to 4 for now.
+  static constexpr int kMaxHardwareLayers = 4;
+  HardwareComposer();
+  HardwareComposer(Hwc2::Composer* hidl);
+  ~HardwareComposer();
+  bool Suspend();
+  bool Resume();
+  bool IsSuspended() const { return pause_post_thread_; }
+  // Get the HMD display metrics for the current display.
+  DisplayMetrics GetHmdDisplayMetrics() const;
+  int32_t GetDisplayAttribute(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_config_t config,
+                              hwc2_attribute_t attributes,
+                              int32_t* out_value) const;
+  int32_t GetDisplayMetrics(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_config_t config,
+                            HWCDisplayMetrics* out_metrics) const;
+  void Dump(char* buffer, uint32_t* out_size);
+  void SetVSyncCallback(VSyncCallback callback);
+  // Metrics of the logical display, which is always landscape.
+  int DisplayWidth() const { return display_metrics_.width; }
+  int DisplayHeight() const { return display_metrics_.height; }
+  HWCDisplayMetrics display_metrics() const { return display_metrics_; }
+  // Metrics of the native display, which depends on the specific hardware
+  // implementation of the display.
+  HWCDisplayMetrics native_display_metrics() const {
+    return native_display_metrics_;
+  }
+  std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> framebuffer_target() const {
+    return framebuffer_target_;
+  }
+  // Set the display surface stack to compose to the display each frame.
+  int SetDisplaySurfaces(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>> surfaces);
+  Compositor* GetCompositor() { return &compositor_; }
+ private:
+  int32_t EnableVsync(bool enabled);
+  int32_t SetPowerMode(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_power_mode_t mode);
+  class ComposerCallback : public Hwc2::IComposerCallback {
+   public:
+    ComposerCallback() {}
+    hardware::Return<void> onHotplug(Hwc2::Display /*display*/,
+                                     Connection /*connected*/) override {
+      // TODO(skiazyk): depending on how the server is implemented, we might
+      // have to set it up to synchronize with receiving this event, as it can
+      // potentially be a critical event for setting up state within the
+      // hwc2 module. That is, we (technically) should not call any other hwc
+      // methods until this method has been called after registering the
+      // callbacks.
+      return hardware::Void();
+    }
+    hardware::Return<void> onRefresh(Hwc2::Display /*display*/) override {
+      return hardware::Void();
+    }
+    hardware::Return<void> onVsync(Hwc2::Display /*display*/,
+                                   int64_t /*timestamp*/) override {
+      return hardware::Void();
+    }
+  };
+  int32_t Validate(hwc2_display_t display);
+  int32_t Present(hwc2_display_t display);
+  void SetBacklightBrightness(int brightness);
+  void PostLayers(bool is_geometry_changed);
+  void PostThread();
+  int ReadWaitPPState();
+  int BlockUntilVSync();
+  int ReadVSyncTimestamp(int64_t* timestamp);
+  int WaitForVSync(int64_t* timestamp);
+  int SleepUntil(int64_t wakeup_timestamp);
+  bool IsFramePendingInDriver() { return ReadWaitPPState() == 1; }
+  // Returns true if the layer config changed, false otherwise
+  bool UpdateLayerConfig(
+      std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>>* compositor_surfaces);
+  void PostCompositorBuffers(
+      const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>>& compositor_surfaces);
+  void UpdateDisplayState();
+  struct FrameTimeMeasurementRecord {
+    int64_t start_time;
+    pdx::LocalHandle fence;
+    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord(FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&&) = default;
+    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord& operator=(FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&&) =
+        default;
+    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord(const FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&) = delete;
+    FrameTimeMeasurementRecord& operator=(const FrameTimeMeasurementRecord&) =
+        delete;
+  };
+  void UpdateFrameTimeHistory(std::vector<FrameTimeMeasurementRecord>* backlog,
+                              int backlog_max,
+                              FenceInfoBuffer* fence_info_buffer,
+                              FrameTimeHistory* history);
+  // Returns true if the frame finished rendering, false otherwise. If the frame
+  // finished the frame end time is stored in timestamp. Doesn't block.
+  bool CheckFrameFinished(int frame_fence_fd,
+                          FenceInfoBuffer* fence_info_buffer,
+                          int64_t* timestamp);
+  void HandlePendingScreenshots();
+  void PausePostThread();
+  // Hardware composer HAL device.
+  std::unique_ptr<Hwc2::Composer> hwc2_hidl_;
+  sp<ComposerCallback> callbacks_;
+  // Display metrics of the physical display.
+  HWCDisplayMetrics native_display_metrics_;
+  // Display metrics of the logical display, adjusted so that orientation is
+  // landscape.
+  HWCDisplayMetrics display_metrics_;
+  // Transform required to get from native to logical display orientation.
+  hwc_transform_t display_transform_;
+  // Buffer for the background layer required by hardware composer.
+  std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> framebuffer_target_;
+  // Protects access to the display surfaces and logical layers.
+  std::mutex layer_mutex_;
+  // Active display surfaces configured by the display manager.
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>> display_surfaces_;
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplaySurface>> added_display_surfaces_;
+  bool display_surfaces_updated_;
+  bool hardware_layers_need_update_;
+  // Cache whether the display was turned on by us
+  bool display_on_; // TODO(hendrikw): The display is always on. Revisit.
+  // Layer array for handling buffer flow into hardware composer layers.
+  // Note that the first array is the actual storage for the layer objects,
+  // and the latter is an array of pointers, which can be freely re-arranged
+  // without messing up the underlying objects.
+  std::array<Layer, kMaxHardwareLayers> layer_storage_;
+  std::array<Layer*, kMaxHardwareLayers> layers_;
+  size_t active_layer_count_;
+  // Set by the Post thread to the index of the GPU compositing output
+  // buffer in the layers_ array.
+  Layer* gpu_layer_;
+  // Handler to hook vsync events outside of this class.
+  VSyncCallback vsync_callback_;
+  // Thread and condition for managing the layer posting thread. This thread
+  // wakes up a short time before vsync to hand buffers to post processing and
+  // the results to hardware composer.
+  std::thread post_thread_;
+  // Control variables to control the state of the post thread
+  pdx::LocalHandle terminate_post_thread_event_fd_;
+  bool pause_post_thread_;
+  std::mutex thread_pause_mutex_;
+  std::condition_variable thread_pause_semaphore_;
+  // Backlight LED brightness sysfs node.
+  pdx::LocalHandle backlight_brightness_fd_;
+  // Primary display vsync event sysfs node.
+  pdx::LocalHandle primary_display_vsync_event_fd_;
+  // Primary display wait_pingpong state sysfs node.
+  pdx::LocalHandle primary_display_wait_pp_fd_;
+  // VSync sleep timerfd.
+  pdx::LocalHandle vsync_sleep_timer_fd_;
+  // The timestamp of the last vsync.
+  int64_t last_vsync_timestamp_;
+  // Vsync count since display on.
+  uint32_t vsync_count_;
+  // Counter tracking the number of skipped frames.
+  int frame_skip_count_;
+  // After construction, only accessed on post_thread_.
+  Compositor compositor_;
+  // Fd array for tracking retire fences that are returned by hwc. This allows
+  // us to detect when the display driver begins queuing frames.
+  std::vector<pdx::LocalHandle> retire_fence_fds_;
+  // Pose client for frame count notifications. Pose client predicts poses
+  // out to display frame boundaries, so we need to tell it about vsyncs.
+  DvrPose* pose_client_;
+  static void HwcRefresh(hwc2_callback_data_t data, hwc2_display_t display);
+  static void HwcVSync(hwc2_callback_data_t data, hwc2_display_t display,
+                       int64_t timestamp);
+  static void HwcHotplug(hwc2_callback_data_t callbackData,
+                         hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_connection_t connected);
+  HardwareComposer(const HardwareComposer&) = delete;
+  void operator=(const HardwareComposer&) = delete;
+}  // namespace dvr
+}  // namespace android