Methods to calculate user and external disk usage.

Add method to calculate user disk usage, which will be faster than
making a Binder call for every single appId under a user.  Add method
to calculate external disk usage, which uses file extensions to track
usage with "audio", "video", and "images" categories.

Add script to generate optimized file extension matcher logic.

Start measuring internal and external storage space separately; new
GIDs are coming in a future CL.  Pass down all package names, inodes,
and code paths, since shared UIDs host more than one.

Test: builds, boots, stats are consistent
Bug: 27948817, 32206268
Change-Id: Icb9843ac5159e0e5f1503d9b64e0bcae407e1a5d
diff --git a/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl b/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl
index 8c5d2f4..6e4d7fa 100644
--- a/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl
+++ b/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl
@@ -31,9 +31,12 @@
             int userId, int flags, long ceDataInode);
     void destroyAppData(@nullable @utf8InCpp String uuid, @utf8InCpp String packageName,
             int userId, int flags, long ceDataInode);
-    long[] getAppSize(@nullable @utf8InCpp String uuid, @utf8InCpp String packageName,
-            int userId, int flags, int appId, long ceDataInode, @utf8InCpp String codePath,
-            @nullable @utf8InCpp String externalUuid);
+    long[] getAppSize(@nullable @utf8InCpp String uuid, in @utf8InCpp String[] packageNames,
+            int userId, int flags, int appId, in long[] ceDataInodes,
+            in @utf8InCpp String[] codePaths);
+    long[] getUserSize(@nullable @utf8InCpp String uuid, int userId, int flags, in int[] appIds);
+    long[] getExternalSize(@nullable @utf8InCpp String uuid, int userId, int flags);
     void moveCompleteApp(@nullable @utf8InCpp String fromUuid, @nullable @utf8InCpp String toUuid,
             @utf8InCpp String packageName, @utf8InCpp String dataAppName, int appId,