Add DaydreamVR native libraries and services

Upstreaming the main VR system components from master-dreamos-dev
into goog/master.

Bug: None
Test: `m -j32` succeeds. Sailfish boots and basic_vr sample app works
Change-Id: I853015872afc443aecee10411ef2d6b79184d051
diff --git a/libs/vr/libbufferhubqueue/buffer_hub_queue_producer.cpp b/libs/vr/libbufferhubqueue/buffer_hub_queue_producer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d7307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/vr/libbufferhubqueue/buffer_hub_queue_producer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#include "include/private/dvr/buffer_hub_queue_producer.h"
+namespace android {
+namespace dvr {
+    const std::shared_ptr<BufferHubQueueCore>& core)
+    : core_(core), req_buffer_count_(kInvalidBufferCount) {}
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::requestBuffer(int slot,
+                                               sp<GraphicBuffer>* buf) {
+  VLOG(1) << "requestBuffer: slot=" << slot;;
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  if (slot < 0 || slot >= req_buffer_count_) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "requestBuffer: slot index " << slot << " out of range [0, "
+               << req_buffer_count_ << ")";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  } else if (!core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.isDequeued()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "requestBuffer: slot " << slot
+               << " is not owned by the producer (state = "
+               << core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.string() << " )";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  }
+  core_->buffers_[slot].mRequestBufferCalled = true;
+  *buf = core_->buffers_[slot].mGraphicBuffer;
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::setMaxDequeuedBufferCount(
+    int max_dequeued_buffers) {
+  VLOG(1) << "setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: max_dequeued_buffers="
+          << max_dequeued_buffers;
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  if (max_dequeued_buffers <= 0 ||
+      max_dequeued_buffers >
+          static_cast<int>(BufferHubQueue::kMaxQueueCapacity)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: " << max_dequeued_buffers
+               << " out of range (0, " << BufferHubQueue::kMaxQueueCapacity
+               << "]";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  }
+  req_buffer_count_ = max_dequeued_buffers;
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::setAsyncMode(bool /* async */) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::setAsyncMode not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::dequeueBuffer(int* out_slot,
+                                               sp<Fence>* out_fence,
+                                               uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+                                               PixelFormat format,
+                                               uint32_t usage,
+                                               FrameEventHistoryDelta* /* outTimestamps */) {
+  VLOG(1) << "dequeueBuffer: w=" << width << ", h=" << height
+          << " format=" << format << ", usage=" << usage;
+  status_t ret;
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  if (static_cast<int32_t>(core_->producer_->capacity()) < req_buffer_count_) {
+    // Lazy allocation. When the capacity of |core_->producer_| has not reach
+    // |req_buffer_count_|, allocate new buffer.
+    // TODO(jwcai) To save memory, the really reasonable thing to do is to go
+    // over existing slots and find first existing one to dequeue.
+    ret = core_->AllocateBuffer(width, height, format, usage, 1);
+    if (ret < 0)
+      return ret;
+  }
+  size_t slot;
+  std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> buffer_producer;
+  for (size_t retry = 0; retry < BufferHubQueue::kMaxQueueCapacity; retry++) {
+    buffer_producer =
+        core_->producer_->Dequeue(core_->dequeue_timeout_ms_, &slot);
+    if (!buffer_producer)
+      return NO_MEMORY;
+    if (static_cast<int>(width) == buffer_producer->width() &&
+        static_cast<int>(height) == buffer_producer->height() &&
+        static_cast<int>(format) == buffer_producer->format()) {
+      // The producer queue returns a buffer producer matches the request.
+      break;
+    }
+    // Needs reallocation.
+    // TODO(jwcai) Consider use VLOG instead if we find this log is not useful.
+    LOG(INFO) << "dequeueBuffer,: requested buffer (w=" << width
+              << ", h=" << height << ", format=" << format
+              << ") is different from the buffer returned at slot: " << slot
+              << " (w=" << buffer_producer->width()
+              << ", h=" << buffer_producer->height()
+              << ", format=" << buffer_producer->format()
+              << "). Need re-allocattion.";
+    // Mark the slot as reallocating, so that later we can set
+    // BUFFER_NEEDS_REALLOCATION when the buffer actually get dequeued.
+    core_->buffers_[slot].mIsReallocating = true;
+    // Detach the old buffer once the allocation before allocating its
+    // replacement.
+    core_->DetachBuffer(slot);
+    // Allocate a new producer buffer with new buffer configs. Note that if
+    // there are already multiple buffers in the queue, the next one returned
+    // from |core_->producer_->Dequeue| may not be the new buffer we just
+    // reallocated. Retry up to BufferHubQueue::kMaxQueueCapacity times.
+    ret = core_->AllocateBuffer(width, height, format, usage, 1);
+    if (ret < 0)
+      return ret;
+  }
+  // With the BufferHub backed solution. Buffer slot returned from
+  // |core_->producer_->Dequeue| is guaranteed to avaiable for producer's use.
+  // It's either in free state (if the buffer has never been used before) or
+  // in queued state (if the buffer has been dequeued and queued back to
+  // BufferHubQueue).
+  // TODO(jwcai) Clean this up, make mBufferState compatible with BufferHub's
+  // model.
+  CHECK(core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.isFree() ||
+        core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.isQueued())
+      << "dequeueBuffer: slot " << slot << " is not free or queued.";
+  core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.freeQueued();
+  core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.dequeue();
+  VLOG(1) << "dequeueBuffer: slot=" << slot;
+  // TODO(jwcai) Handle fence properly. |BufferHub| has full fence support, we
+  // just need to exopose that through |BufferHubQueue| once we need fence.
+  *out_fence = Fence::NO_FENCE;
+  *out_slot = slot;
+  ret = NO_ERROR;
+  if (core_->buffers_[slot].mIsReallocating) {
+    core_->buffers_[slot].mIsReallocating = false;
+  }
+  return ret;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::detachBuffer(int /* slot */) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::detachBuffer not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::detachNextBuffer(
+    sp<GraphicBuffer>* /* out_buffer */, sp<Fence>* /* out_fence */) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::detachNextBuffer not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::attachBuffer(
+    int* /* out_slot */, const sp<GraphicBuffer>& /* buffer */) {
+  // With this BufferHub backed implementation, we assume (for now) all buffers
+  // are allocated and owned by the BufferHub. Thus the attempt of transfering
+  // ownership of a buffer to the buffer queue is intentionally unsupported.
+  LOG(FATAL) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::attachBuffer not supported.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::queueBuffer(int slot,
+                                             const QueueBufferInput& input,
+                                             QueueBufferOutput* /* output */) {
+  VLOG(1) << "queueBuffer: slot " << slot;
+  int64_t timestamp;
+  sp<Fence> fence;
+  // TODO(jwcai) The following attributes are ignored.
+  bool is_auto_timestamp;
+  android_dataspace data_space;
+  Rect crop(Rect::EMPTY_RECT);
+  int scaling_mode;
+  uint32_t transform;
+  input.deflate(&timestamp, &is_auto_timestamp, &data_space, &crop,
+                &scaling_mode, &transform, &fence);
+  if (fence == nullptr) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "queueBuffer: fence is NULL";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  }
+  status_t ret;
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  if (slot < 0 || slot >= req_buffer_count_) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "queueBuffer: slot index " << slot << " out of range [0, "
+               << req_buffer_count_ << ")";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  } else if (!core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.isDequeued()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "queueBuffer: slot " << slot
+               << " is not owned by the producer (state = "
+               << core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.string() << " )";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  }
+  // Post the buffer producer with timestamp in the metadata.
+  auto buffer_producer = core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferProducer;
+  LocalHandle fence_fd(fence->isValid() ? fence->dup() : -1);
+  BufferHubQueueCore::BufferMetadata meta_data = {.timestamp = timestamp};
+  buffer_producer->Post(fence_fd, &meta_data, sizeof(meta_data));
+  core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.queue();
+  // TODO(jwcai) check how to fill in output properly.
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::cancelBuffer(int slot,
+                                              const sp<Fence>& fence) {
+  VLOG(1) << (__FUNCTION__);
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  if (slot < 0 || slot >= req_buffer_count_) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "cancelBuffer: slot index " << slot << " out of range [0, "
+               << req_buffer_count_ << ")";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  } else if (!core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.isDequeued()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "cancelBuffer: slot " << slot
+               << " is not owned by the producer (state = "
+               << core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.string() << " )";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  } else if (fence == NULL) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "cancelBuffer: fence is NULL";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  }
+  auto buffer_producer = core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferProducer;
+  core_->producer_->Enqueue(buffer_producer, slot);
+  core_->buffers_[slot].mBufferState.cancel();
+  core_->buffers_[slot].mFence = fence;
+  VLOG(1) << "cancelBuffer: slot " << slot;
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::query(int what, int* out_value) {
+  VLOG(1) << (__FUNCTION__);
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  if (out_value == NULL) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "query: out_value was NULL";
+    return BAD_VALUE;
+  }
+  int value = 0;
+  switch (what) {
+      value = 0;
+      break;
+      value = 0;
+      break;
+    // The following queries are currently considered as unsupported.
+    // TODO(jwcai) Need to carefully check the whether they should be
+    // supported after all.
+    default:
+      return BAD_VALUE;
+  }
+  VLOG(1) << "query: key=" << what << ", v=" << value;
+  *out_value = value;
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::connect(
+    const sp<IProducerListener>& /* listener */, int /* api */,
+    bool /* producer_controlled_by_app */, QueueBufferOutput* /* output */) {
+  // Consumer interaction are actually handled by buffer hub, and we need
+  // to maintain consumer operations here. Hence |connect| is a NO-OP.
+  VLOG(1) << (__FUNCTION__);
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::disconnect(int /* api */, DisconnectMode /* mode */) {
+  // Consumer interaction are actually handled by buffer hub, and we need
+  // to maintain consumer operations here. Hence |disconnect| is a NO-OP.
+  VLOG(1) << (__FUNCTION__);
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::setSidebandStream(
+    const sp<NativeHandle>& stream) {
+  if (stream != NULL) {
+    // TODO(jwcai) Investigate how is is used, maybe use BufferHubBuffer's
+    // metadata.
+    LOG(ERROR) << "SidebandStream is not currently supported.";
+  }
+  return NO_ERROR;
+void BufferHubQueueProducer::allocateBuffers(uint32_t /* width */,
+                                             uint32_t /* height */,
+                                             PixelFormat /* format */,
+                                             uint32_t /* usage */) {
+  // TODO(jwcai) |allocateBuffers| aims to preallocate up to the maximum number
+  // of buffers permitted by the current BufferQueue configuration (aka
+  // |req_buffer_count_|).
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::allocateBuffers not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::allowAllocation(bool /* allow */) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::allowAllocation not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::setGenerationNumber(
+    uint32_t generation_number) {
+  VLOG(1) << (__FUNCTION__);
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  core_->generation_number_ = generation_number;
+  return NO_ERROR;
+String8 BufferHubQueueProducer::getConsumerName() const {
+  // BufferHub based implementation could have one to many producer/consumer
+  // relationship, thus |getConsumerName| from the producer side does not
+  // make any sense.
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::getConsumerName not supported.";
+  return String8("BufferHubQueue::DummyConsumer");
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::setSharedBufferMode(
+    bool /* shared_buffer_mode */) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::setSharedBufferMode not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::setAutoRefresh(bool /* auto_refresh */) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::setAutoRefresh not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::setDequeueTimeout(nsecs_t timeout) {
+  VLOG(1) << (__FUNCTION__);
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(core_->mutex_);
+  core_->dequeue_timeout_ms_ = static_cast<int>(timeout / (1000 * 1000));
+  return NO_ERROR;
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::getLastQueuedBuffer(
+    sp<GraphicBuffer>* /* out_buffer */, sp<Fence>* /* out_fence */,
+    float /*out_transform_matrix*/[16]) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::getLastQueuedBuffer not implemented.";
+void BufferHubQueueProducer::getFrameTimestamps(
+    FrameEventHistoryDelta* /*outDelta*/) {
+  LOG(ERROR) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::getFrameTimestamps not implemented.";
+status_t BufferHubQueueProducer::getUniqueId(uint64_t* out_id) const {
+  VLOG(1) << (__FUNCTION__);
+  *out_id = core_->unique_id_;
+  return NO_ERROR;
+IBinder* BufferHubQueueProducer::onAsBinder() {
+  // BufferHubQueueProducer is a non-binder implementation of
+  // IGraphicBufferProducer.
+  LOG(WARNING) << "BufferHubQueueProducer::onAsBinder is not supported.";
+  return nullptr;
+}  // namespace dvr
+}  // namespace android