Add locking within RenderEngine during rendering

Multiple threads are allowed to access RenderEngine, which poses several
1. The image cache needs to be synchronized
2. It's theoretically possible for a thread other than the SF
main-thread to call drawLayers, which can cause undesirable behavior.

Bug: 128306587
Test: manual tests
Change-Id: Ic18b71924aa3c4d72f02f95ebf928257fb9e50ed
diff --git a/libs/renderengine/gl/GLESRenderEngine.h b/libs/renderengine/gl/GLESRenderEngine.h
index 728882a..dcf5acc 100644
--- a/libs/renderengine/gl/GLESRenderEngine.h
+++ b/libs/renderengine/gl/GLESRenderEngine.h
@@ -74,8 +74,9 @@
     void genTextures(size_t count, uint32_t* names) override;
     void deleteTextures(size_t count, uint32_t const* names) override;
     void bindExternalTextureImage(uint32_t texName, const Image& image) override;
-    status_t bindExternalTextureBuffer(uint32_t texName, sp<GraphicBuffer> buffer, sp<Fence> fence);
-    void unbindExternalTextureBuffer(uint64_t bufferId);
+    status_t bindExternalTextureBuffer(uint32_t texName, sp<GraphicBuffer> buffer, sp<Fence> fence)
+            EXCLUDES(mRenderingMutex);
+    void unbindExternalTextureBuffer(uint64_t bufferId) EXCLUDES(mRenderingMutex);
     status_t bindFrameBuffer(Framebuffer* framebuffer) override;
     void unbindFrameBuffer(Framebuffer* framebuffer) override;
     void checkErrors() const override;
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
     bool useProtectedContext(bool useProtectedContext) override;
     status_t drawLayers(const DisplaySettings& display, const std::vector<LayerSettings>& layers,
                         ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer, base::unique_fd&& bufferFence,
-                        base::unique_fd* drawFence) override;
+                        base::unique_fd* drawFence) EXCLUDES(mRenderingMutex) override;
     // internal to RenderEngine
     EGLDisplay getEGLDisplay() const { return mEGLDisplay; }
@@ -197,10 +198,17 @@
     const bool mUseColorManagement = false;
     // Cache of GL images that we'll store per GraphicBuffer ID
-    // TODO: Layer should call back on destruction instead to clean this up,
-    // as it has better system utilization at the potential expense of a
-    // more complicated interface.
-    std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<Image>> mImageCache;
+    std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<Image>> mImageCache GUARDED_BY(mRenderingMutex);
+    // Mutex guarding rendering operations, so that:
+    // 1. GL operations aren't interleaved, and
+    // 2. Internal state related to rendering that is potentially modified by
+    // multiple threads is guaranteed thread-safe.
+    std::mutex mRenderingMutex;
+    // See bindExternalTextureBuffer above, but requiring that mRenderingMutex
+    // is held.
+    status_t bindExternalTextureBufferLocked(uint32_t texName, sp<GraphicBuffer> buffer,
+                                             sp<Fence> fence) REQUIRES(mRenderingMutex);
     std::unique_ptr<Framebuffer> mDrawingBuffer;