bcc vendor plugin must be loaded from the sphal namespace

bcc loads vendor plugin in its address space. Since bcc is a system
process, the vendor plugin must be loaded from the sphal namespace where
VNDK-SP libraries are provided. This is to ensure that the vendor plugin
is linked against to the VNDK-SP version of libraries. It also prevents
the vendor plugin from using non-VNDK-SP libs such as libLLVM.so.

Bug: 62517583
Test: a sample renderscript app (CameraScript) runs well
Change-Id: Id014cc4f3ea2d3980b11ef219422457e356124a5
1 file changed
tree: 2592d689f10cbfec794a43674e8b27e55231374f
  1. cpp/
  2. cpu_ref/
  3. driver/
  4. perf-test-scripts/
  5. rsov/
  6. script_api/
  7. support/
  8. tests/
  9. Android.bp
  10. Android.mk
  11. build_rs.py
  12. CleanSpec.mk
  13. libRS.map
  14. OWNERS
  15. rs.h
  16. rs.spec
  17. rs_compat.spec
  18. rs_hal.h
  19. rsAllocation.cpp
  20. rsAllocation.h
  21. rsAnimation.cpp
  22. rsAnimation.h
  23. rsApiAllocation.cpp
  24. rsApiContext.cpp
  25. rsApiDevice.cpp
  26. rsApiElement.cpp
  27. rsApiFileA3D.cpp
  28. rsApiMesh.cpp
  29. rsApiStubs.cpp
  30. rsApiStubs.h
  31. rsApiType.cpp
  32. rsClosure.cpp
  33. rsClosure.h
  34. rsCompatibilityLib.h
  35. rsComponent.cpp
  36. rsComponent.h
  37. rsContext.cpp
  38. rsContext.h
  39. rsCppUtils.cpp
  40. rsCppUtils.h
  41. rsDebugHelper.h
  42. rsDefines.h
  43. rsDevice.cpp
  44. rsDevice.h
  45. rsDriverLoader.cpp
  46. rsElement.cpp
  47. rsElement.h
  48. rsEnv.h
  49. rsFallbackAdaptation.cpp
  50. rsFallbackAdaptation.h
  51. rsFBOCache.cpp
  52. rsFBOCache.h
  53. rsFifo.h
  54. rsFifoSocket.cpp
  55. rsFifoSocket.h
  56. rsFileA3D.cpp
  57. rsFileA3D.h
  58. rsFont.cpp
  59. rsFont.h
  60. rsg.spec
  61. rsg_generator.c
  62. rsgApi.cpp_rsg
  63. rsgApiFuncDecl.h_rsg
  64. rsgApiReplay.cpp_rsg
  65. rsgApiStructs.h_rsg
  66. rsGrallocConsumer.cpp
  67. rsGrallocConsumer.h
  68. rsHidlAdaptation.cpp
  69. rsHidlAdaptation.h
  70. rsInternalDefines.h
  71. rsList.h
  72. rsMap.h
  73. rsMatrix2x2.cpp
  74. rsMatrix2x2.h
  75. rsMatrix3x3.cpp
  76. rsMatrix3x3.h
  77. rsMatrix4x4.cpp
  78. rsMatrix4x4.h
  79. rsMesh.cpp
  80. rsMesh.h
  81. rsMutex.cpp
  82. rsMutex.h
  83. rsObjectBase.cpp
  84. rsObjectBase.h
  85. rsProgram.cpp
  86. rsProgram.h
  87. rsProgramBase.h
  88. rsProgramFragment.cpp
  89. rsProgramFragment.h
  90. rsProgramRaster.cpp
  91. rsProgramRaster.h
  92. rsProgramStore.cpp
  93. rsProgramStore.h
  94. rsProgramVertex.cpp
  95. rsProgramVertex.h
  96. rsRuntime.h
  97. rsSampler.cpp
  98. rsSampler.h
  99. rsScript.cpp
  100. rsScript.h
  101. rsScriptC.cpp
  102. rsScriptC.h
  103. rsScriptC_Lib.cpp
  104. rsScriptC_LibGL.cpp
  105. rsScriptGroup.cpp
  106. rsScriptGroup.h
  107. rsScriptGroup2.cpp
  108. rsScriptGroup2.h
  109. rsScriptGroupBase.h
  110. rsScriptIntrinsic.cpp
  111. rsScriptIntrinsic.h
  112. rsSignal.cpp
  113. rsSignal.h
  114. rsStream.cpp
  115. rsStream.h
  116. rsThreadIO.cpp
  117. rsThreadIO.h
  118. rsType.cpp
  119. rsType.h
  120. rsUtils.h
  121. run_rs_cts.sh
  122. spec.h
  123. spec.l
  124. support.bp
  125. update-prebuilts.py
  126. update_rs_prebuilts.sh