Updating support lib v4 with new accessibility APIs.

1. Adding support for the new APIs for getting/setting the
   view id of the AccessibilityNodeInfo's source.

2. Adding toString() APIs to AccessibilityNodeInfo to workaround
   a framework issue where we throw an exception if one of the
   node actions is not known for the current platform version.
   Unfortunately the exception throwing code is already shipped
   and clients should use the support lib to avoid crashing.

3. Adding new constants from AccessibilityServiceInfo to the
   corresponding support class.


Change-Id: I7ec484800c2adf8c1d6f49ffeeed551ff5e6ad26
diff --git a/v4/Android.mk b/v4/Android.mk
index f05aee4..8359d7b 100644
--- a/v4/Android.mk
+++ b/v4/Android.mk
@@ -98,6 +98,15 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# A helper sub-library that makes direct use of JellyBean MR2 APIs.
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE := android-support-v4-jellybean-mr2
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, jellybean-mr2)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Here is the final static library that apps can link against.
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE := android-support-v4
@@ -112,7 +121,8 @@
         android-support-v4-ics \
         android-support-v4-ics-mr1 \
         android-support-v4-jellybean \
-        android-support-v4-jellybean-mr1
+        android-support-v4-jellybean-mr1 \
+        android-support-v4-jellybean-mr2
 # Include this library in the build server's output directory