Introduce app-toolkit as a merger project for flatfoot.

This CL creates app-toolkit parent project to compile all
flatfoot. This helps w/ build servers while keeping client
setups simple.

I've also moved the integration-test of lifecycle project
into a regular project.

Similar to support library build,
./gradlew createArchive builds a zip maven repo
./gradlew assembleAndroidTest creates test apsk

Running lint from app-toolkit is not working. Seems like a
tools bug, will test it w/ latest version (lint on individual
projects work fine)

Bug: 33562494
Test: compiles locally
Change-Id: I13444b1716ab13d1d72fc89338a31edce5a08dc4
diff --git a/lifecycle/extensions/build.gradle b/lifecycle/extensions/build.gradle
index 7912d8a..0160c9e 100644
--- a/lifecycle/extensions/build.gradle
+++ b/lifecycle/extensions/build.gradle
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 dependencies {
-    compile project(":runtime")
+    compile project(":lifecycle:runtime")
     compile "$support_lib_version"
     testCompile "junit:junit:$junit_version"
     testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:$mockito_version"