Fix the names of support library projects to match released names

Our internal names of projects did not match external project names:
eg. we used support-appcompat-v7 vs appcompat-v7. Renaming these to
correct names will fix top-of-tree-repo zip.

Bug: 63899246
Test: manually inspected ./gradlew buildOnServer
Change-Id: Ic44b115431060e465fa4d1d2076bb5f4843457f9
diff --git a/v7/appcompat/build.gradle b/v7/appcompat/build.gradle
index 073b923..102c779 100644
--- a/v7/appcompat/build.gradle
+++ b/v7/appcompat/build.gradle
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     api project(':support-annotations')
     api project(':support-v4')
     api project(':support-vector-drawable')
-    api project(':support-animated-vector-drawable')
+    api project(':animated-vector-drawable')
     androidTestImplementation (libs.test_runner) {
         exclude module: 'support-annotations'