Combine donut/eclair/eclairmr1/froyo/gingerbread source folders.

* Where relevant, call APIs directly and mark Compat APIs as deprecated
* Remove eclair-gingerbread folders from gradle and makefiles
* Bump LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to 9 in a couple of places that were skipped

In the next CL compat/donut will be renamed to compat/gingerbread.
Not doing this here to minimize the amount of diffs in this CL.

Change-Id: I5f418a8746b91bedd918523090b666eabe0ec20c
diff --git a/v4/ b/v4/
index df04503..bab6f8e 100644
--- a/v4/
+++ b/v4/
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_USE_AAPT2 := true
 LOCAL_MODULE := android-support-core
 LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES := frameworks/support/v4/java
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, java) \
     $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, java)