wpa_supplicant_8_lib: Get the callback handler to process vendor events.

This commit gets the callback handlers from the oem libraries and
invokes them to further process the NL80211 Vendor Events. The API
wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_event shall be invoked by wpa_supplicant
on getting the NL80211 vendor event from the driver.

Change-Id: Ideb50f3e212c5f0ea35fede6c5ab734c63b8b559
CRs-Fixed: 2854512
3 files changed
tree: 3cc0da572cb11bdbc57aaa9c6fe71408278ad618
  1. cld80211-lib/
  2. qcwcn/
  3. wcnss-service/
  4. Android.mk