Remove unused response and dispatch functions.

Test: Basic telephony sanity
Bug: 32020264
Merged-in: I732234a22328a1bfcb603bb020547f543b6fd766
Change-Id: I732234a22328a1bfcb603bb020547f543b6fd766
diff --git a/libril/ril.cpp b/libril/ril.cpp
index a4edf99..b1d8703 100644
--- a/libril/ril.cpp
+++ b/libril/ril.cpp
@@ -193,80 +193,6 @@
 static int sendResponse (Parcel &p, RIL_SOCKET_ID socket_id);
-static void dispatchVoid (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchString (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchStrings (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchInts (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchDial (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchSIM_IO (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchSIM_APDU (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchCallForward(Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchRaw(Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchSmsWrite (Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchDataCall (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchSetInitialAttachApn (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchCdmaSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchImsSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchImsCdmaSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI, uint8_t retry, int32_t messageRef);
-static void dispatchImsGsmSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI, uint8_t retry, int32_t messageRef);
-static void dispatchCdmaSmsAck(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchGsmBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchCdmaBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchRilCdmaSmsWriteArgs(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchNVReadItem(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchNVWriteItem(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchUiccSubscripton(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchSimAuthentication(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchDataProfile(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchRadioCapability(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static void dispatchCarrierRestrictions(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI);
-static int responseInts(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseFailCause(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseStrings(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseString(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseVoid(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseCallList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseSMS(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseRaw(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseSsn(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseCdmaSms(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseCdmaInformationRecords(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-        int responseType, int token, RIL_Errno e,void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseRilSignalStrength(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e,void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseCallRing(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseCdmaSignalInfoRecord(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e,void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseCdmaCallWaiting(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e,void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseSimRefresh(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseCellInfoList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseHardwareConfig(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseDcRtInfo(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseRadioCapability(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseSSData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseLceData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responsePcoData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static void grabPartialWakeLock();
 void releaseWakeLock();
 static void wakeTimeoutCallback(void *);
@@ -498,8 +424,6 @@
     ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(pendingRequestsMutexHook);
     assert (ret == 0);
-    pRI->pCI->dispatchFunction(p, pRI);
     return 0;
@@ -561,1602 +485,6 @@
                 pRI->token, requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-/** Callee expects NULL */
-static void
-dispatchVoid (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    clearPrintBuf;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, NULL, 0, pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-/** Callee expects const char * */
-static void
-dispatchString (Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    status_t status;
-    size_t datalen;
-    size_t stringlen;
-    char *string8 = NULL;
-    string8 = strdupReadString(p);
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s%s", printBuf, string8);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, string8,
-                       sizeof(char *), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString(string8);
-    free(string8);
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-/** Callee expects const char ** */
-static void
-dispatchStrings (Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t countStrings;
-    status_t status;
-    size_t datalen;
-    char **pStrings;
-    status = p.readInt32 (&countStrings);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    if (countStrings == 0) {
-        // just some non-null pointer
-        pStrings = (char **)calloc(1, sizeof(char *));
-        if (pStrings == NULL) {
-            RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                    requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-            closeRequest;
-            return;
-        }
-        datalen = 0;
-    } else if (countStrings < 0) {
-        pStrings = NULL;
-        datalen = 0;
-    } else {
-        datalen = sizeof(char *) * countStrings;
-        pStrings = (char **)calloc(countStrings, sizeof(char *));
-        if (pStrings == NULL) {
-            RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                    requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-            closeRequest;
-            return;
-        }
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < countStrings ; i++) {
-            pStrings[i] = strdupReadString(p);
-            appendPrintBuf("%s%s,", printBuf, pStrings[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, pStrings, datalen, pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    if (pStrings != NULL) {
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < countStrings ; i++) {
-            memsetString (pStrings[i]);
-            free(pStrings[i]);
-        }
-        memset(pStrings, 0, datalen);
-        free(pStrings);
-    }
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-/** Callee expects const int * */
-static void
-dispatchInts (Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t count;
-    status_t status;
-    size_t datalen;
-    int *pInts;
-    status = p.readInt32 (&count);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR || count <= 0) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    datalen = sizeof(int) * count;
-    pInts = (int *)calloc(count, sizeof(int));
-    if (pInts == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        return;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
-        int32_t t;
-        status = p.readInt32(&t);
-        pInts[i] = (int)t;
-        appendPrintBuf("%s%d,", printBuf, t);
-        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-            free(pInts);
-            goto invalid;
-        }
-   }
-   removeLastChar;
-   closeRequest;
-   printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-   CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, const_cast<int *>(pInts),
-                       datalen, pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memset(pInts, 0, datalen);
-    free(pInts);
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
- * Callee expects const RIL_SMS_WriteArgs *
- * Payload is:
- *   int32_t status
- *   String pdu
- */
-static void
-dispatchSmsWrite (Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_SMS_WriteArgs args;
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    RLOGD("dispatchSmsWrite");
-    memset (&args, 0, sizeof(args));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    args.status = (int)t;
-    args.pdu = strdupReadString(p);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR || args.pdu == NULL) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    args.smsc = strdupReadString(p);
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s%d,%s,smsc=%s", printBuf, args.status,
-        (char*)args.pdu,  (char*)args.smsc);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &args, sizeof(args), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString (args.pdu);
-    free (args.pdu);
-    memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
- * Callee expects const RIL_Dial *
- * Payload is:
- *   String address
- *   int32_t clir
- */
-static void
-dispatchDial (Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_Dial dial;
-    RIL_UUS_Info uusInfo;
-    int32_t sizeOfDial;
-    int32_t t;
-    int32_t uusPresent;
-    status_t status;
-    RLOGD("dispatchDial");
-    memset (&dial, 0, sizeof(dial));
-    dial.address = strdupReadString(p);
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    dial.clir = (int)t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR || dial.address == NULL) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    if (s_callbacks.version < 3) { // Remove when partners upgrade to version 3
-        uusPresent = 0;
-        sizeOfDial = sizeof(dial) - sizeof(RIL_UUS_Info *);
-    } else {
-        status = p.readInt32(&uusPresent);
-        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-            goto invalid;
-        }
-        if (uusPresent == 0) {
-            dial.uusInfo = NULL;
-        } else {
-            int32_t len;
-            memset(&uusInfo, 0, sizeof(RIL_UUS_Info));
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            uusInfo.uusType = (RIL_UUS_Type) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            uusInfo.uusDcs = (RIL_UUS_DCS) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&len);
-            if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-                goto invalid;
-            }
-            // The java code writes -1 for null arrays
-            if (((int) len) == -1) {
-                uusInfo.uusData = NULL;
-                len = 0;
-            } else {
-                uusInfo.uusData = (char*) p.readInplace(len);
-            }
-            uusInfo.uusLength = len;
-            dial.uusInfo = &uusInfo;
-        }
-        sizeOfDial = sizeof(dial);
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%snum=%s,clir=%d", printBuf, dial.address, dial.clir);
-    if (uusPresent) {
-        appendPrintBuf("%s,uusType=%d,uusDcs=%d,uusLen=%d", printBuf,
-                dial.uusInfo->uusType, dial.uusInfo->uusDcs,
-                dial.uusInfo->uusLength);
-    }
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &dial, sizeOfDial, pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString (dial.address);
-    free (dial.address);
-    memset(&uusInfo, 0, sizeof(RIL_UUS_Info));
-    memset(&dial, 0, sizeof(dial));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
- * Callee expects const RIL_SIM_IO *
- * Payload is:
- *   int32_t command
- *   int32_t fileid
- *   String path
- *   int32_t p1, p2, p3
- *   String data
- *   String pin2
- *   String aidPtr
- */
-static void
-dispatchSIM_IO (Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    union RIL_SIM_IO {
-        RIL_SIM_IO_v6 v6;
-        RIL_SIM_IO_v5 v5;
-    } simIO;
-    int32_t t;
-    int size;
-    status_t status;
-#if VDBG
-    RLOGD("dispatchSIM_IO");
-    memset (&simIO, 0, sizeof(simIO));
-    // note we only check status at the end
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    simIO.v6.command = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    simIO.v6.fileid = (int)t;
-    simIO.v6.path = strdupReadString(p);
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    simIO.v6.p1 = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    simIO.v6.p2 = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    simIO.v6.p3 = (int)t;
- = strdupReadString(p);
-    simIO.v6.pin2 = strdupReadString(p);
-    simIO.v6.aidPtr = strdupReadString(p);
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%scmd=0x%X,efid=0x%X,path=%s,%d,%d,%d,%s,pin2=%s,aid=%s", printBuf,
-        simIO.v6.command, simIO.v6.fileid, (char*)simIO.v6.path,
-        simIO.v6.p1, simIO.v6.p2, simIO.v6.p3,
-        (char*),  (char*)simIO.v6.pin2, simIO.v6.aidPtr);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    size = (s_callbacks.version < 6) ? sizeof(simIO.v5) : sizeof(simIO.v6);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &simIO, size, pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString (simIO.v6.path);
-    memsetString (;
-    memsetString (simIO.v6.pin2);
-    memsetString (simIO.v6.aidPtr);
-    free (simIO.v6.path);
-    free (;
-    free (simIO.v6.pin2);
-    free (simIO.v6.aidPtr);
-    memset(&simIO, 0, sizeof(simIO));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
- * Callee expects const RIL_SIM_APDU *
- * Payload is:
- *   int32_t sessionid
- *   int32_t cla
- *   int32_t instruction
- *   int32_t p1, p2, p3
- *   String data
- */
-static void
-dispatchSIM_APDU (Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    RIL_SIM_APDU apdu;
-#if VDBG
-    RLOGD("dispatchSIM_APDU");
-    memset (&apdu, 0, sizeof(RIL_SIM_APDU));
-    // Note we only check status at the end. Any single failure leads to
-    // subsequent reads filing.
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    apdu.sessionid = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    apdu.cla = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    apdu.instruction = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    apdu.p1 = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    apdu.p2 = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    apdu.p3 = (int)t;
- = strdupReadString(p);
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%ssessionid=%d,cla=%d,ins=%d,p1=%d,p2=%d,p3=%d,data=%s",
-        printBuf, apdu.sessionid, apdu.cla, apdu.instruction, apdu.p1, apdu.p2,
-        apdu.p3, (char*);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &apdu, sizeof(RIL_SIM_APDU), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString(;
-    free(;
-    memset(&apdu, 0, sizeof(RIL_SIM_APDU));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
- * Callee expects const RIL_CallForwardInfo *
- * Payload is:
- *  int32_t status/action
- *  int32_t reason
- *  int32_t serviceCode
- *  int32_t toa
- *  String number  (0 length -> null)
- *  int32_t timeSeconds
- */
-static void
-dispatchCallForward(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_CallForwardInfo cff;
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    RLOGD("dispatchCallForward");
-    memset (&cff, 0, sizeof(cff));
-    // note we only check status at the end
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    cff.status = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    cff.reason = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    cff.serviceClass = (int)t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    cff.toa = (int)t;
-    cff.number = strdupReadString(p);
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    cff.timeSeconds = (int)t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    // special case: number 0-length fields is null
-    if (cff.number != NULL && strlen (cff.number) == 0) {
-        cff.number = NULL;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%sstat=%d,reason=%d,serv=%d,toa=%d,%s,tout=%d", printBuf,
-        cff.status, cff.reason, cff.serviceClass, cff.toa,
-        (char*)cff.number, cff.timeSeconds);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &cff, sizeof(cff), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString(cff.number);
-    free (cff.number);
-    memset(&cff, 0, sizeof(cff));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void
-dispatchRaw(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t len;
-    status_t status;
-    const void *data;
-    status = p.readInt32(&len);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    // The java code writes -1 for null arrays
-    if (((int)len) == -1) {
-        data = NULL;
-        len = 0;
-    }
-    data = p.readInplace(len);
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%sraw_size=%d", printBuf, len);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, const_cast<void *>(data), len, pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static status_t
-constructCdmaSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI, RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message& rcsm) {
-    int32_t  t;
-    uint8_t ut;
-    status_t status;
-    int32_t digitCount;
-    int digitLimit;
-    memset(&rcsm, 0, sizeof(rcsm));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.uTeleserviceID = (int) t;
-    status =,sizeof(ut));
-    rcsm.bIsServicePresent = (uint8_t) ut;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.uServicecategory = (int) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.sAddress.digit_mode = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_DigitMode) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_mode = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberMode) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_type = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberType) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_plan = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberPlan) t;
-    status =,sizeof(ut));
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_of_digits= (uint8_t) ut;
-    digitLimit= MIN((rcsm.sAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_ADDRESS_MAX);
-    for(digitCount =0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        status =,sizeof(ut));
-        rcsm.sAddress.digits[digitCount] = (uint8_t) ut;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.sSubAddress.subaddressType = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_SubaddressType) t;
-    status =,sizeof(ut));
-    rcsm.sSubAddress.odd = (uint8_t) ut;
-    status =,sizeof(ut));
-    rcsm.sSubAddress.number_of_digits = (uint8_t) ut;
-    digitLimit= MIN((rcsm.sSubAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_SUBADDRESS_MAX);
-    for(digitCount =0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        status =,sizeof(ut));
-        rcsm.sSubAddress.digits[digitCount] = (uint8_t) ut;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsm.uBearerDataLen = (int) t;
-    digitLimit= MIN((rcsm.uBearerDataLen), RIL_CDMA_SMS_BEARER_DATA_MAX);
-    for(digitCount =0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        status =, sizeof(ut));
-        rcsm.aBearerData[digitCount] = (uint8_t) ut;
-    }
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        return status;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%suTeleserviceID=%d, bIsServicePresent=%d, uServicecategory=%d, \
-            sAddress.digit_mode=%d, sAddress.Number_mode=%d, sAddress.number_type=%d, ",
-            printBuf, rcsm.uTeleserviceID,rcsm.bIsServicePresent,rcsm.uServicecategory,
-            rcsm.sAddress.digit_mode, rcsm.sAddress.number_mode,rcsm.sAddress.number_type);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    return status;
-static void
-dispatchCdmaSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message rcsm;
-    RLOGD("dispatchCdmaSms");
-    if (NO_ERROR != constructCdmaSms(p, pRI, rcsm)) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rcsm, sizeof(rcsm),pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memset(&rcsm, 0, sizeof(rcsm));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void
-dispatchImsCdmaSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI, uint8_t retry, int32_t messageRef) {
-    RIL_IMS_SMS_Message rism;
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message rcsm;
-    RLOGD("dispatchImsCdmaSms: retry=%d, messageRef=%d", retry, messageRef);
-    if (NO_ERROR != constructCdmaSms(p, pRI, rcsm)) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    memset(&rism, 0, sizeof(rism));
-    rism.retry = retry;
-    rism.messageRef = messageRef;
-    rism.message.cdmaMessage = &rcsm;
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rism,
-            sizeof(RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily)+sizeof(uint8_t)+sizeof(int32_t)
-            +sizeof(rcsm),pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memset(&rcsm, 0, sizeof(rcsm));
-    memset(&rism, 0, sizeof(rism));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void
-dispatchImsGsmSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI, uint8_t retry, int32_t messageRef) {
-    RIL_IMS_SMS_Message rism;
-    int32_t countStrings;
-    status_t status;
-    size_t datalen;
-    char **pStrings;
-    RLOGD("dispatchImsGsmSms: retry=%d, messageRef=%d", retry, messageRef);
-    status = p.readInt32 (&countStrings);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    memset(&rism, 0, sizeof(rism));
-    rism.retry = retry;
-    rism.messageRef = messageRef;
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%stech=%d, retry=%d, messageRef=%d, ", printBuf,
-                    (int), (int)rism.retry, rism.messageRef);
-    if (countStrings == 0) {
-        // just some non-null pointer
-        pStrings = (char **)calloc(1, sizeof(char *));
-        if (pStrings == NULL) {
-            RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                    requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-            closeRequest;
-            return;
-        }
-        datalen = 0;
-    } else if (countStrings < 0) {
-        pStrings = NULL;
-        datalen = 0;
-    } else {
-        if ((size_t)countStrings > (INT_MAX/sizeof(char *))) {
-            RLOGE("Invalid value of countStrings: \n");
-            closeRequest;
-            return;
-        }
-        datalen = sizeof(char *) * countStrings;
-        pStrings = (char **)calloc(countStrings, sizeof(char *));
-        if (pStrings == NULL) {
-            RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                    requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-            closeRequest;
-            return;
-        }
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < countStrings ; i++) {
-            pStrings[i] = strdupReadString(p);
-            appendPrintBuf("%s%s,", printBuf, pStrings[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    rism.message.gsmMessage = pStrings;
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rism,
-            sizeof(RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily)+sizeof(uint8_t)+sizeof(int32_t)
-            +datalen, pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    if (pStrings != NULL) {
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < countStrings ; i++) {
-            memsetString (pStrings[i]);
-            free(pStrings[i]);
-        }
-        memset(pStrings, 0, datalen);
-        free(pStrings);
-    }
-    memset(&rism, 0, sizeof(rism));
-    return;
-    ALOGE("dispatchImsGsmSms invalid block");
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void
-dispatchImsSms(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t  t;
-    status_t status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily format;
-    uint8_t retry;
-    int32_t messageRef;
-    RLOGD("dispatchImsSms");
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    format = (RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily) t;
-    // read retry field
-    status =,sizeof(retry));
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    // read messageRef field
-    status =,sizeof(messageRef));
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    if (RADIO_TECH_3GPP == format) {
-        dispatchImsGsmSms(p, pRI, retry, messageRef);
-    } else if (RADIO_TECH_3GPP2 == format) {
-        dispatchImsCdmaSms(p, pRI, retry, messageRef);
-    } else {
-        ALOGE("requestImsSendSMS invalid format value =%d", format);
-    }
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void
-dispatchCdmaSmsAck(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_Ack rcsa;
-    int32_t  t;
-    status_t status;
-    int32_t digitCount;
-    RLOGD("dispatchCdmaSmsAck");
-    memset(&rcsa, 0, sizeof(rcsa));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsa.uErrorClass = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_ErrorClass) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsa.uSMSCauseCode = (int) t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%suErrorClass=%d, uTLStatus=%d, ",
-            printBuf, rcsa.uErrorClass, rcsa.uSMSCauseCode);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rcsa, sizeof(rcsa),pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memset(&rcsa, 0, sizeof(rcsa));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void
-dispatchGsmBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    int32_t num;
-    status = p.readInt32(&num);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    {
-        RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo gsmBci[num];
-        RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *gsmBciPtrs[num];
-        startRequest;
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
-            gsmBciPtrs[i] = &gsmBci[i];
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            gsmBci[i].fromServiceId = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            gsmBci[i].toServiceId = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            gsmBci[i].fromCodeScheme = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            gsmBci[i].toCodeScheme = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            gsmBci[i].selected = (uint8_t) t;
-            appendPrintBuf("%s [%d: fromServiceId=%d, toServiceId =%d, \
-                  fromCodeScheme=%d, toCodeScheme=%d, selected =%d]", printBuf, i,
-                  gsmBci[i].fromServiceId, gsmBci[i].toServiceId,
-                  gsmBci[i].fromCodeScheme, gsmBci[i].toCodeScheme,
-                  gsmBci[i].selected);
-        }
-        closeRequest;
-        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-            goto invalid;
-        }
-        CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                              gsmBciPtrs,
-                              num * sizeof(RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *),
-                              pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-        memset(gsmBci, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo));
-        memset(gsmBciPtrs, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *));
-    }
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void
-dispatchCdmaBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    int32_t num;
-    status = p.readInt32(&num);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    {
-        RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo cdmaBci[num];
-        RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *cdmaBciPtrs[num];
-        startRequest;
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
-            cdmaBciPtrs[i] = &cdmaBci[i];
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            cdmaBci[i].service_category = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            cdmaBci[i].language = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            cdmaBci[i].selected = (uint8_t) t;
-            appendPrintBuf("%s [%d: service_category=%d, language =%d, \
-                  entries.bSelected =%d]", printBuf, i, cdmaBci[i].service_category,
-                  cdmaBci[i].language, cdmaBci[i].selected);
-        }
-        closeRequest;
-        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-            goto invalid;
-        }
-        CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                              cdmaBciPtrs,
-                              num * sizeof(RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *),
-                              pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-        memset(cdmaBci, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo));
-        memset(cdmaBciPtrs, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *));
-    }
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void dispatchRilCdmaSmsWriteArgs(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_WriteArgs rcsw;
-    int32_t  t;
-    uint32_t ut;
-    uint8_t  uct;
-    status_t status;
-    int32_t  digitCount;
-    int32_t  digitLimit;
-    memset(&rcsw, 0, sizeof(rcsw));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.status = t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.uTeleserviceID = (int) t;
-    status =,sizeof(uct));
-    rcsw.message.bIsServicePresent = (uint8_t) uct;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.uServicecategory = (int) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.sAddress.digit_mode = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_DigitMode) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.sAddress.number_mode = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberMode) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.sAddress.number_type = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberType) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.sAddress.number_plan = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberPlan) t;
-    status =,sizeof(uct));
-    rcsw.message.sAddress.number_of_digits = (uint8_t) uct;
-    digitLimit = MIN((rcsw.message.sAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_ADDRESS_MAX);
-    for(digitCount = 0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        status =,sizeof(uct));
-        rcsw.message.sAddress.digits[digitCount] = (uint8_t) uct;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.sSubAddress.subaddressType = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_SubaddressType) t;
-    status =,sizeof(uct));
-    rcsw.message.sSubAddress.odd = (uint8_t) uct;
-    status =,sizeof(uct));
-    rcsw.message.sSubAddress.number_of_digits = (uint8_t) uct;
-    digitLimit = MIN((rcsw.message.sSubAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_SUBADDRESS_MAX);
-    for(digitCount = 0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        status =,sizeof(uct));
-        rcsw.message.sSubAddress.digits[digitCount] = (uint8_t) uct;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rcsw.message.uBearerDataLen = (int) t;
-    digitLimit = MIN((rcsw.message.uBearerDataLen), RIL_CDMA_SMS_BEARER_DATA_MAX);
-    for(digitCount = 0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        status =, sizeof(uct));
-        rcsw.message.aBearerData[digitCount] = (uint8_t) uct;
-    }
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%sstatus=%d, message.uTeleserviceID=%d, message.bIsServicePresent=%d, \
-            message.uServicecategory=%d, message.sAddress.digit_mode=%d, \
-            message.sAddress.number_mode=%d, \
-            message.sAddress.number_type=%d, ",
-            printBuf, rcsw.status, rcsw.message.uTeleserviceID, rcsw.message.bIsServicePresent,
-            rcsw.message.uServicecategory, rcsw.message.sAddress.digit_mode,
-            rcsw.message.sAddress.number_mode,
-            rcsw.message.sAddress.number_type);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rcsw, sizeof(rcsw),pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memset(&rcsw, 0, sizeof(rcsw));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-// For backwards compatibility in RIL_REQUEST_SETUP_DATA_CALL.
-// Version 4 of the RIL interface adds a new PDP type parameter to support
-// IPv6 and dual-stack PDP contexts. When dealing with a previous version of
-// RIL, remove the parameter from the request.
-static void dispatchDataCall(Parcel& p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    // In RIL v3, REQUEST_SETUP_DATA_CALL takes 6 parameters.
-    const int numParamsRilV3 = 6;
-    // The first bytes of the RIL parcel contain the request number and the
-    // serial number - see processCommandBuffer(). Copy them over too.
-    int pos = p.dataPosition();
-    int numParams = p.readInt32();
-    if (s_callbacks.version < 4 && numParams > numParamsRilV3) {
-      Parcel p2;
-      p2.appendFrom(&p, 0, pos);
-      p2.writeInt32(numParamsRilV3);
-      for(int i = 0; i < numParamsRilV3; i++) {
-        p2.writeString16(p.readString16());
-      }
-      p2.setDataPosition(pos);
-      dispatchStrings(p2, pRI);
-    } else {
-      p.setDataPosition(pos);
-      dispatchStrings(p, pRI);
-    }
-static void dispatchSetInitialAttachApn(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI)
-    RIL_InitialAttachApn pf;
-    int32_t  t;
-    status_t status;
-    memset(&pf, 0, sizeof(pf));
-    pf.apn = strdupReadString(p);
-    pf.protocol = strdupReadString(p);
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    pf.authtype = (int) t;
-    pf.username = strdupReadString(p);
-    pf.password = strdupReadString(p);
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%sapn=%s, protocol=%s, authtype=%d, username=%s, password=%s",
-            printBuf, pf.apn, pf.protocol, pf.authtype, pf.username, pf.password);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &pf, sizeof(pf), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString(pf.apn);
-    memsetString(pf.protocol);
-    memsetString(pf.username);
-    memsetString(pf.password);
-    free(pf.apn);
-    free(pf.protocol);
-    free(pf.username);
-    free(pf.password);
-    memset(&pf, 0, sizeof(pf));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void dispatchNVReadItem(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_NV_ReadItem nvri;
-    int32_t  t;
-    status_t status;
-    memset(&nvri, 0, sizeof(nvri));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    nvri.itemID = (RIL_NV_Item) t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%snvri.itemID=%d, ", printBuf, nvri.itemID);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &nvri, sizeof(nvri), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memset(&nvri, 0, sizeof(nvri));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void dispatchNVWriteItem(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_NV_WriteItem nvwi;
-    int32_t  t;
-    status_t status;
-    memset(&nvwi, 0, sizeof(nvwi));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    nvwi.itemID = (RIL_NV_Item) t;
-    nvwi.value = strdupReadString(p);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR || nvwi.value == NULL) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%snvwi.itemID=%d, value=%s, ", printBuf, nvwi.itemID,
-            nvwi.value);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &nvwi, sizeof(nvwi), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString(nvwi.value);
-    free(nvwi.value);
-    memset(&nvwi, 0, sizeof(nvwi));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void dispatchUiccSubscripton(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_SelectUiccSub uicc_sub;
-    status_t status;
-    int32_t  t;
-    memset(&uicc_sub, 0, sizeof(uicc_sub));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    uicc_sub.slot = (int) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    uicc_sub.app_index = (int) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    uicc_sub.sub_type = (RIL_SubscriptionType) t;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    uicc_sub.act_status = (RIL_UiccSubActStatus) t;
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("slot=%d, app_index=%d, act_status = %d", uicc_sub.slot, uicc_sub.app_index,
-            uicc_sub.act_status);
-    RLOGD("dispatchUiccSubscription, slot=%d, app_index=%d, act_status = %d", uicc_sub.slot,
-            uicc_sub.app_index, uicc_sub.act_status);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &uicc_sub, sizeof(uicc_sub), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memset(&uicc_sub, 0, sizeof(uicc_sub));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void dispatchSimAuthentication(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI)
-    RIL_SimAuthentication pf;
-    int32_t  t;
-    status_t status;
-    memset(&pf, 0, sizeof(pf));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    pf.authContext = (int) t;
-    pf.authData = strdupReadString(p);
-    pf.aid = strdupReadString(p);
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("authContext=%s, authData=%s, aid=%s", pf.authContext, pf.authData, pf.aid);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &pf, sizeof(pf), pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    memsetString(pf.authData);
-    memsetString(pf.aid);
-    free(pf.authData);
-    free(pf.aid);
-    memset(&pf, 0, sizeof(pf));
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void dispatchDataProfile(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    int32_t num;
-    status = p.readInt32(&num);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR || num < 0) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    {
-        RIL_DataProfileInfo *dataProfiles =
-                (RIL_DataProfileInfo *)calloc(num, sizeof(RIL_DataProfileInfo));
-        if (dataProfiles == NULL) {
-            RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                    requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-            return;
-        }
-        RIL_DataProfileInfo **dataProfilePtrs =
-                (RIL_DataProfileInfo **)calloc(num, sizeof(RIL_DataProfileInfo *));
-        if (dataProfilePtrs == NULL) {
-            RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                    requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-            free(dataProfiles);
-            return;
-        }
-        startRequest;
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
-            dataProfilePtrs[i] = &dataProfiles[i];
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            dataProfiles[i].profileId = (int) t;
-            dataProfiles[i].apn = strdupReadString(p);
-            dataProfiles[i].protocol = strdupReadString(p);
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            dataProfiles[i].authType = (int) t;
-            dataProfiles[i].user = strdupReadString(p);
-            dataProfiles[i].password = strdupReadString(p);
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            dataProfiles[i].type = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            dataProfiles[i].maxConnsTime = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            dataProfiles[i].maxConns = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            dataProfiles[i].waitTime = (int) t;
-            status = p.readInt32(&t);
-            dataProfiles[i].enabled = (int) t;
-            appendPrintBuf("%s [%d: profileId=%d, apn =%s, protocol =%s, authType =%d, \
-                  user =%s, password =%s, type =%d, maxConnsTime =%d, maxConns =%d, \
-                  waitTime =%d, enabled =%d]", printBuf, i, dataProfiles[i].profileId,
-                  dataProfiles[i].apn, dataProfiles[i].protocol, dataProfiles[i].authType,
-                  dataProfiles[i].user, dataProfiles[i].password, dataProfiles[i].type,
-                  dataProfiles[i].maxConnsTime, dataProfiles[i].maxConns,
-                  dataProfiles[i].waitTime, dataProfiles[i].enabled);
-        }
-        closeRequest;
-        printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-            free(dataProfiles);
-            free(dataProfilePtrs);
-            goto invalid;
-        }
-        CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                              dataProfilePtrs,
-                              num * sizeof(RIL_DataProfileInfo *),
-                              pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-        memset(dataProfiles, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_DataProfileInfo));
-        memset(dataProfilePtrs, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_DataProfileInfo *));
-        free(dataProfiles);
-        free(dataProfilePtrs);
-    }
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
-static void dispatchRadioCapability(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI){
-    RIL_RadioCapability rc;
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    memset (&rc, 0, sizeof(RIL_RadioCapability));
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rc.version = (int)t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rc.session= (int)t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rc.phase= (int)t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rc.rat = (int)t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    status = readStringFromParcelInplace(p, rc.logicalModemUuid, sizeof(rc.logicalModemUuid));
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    rc.status = (int)t;
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s [version:%d, session:%d, phase:%d, rat:%d, \
-            logicalModemUuid:%s, status:%d", printBuf, rc.version, rc.session,
-            rc.phase, rc.rat, rc.logicalModemUuid, rc.session);
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                &rc,
-                sizeof(RIL_RadioCapability),
-                pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    return;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    return;
- * Callee expects const RIL_CarrierRestrictions *
- */
-static void dispatchCarrierRestrictions(Parcel &p, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_CarrierRestrictions cr;
-    RIL_Carrier * allowed_carriers = NULL;
-    RIL_Carrier * excluded_carriers = NULL;
-    int32_t t;
-    status_t status;
-    memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(RIL_CarrierRestrictions));
-    if (s_callbacks.version < 14) {
-        RLOGE("Unsuppoted RIL version %d, min version expected %d",
-              s_callbacks.version, 14);
-        RIL_onRequestComplete(pRI, RIL_E_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED, NULL, 0);
-        return;
-    }
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    allowed_carriers = (RIL_Carrier *)calloc(t, sizeof(RIL_Carrier));
-    if (allowed_carriers == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    cr.len_allowed_carriers = t;
-    cr.allowed_carriers = allowed_carriers;
-    status = p.readInt32(&t);
-    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-        goto invalid;
-    }
-    excluded_carriers = (RIL_Carrier *)calloc(t, sizeof(RIL_Carrier));
-    if (excluded_carriers == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    cr.len_excluded_carriers = t;
-    cr.excluded_carriers = excluded_carriers;
-    startRequest;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s len_allowed_carriers:%d, len_excluded_carriers:%d,",
-                   printBuf, cr.len_allowed_carriers, cr.len_excluded_carriers);
-    appendPrintBuf("%s allowed_carriers:", printBuf);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < cr.len_allowed_carriers; i++) {
-        RIL_Carrier *p_cr = allowed_carriers + i;
-        p_cr->mcc = strdupReadString(p);
-        p_cr->mnc = strdupReadString(p);
-        status = p.readInt32(&t);
-        p_cr->match_type = static_cast<RIL_CarrierMatchType>(t);
-        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-            goto invalid;
-        }
-        p_cr->match_data = strdupReadString(p);
-        appendPrintBuf("%s [%d mcc:%s, mnc:%s, match_type:%d, match_data:%s],",
-                       printBuf, i, p_cr->mcc, p_cr->mnc, p_cr->match_type, p_cr->match_data);
-    }
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < cr.len_excluded_carriers; i++) {
-        RIL_Carrier *p_cr = excluded_carriers + i;
-        p_cr->mcc = strdupReadString(p);
-        p_cr->mnc = strdupReadString(p);
-        status = p.readInt32(&t);
-        p_cr->match_type = static_cast<RIL_CarrierMatchType>(t);
-        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
-            goto invalid;
-        }
-        p_cr->match_data = strdupReadString(p);
-        appendPrintBuf("%s [%d mcc:%s, mnc:%s, match_type:%d, match_data:%s],",
-                       printBuf, i, p_cr->mcc, p_cr->mnc, p_cr->match_type, p_cr->match_data);
-    }
-    closeRequest;
-    printRequest(pRI->token, pRI->pCI->requestNumber);
-    CALL_ONREQUEST(pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                &cr,
-                sizeof(RIL_CarrierRestrictions),
-                pRI, pRI->socket_id);
-    goto exit;
-    invalidCommandBlock(pRI);
-    RIL_onRequestComplete(pRI, RIL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, NULL, 0);
-    if (allowed_carriers != NULL) {
-        free(allowed_carriers);
-    }
-    if (excluded_carriers != NULL) {
-        free(excluded_carriers);
-    }
-    return;
 static int
 blockingWrite(int fd, const void *buffer, size_t len) {
     size_t writeOffset = 0;
@@ -2254,953 +582,6 @@
     return sendResponseRaw(, p.dataSize(), socket_id);
-/** response is an int* pointing to an array of ints */
-static int
-responseInts(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token, RIL_Errno e,
-        void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    int numInts;
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(int) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseInts: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d\n",
-            (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(int));
-    }
-    int *p_int = (int *) response;
-    numInts = responselen / sizeof(int);
-    p.writeInt32 (numInts);
-    /* each int*/
-    startResponse;
-    for (int i = 0 ; i < numInts ; i++) {
-        appendPrintBuf("%s%d,", printBuf, p_int[i]);
-        p.writeInt32(p_int[i]);
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-// Response is an int or RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo.
-// Currently, only Shamu plans to use RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo.
-// TODO(yjl): Let all implementations use RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo.
-static int responseFailCause(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen == sizeof(int)) {
-      startResponse;
-      int *p_int = (int *) response;
-      appendPrintBuf("%s%d,", printBuf, p_int[0]);
-      p.writeInt32(p_int[0]);
-      removeLastChar;
-      closeResponse;
-    } else if (responselen == sizeof(RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo)) {
-      startResponse;
-      RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo *p_fail_cause_info = (RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo *) response;
-      appendPrintBuf("%s[cause_code=%d,vendor_cause=%s]", printBuf, p_fail_cause_info->cause_code,
-                     p_fail_cause_info->vendor_cause);
-      p.writeInt32(p_fail_cause_info->cause_code);
-      writeStringToParcel(p, p_fail_cause_info->vendor_cause);
-      removeLastChar;
-      closeResponse;
-    } else {
-      RLOGE("responseFailCause: invalid response length %d expected an int or "
-            "RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo", (int)responselen);
-    }
-    return 0;
-/** response is a char **, pointing to an array of char *'s
-    The parcel will begin with the version */
-static int responseStringsWithVersion(int version, Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-        int responseType, int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    p.writeInt32(version);
-    return responseStrings(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, response, responselen);
-/** response is a char **, pointing to an array of char *'s */
-static int responseStrings(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    int numStrings;
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(char *) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseStrings: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d\n",
-            (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(char *));
-    }
-    if (response == NULL) {
-        p.writeInt32 (0);
-    } else {
-        char **p_cur = (char **) response;
-        numStrings = responselen / sizeof(char *);
-        p.writeInt32 (numStrings);
-        /* each string*/
-        startResponse;
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < numStrings ; i++) {
-            appendPrintBuf("%s%s,", printBuf, (char*)p_cur[i]);
-            writeStringToParcel (p, p_cur[i]);
-        }
-        removeLastChar;
-        closeResponse;
-    }
-    return 0;
- * NULL strings are accepted
- * FIXME currently ignores responselen
- */
-static int responseString(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    /* one string only */
-    startResponse;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s%s", printBuf, (char*)response);
-    closeResponse;
-    writeStringToParcel(p, (const char *)response);
-    return 0;
-static int responseVoid(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    startResponse;
-    removeLastChar;
-    return 0;
-static int responseRaw(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL with responselen != 0");
-    }
-    // The java code reads -1 size as null byte array
-    if (response == NULL) {
-        p.writeInt32(-1);
-    } else {
-        p.writeInt32(responselen);
-        p.write(response, responselen);
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int responseSsn(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen != sizeof(RIL_SuppSvcNotification)) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response length was %d expected %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_SuppSvcNotification));
-    }
-    RIL_SuppSvcNotification *p_cur = (RIL_SuppSvcNotification *) response;
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->notificationType);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->code);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->index);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->type);
-    writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->number);
-    startResponse;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s%s,code=%d,id=%d,type=%d,%s", printBuf,
-        (p_cur->notificationType==0)?"mo":"mt",
-         p_cur->code, p_cur->index, p_cur->type,
-        (char*)p_cur->number);
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
- * Marshall the signalInfoRecord into the parcel if it exists.
- */
-static void marshallSignalInfoRecord(Parcel &p, RIL_CDMA_SignalInfoRecord &p_signalInfoRecord) {
-    p.writeInt32(p_signalInfoRecord.isPresent);
-    p.writeInt32(p_signalInfoRecord.signalType);
-    p.writeInt32(p_signalInfoRecord.alertPitch);
-    p.writeInt32(p_signalInfoRecord.signal);
-static int responseCdmaInformationRecords(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-        int responseType, int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    int num;
-    char* string8 = NULL;
-    int buffer_lenght;
-    RIL_CDMA_InformationRecord *infoRec;
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen != sizeof (RIL_CDMA_InformationRecords)) {
-        RLOGE("responseCdmaInformationRecords: invalid response length %d expected multiple of \
-                %d\n", (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_CDMA_InformationRecords *));
-    }
-    RIL_CDMA_InformationRecords *p_cur =
-                             (RIL_CDMA_InformationRecords *) response;
-    num = MIN(p_cur->numberOfInfoRecs, RIL_CDMA_MAX_NUMBER_OF_INFO_RECS);
-    startResponse;
-    p.writeInt32(num);
-    for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++) {
-        infoRec = &p_cur->infoRec[i];
-        p.writeInt32(infoRec->name);
-        switch (infoRec->name) {
-            case RIL_CDMA_DISPLAY_INFO_REC:
-                if (infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len >
-                                         CDMA_ALPHA_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
-                    RLOGE("invalid display info response length %d \
-                          expected not more than %d\n",
-                         (int)infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len,
-                         CDMA_ALPHA_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH);
-                    return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-                }
-                string8 = (char*) calloc(infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len + 1, sizeof(char));
-                if (string8 == NULL) {
-                    RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for responseCdmaInformationRecords");
-                    closeRequest;
-                    return RIL_ERRNO_NO_MEMORY;
-                }
-                for (int i = 0 ; i < infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len ; i++) {
-                    string8[i] = infoRec->rec.display.alpha_buf[i];
-                }
-                string8[(int)infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len] = '\0';
-                writeStringToParcel(p, (const char*)string8);
-                free(string8);
-                string8 = NULL;
-                break;
-                if (infoRec->rec.number.len > CDMA_NUMBER_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
-                    RLOGE("invalid display info response length %d \
-                          expected not more than %d\n",
-                         (int)infoRec->rec.number.len,
-                         CDMA_NUMBER_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH);
-                    return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-                }
-                string8 = (char*) calloc(infoRec->rec.number.len + 1, sizeof(char));
-                if (string8 == NULL) {
-                    RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for responseCdmaInformationRecords");
-                    closeRequest;
-                    return RIL_ERRNO_NO_MEMORY;
-                }
-                for (int i = 0 ; i < infoRec->rec.number.len; i++) {
-                    string8[i] = infoRec->rec.number.buf[i];
-                }
-                string8[(int)infoRec->rec.number.len] = '\0';
-                writeStringToParcel(p, (const char*)string8);
-                free(string8);
-                string8 = NULL;
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.number.number_type);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.number.number_plan);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.number.pi);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->;
-                break;
-            case RIL_CDMA_SIGNAL_INFO_REC:
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.signal.isPresent);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.signal.signalType);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.signal.alertPitch);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.signal.signal);
-                appendPrintBuf("%sisPresent=%X, signalType=%X, \
-                                alertPitch=%X, signal=%X, ",
-                   printBuf, (int)infoRec->rec.signal.isPresent,
-                   (int)infoRec->rec.signal.signalType,
-                   (int)infoRec->rec.signal.alertPitch,
-                   (int)infoRec->rec.signal.signal);
-                removeLastChar;
-                break;
-                if (infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.len >
-                                              CDMA_NUMBER_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
-                    RLOGE("invalid display info response length %d \
-                          expected not more than %d\n",
-                         (int)infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.len,
-                         CDMA_NUMBER_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH);
-                    return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-                }
-                string8 = (char*) calloc(infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.len + 1,
-                        sizeof(char));
-                if (string8 == NULL) {
-                    RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for responseCdmaInformationRecords");
-                    closeRequest;
-                    return RIL_ERRNO_NO_MEMORY;
-                }
-                for (int i = 0;
-                         i < infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.len;
-                         i++) {
-                    string8[i] = infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.buf[i];
-                }
-                string8[(int)infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.len] = '\0';
-                writeStringToParcel(p, (const char*)string8);
-                free(string8);
-                string8 = NULL;
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.number_type);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.number_plan);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.pi);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->;
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingReason);
-                break;
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlPolarityIncluded);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlToggle);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlReverse);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlPowerDenial);
-                appendPrintBuf("%slineCtrlPolarityIncluded=%d, \
-                                lineCtrlToggle=%d, lineCtrlReverse=%d, \
-                                lineCtrlPowerDenial=%d, ", printBuf,
-                       (int)infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlPolarityIncluded,
-                       (int)infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlToggle,
-                       (int)infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlReverse,
-                       (int)infoRec->rec.lineCtrl.lineCtrlPowerDenial);
-                removeLastChar;
-                break;
-            case RIL_CDMA_T53_CLIR_INFO_REC:
-                p.writeInt32((int)(infoRec->rec.clir.cause));
-                appendPrintBuf("%scause%d", printBuf, infoRec->rec.clir.cause);
-                removeLastChar;
-                break;
-            case RIL_CDMA_T53_AUDIO_CONTROL_INFO_REC:
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.audioCtrl.upLink);
-                p.writeInt32(infoRec->rec.audioCtrl.downLink);
-                appendPrintBuf("%supLink=%d, downLink=%d, ", printBuf,
-                        infoRec->rec.audioCtrl.upLink,
-                        infoRec->rec.audioCtrl.downLink);
-                removeLastChar;
-                break;
-            case RIL_CDMA_T53_RELEASE_INFO_REC:
-                // TODO(Moto): See David Krause, he has the answer:)
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            default:
-                RLOGE("Incorrect name value");
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        }
-    }
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static void responseRilSignalStrengthV5(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, RIL_SignalStrength_v10 *p_cur) {
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->GW_SignalStrength.signalStrength);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->GW_SignalStrength.bitErrorRate);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->CDMA_SignalStrength.dbm);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->CDMA_SignalStrength.ecio);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->EVDO_SignalStrength.dbm);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->EVDO_SignalStrength.ecio);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->EVDO_SignalStrength.signalNoiseRatio);
-static void responseRilSignalStrengthV6Extra(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-        int responseType, int token, RIL_Errno e, RIL_SignalStrength_v10 *p_cur) {
-    /*
-     * Fixup LTE for backwards compatibility
-     */
-    // signalStrength: -1 -> 99
-    if (p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.signalStrength == -1) {
-        p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.signalStrength = 99;
-    }
-    // rsrp: -1 -> INT_MAX all other negative value to positive.
-    // So remap here
-    if (p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrp == -1) {
-        p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrp = INT_MAX;
-    } else if (p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrp < -1) {
-        p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrp = -p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrp;
-    }
-    // rsrq: -1 -> INT_MAX
-    if (p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrq == -1) {
-        p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrq = INT_MAX;
-    }
-    // Not remapping rssnr is already using INT_MAX
-    // cqi: -1 -> INT_MAX
-    if (p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.cqi == -1) {
-        p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.cqi = INT_MAX;
-    }
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.signalStrength);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrp);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrq);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rssnr);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.cqi);
-static void responseRilSignalStrengthV10(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, RIL_SignalStrength_v10 *p_cur) {
-    responseRilSignalStrengthV5(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, p_cur);
-    responseRilSignalStrengthV6Extra(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, p_cur);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->TD_SCDMA_SignalStrength.rscp);
-static int responseRilSignalStrength(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    RIL_SignalStrength_v10 *p_cur;
-    if (s_callbacks.version <= LAST_IMPRECISE_RIL_VERSION) {
-        if (responselen >= sizeof (RIL_SignalStrength_v5)) {
-            p_cur = ((RIL_SignalStrength_v10 *) response);
-            responseRilSignalStrengthV5(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, p_cur);
-            if (responselen >= sizeof (RIL_SignalStrength_v6)) {
-                responseRilSignalStrengthV6Extra(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                        p_cur);
-                if (responselen >= sizeof (RIL_SignalStrength_v10)) {
-                    p.writeInt32(p_cur->TD_SCDMA_SignalStrength.rscp);
-                } else {
-                    p.writeInt32(INT_MAX);
-                }
-            } else {
-                p.writeInt32(99);
-                p.writeInt32(INT_MAX);
-                p.writeInt32(INT_MAX);
-                p.writeInt32(INT_MAX);
-                p.writeInt32(INT_MAX);
-                p.writeInt32(INT_MAX);
-            }
-        } else {
-            RLOGE("invalid response length");
-            return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        }
-    } else { // RIL version >= 13
-        if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_SignalStrength_v10) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("Data structure expected is RIL_SignalStrength_v10");
-            if (!isDebuggable()) {
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            } else {
-                assert(0);
-            }
-        }
-        p_cur = ((RIL_SignalStrength_v10 *) response);
-        responseRilSignalStrengthV10(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, p_cur);
-    }
-    startResponse;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s[signalStrength=%d,bitErrorRate=%d,\
-            CDMA_SS.dbm=%d,CDMA_SSecio=%d,\
-            EVDO_SS.dbm=%d,EVDO_SS.ecio=%d,\
-            EVDO_SS.signalNoiseRatio=%d,\
-            LTE_SS.signalStrength=%d,LTE_SS.rsrp=%d,LTE_SS.rsrq=%d,\
-            LTE_SS.rssnr=%d,LTE_SS.cqi=%d,TDSCDMA_SS.rscp=%d]",
-            printBuf,
-            p_cur->GW_SignalStrength.signalStrength,
-            p_cur->GW_SignalStrength.bitErrorRate,
-            p_cur->CDMA_SignalStrength.dbm,
-            p_cur->CDMA_SignalStrength.ecio,
-            p_cur->EVDO_SignalStrength.dbm,
-            p_cur->EVDO_SignalStrength.ecio,
-            p_cur->EVDO_SignalStrength.signalNoiseRatio,
-            p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.signalStrength,
-            p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrp,
-            p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rsrq,
-            p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.rssnr,
-            p_cur->LTE_SignalStrength.cqi,
-            p_cur->TD_SCDMA_SignalStrength.rscp);
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseCallRing(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if ((response == NULL) || (responselen == 0)) {
-        return responseVoid(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, response,
-                responselen);
-    } else {
-        return responseCdmaSignalInfoRecord(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                response, responselen);
-    }
-static int responseCdmaSignalInfoRecord(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL || responselen == 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen != sizeof (RIL_CDMA_SignalInfoRecord)) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response length %d expected sizeof (RIL_CDMA_SignalInfoRecord) of %d\n",
-            (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_CDMA_SignalInfoRecord));
-    }
-    startResponse;
-    RIL_CDMA_SignalInfoRecord *p_cur = ((RIL_CDMA_SignalInfoRecord *) response);
-    marshallSignalInfoRecord(p, *p_cur);
-    appendPrintBuf("%s[isPresent=%d,signalType=%d,alertPitch=%d\
-              signal=%d]",
-              printBuf,
-              p_cur->isPresent,
-              p_cur->signalType,
-              p_cur->alertPitch,
-              p_cur->signal);
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseCdmaCallWaiting(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen < sizeof(RIL_CDMA_CallWaiting_v6)) {
-        RLOGW("Upgrade to ril version %d\n", RIL_VERSION);
-    }
-    RIL_CDMA_CallWaiting_v6 *p_cur = ((RIL_CDMA_CallWaiting_v6 *) response);
-    writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->number);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->numberPresentation);
-    writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->name);
-    marshallSignalInfoRecord(p, p_cur->signalInfoRecord);
-    if (s_callbacks.version <= LAST_IMPRECISE_RIL_VERSION) {
-        if (responselen >= sizeof(RIL_CDMA_CallWaiting_v6)) {
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur->number_type);
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur->number_plan);
-        } else {
-            p.writeInt32(0);
-            p.writeInt32(0);
-        }
-    } else { // RIL version >= 13
-        if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_CDMA_CallWaiting_v6) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("Data structure expected is RIL_CDMA_CallWaiting_v6");
-            if (!isDebuggable()) {
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            } else {
-                assert(0);
-            }
-        }
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur->number_type);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur->number_plan);
-    }
-    startResponse;
-    appendPrintBuf("%snumber=%s,numberPresentation=%d, name=%s,\
-            signalInfoRecord[isPresent=%d,signalType=%d,alertPitch=%d\
-            signal=%d,number_type=%d,number_plan=%d]",
-            printBuf,
-            p_cur->number,
-            p_cur->numberPresentation,
-            p_cur->name,
-            p_cur->signalInfoRecord.isPresent,
-            p_cur->signalInfoRecord.signalType,
-            p_cur->signalInfoRecord.alertPitch,
-            p_cur->signalInfoRecord.signal,
-            p_cur->number_type,
-            p_cur->number_plan);
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static void responseSimRefreshV7(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response) {
-      RIL_SimRefreshResponse_v7 *p_cur = ((RIL_SimRefreshResponse_v7 *) response);
-      p.writeInt32(p_cur->result);
-      p.writeInt32(p_cur->ef_id);
-      writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->aid);
-      appendPrintBuf("%sresult=%d, ef_id=%d, aid=%s",
-            printBuf,
-            p_cur->result,
-            p_cur->ef_id,
-            p_cur->aid);
-static int responseSimRefresh(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseSimRefresh: invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    startResponse;
-    if (s_callbacks.version <= LAST_IMPRECISE_RIL_VERSION) {
-        if (s_callbacks.version >= 7) {
-            responseSimRefreshV7(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, response);
-        } else {
-            int *p_cur = ((int *) response);
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur[0]);
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur[1]);
-            writeStringToParcel(p, NULL);
-            appendPrintBuf("%sresult=%d, ef_id=%d",
-                    printBuf,
-                    p_cur[0],
-                    p_cur[1]);
-        }
-    } else { // RIL version >= 13
-        if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_SimRefreshResponse_v7) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("Data structure expected is RIL_SimRefreshResponse_v7");
-            if (!isDebuggable()) {
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            } else {
-                assert(0);
-            }
-        }
-        responseSimRefreshV7(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, response);
-    }
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseCellInfoListV6(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_CellInfo) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseCellInfoList: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_CellInfo));
-    }
-    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_CellInfo);
-    p.writeInt32(num);
-    RIL_CellInfo *p_cur = (RIL_CellInfo *) response;
-    startResponse;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        p.writeInt32((int)p_cur->cellInfoType);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur->registered);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur->timeStampType);
-        p.writeInt64(p_cur->timeStamp);
-        switch(p_cur->cellInfoType) {
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_GSM: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.lac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.cid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.signalStrengthGsm.signalStrength);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.signalStrengthGsm.bitErrorRate);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_WCDMA: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.lac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.cid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.psc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.signalStrengthWcdma.signalStrength);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.signalStrengthWcdma.bitErrorRate);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_CDMA: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.networkId);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.systemId);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.basestationId);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.longitude);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.latitude);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthCdma.dbm);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthCdma.ecio);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthEvdo.dbm);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthEvdo.ecio);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthEvdo.signalNoiseRatio);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_LTE: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->;
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.pci);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.tac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.signalStrength);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.rsrp);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.rsrq);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.rssnr);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.cqi);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.timingAdvance);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_TD_SCDMA: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.lac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.cid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.cpid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.signalStrengthTdscdma.rscp);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        p_cur += 1;
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseCellInfoListV12(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_CellInfo_v12) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseCellInfoList: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_CellInfo_v12));
-    }
-    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_CellInfo_v12);
-    p.writeInt32(num);
-    RIL_CellInfo_v12 *p_cur = (RIL_CellInfo_v12 *) response;
-    startResponse;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        p.writeInt32((int)p_cur->cellInfoType);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur->registered);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur->timeStampType);
-        p.writeInt64(p_cur->timeStamp);
-        switch(p_cur->cellInfoType) {
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_GSM: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.lac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.cid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.arfcn);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.cellIdentityGsm.bsic);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.signalStrengthGsm.signalStrength);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.signalStrengthGsm.bitErrorRate);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.gsm.signalStrengthGsm.timingAdvance);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_WCDMA: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.lac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.cid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.psc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.cellIdentityWcdma.uarfcn);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.signalStrengthWcdma.signalStrength);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.wcdma.signalStrengthWcdma.bitErrorRate);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_CDMA: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.networkId);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.systemId);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.basestationId);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.longitude);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.cellIdentityCdma.latitude);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthCdma.dbm);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthCdma.ecio);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthEvdo.dbm);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthEvdo.ecio);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.cdma.signalStrengthEvdo.signalNoiseRatio);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_LTE: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->;
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.pci);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.tac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.cellIdentityLte.earfcn);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.signalStrength);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.rsrp);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.rsrq);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.rssnr);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.cqi);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.lte.signalStrengthLte.timingAdvance);
-                break;
-            }
-            case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_TD_SCDMA: {
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.mcc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.mnc);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.lac);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.cid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.cellIdentityTdscdma.cpid);
-                p.writeInt32(p_cur->CellInfo.tdscdma.signalStrengthTdscdma.rscp);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        p_cur += 1;
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseCellInfoList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (s_callbacks.version <= LAST_IMPRECISE_RIL_VERSION) {
-        if (s_callbacks.version < 12) {
-            RLOGD("responseCellInfoList: v6");
-            return responseCellInfoListV6(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                    response, responselen);
-        } else {
-            RLOGD("responseCellInfoList: v12");
-            return responseCellInfoListV12(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                    response, responselen);
-        }
-    } else { // RIL version >= 13
-        if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_CellInfo_v12) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("Data structure expected is RIL_CellInfo_v12");
-            if (!isDebuggable()) {
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            } else {
-                assert(0);
-            }
-        }
-        return responseCellInfoListV12(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, response,
-                responselen);
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int responseHardwareConfig(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-   if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-       RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-   }
-   if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_HardwareConfig) != 0) {
-       RLOGE("responseHardwareConfig: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-          (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_HardwareConfig));
-   }
-   int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_HardwareConfig);
-   int i;
-   RIL_HardwareConfig *p_cur = (RIL_HardwareConfig *) response;
-   p.writeInt32(num);
-   startResponse;
-   for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-      switch (p_cur[i].type) {
-            writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].uuid);
-            p.writeInt32((int)p_cur[i].state);
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cfg.modem.rat);
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cfg.modem.maxVoice);
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cfg.modem.maxData);
-            p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cfg.modem.maxStandby);
-            appendPrintBuf("%s modem: uuid=%s,state=%d,rat=%08x,maxV=%d,maxD=%d,maxS=%d", printBuf,
-                    p_cur[i].uuid, (int)p_cur[i].state, p_cur[i].cfg.modem.rat,
-                    p_cur[i].cfg.modem.maxVoice, p_cur[i].cfg.modem.maxData,
-                    p_cur[i].cfg.modem.maxStandby);
-            break;
-         }
-         case RIL_HARDWARE_CONFIG_SIM: {
-            writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].uuid);
-            p.writeInt32((int)p_cur[i].state);
-            writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].cfg.sim.modemUuid);
-            appendPrintBuf("%s sim: uuid=%s,state=%d,modem-uuid=%s", printBuf,
-               p_cur[i].uuid, (int)p_cur[i].state, p_cur[i].cfg.sim.modemUuid);
-            break;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   removeLastChar;
-   closeResponse;
-   return 0;
-static int responseRadioCapability(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen != sizeof (RIL_RadioCapability) ) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response length was %d expected %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_SIM_IO_Response));
-    }
-    RIL_RadioCapability *p_cur = (RIL_RadioCapability *) response;
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->version);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->session);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->phase);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->rat);
-    writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->logicalModemUuid);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->status);
-    startResponse;
-    appendPrintBuf("%s[version=%d,session=%d,phase=%d,\
-            rat=%s,logicalModemUuid=%s,status=%d]",
-            printBuf,
-            p_cur->version,
-            p_cur->session,
-            p_cur->phase,
-            p_cur->rat,
-            p_cur->logicalModemUuid,
-            p_cur->status);
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
 static void triggerEvLoop() {
     int ret;
     if (!pthread_equal(pthread_self(), s_tid_dispatch)) {
@@ -3217,144 +598,6 @@
-static int responseCdmaSms(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    int num;
-    int digitCount;
-    int digitLimit;
-    uint8_t uct;
-    void* dest;
-    RLOGD("Inside responseCdmaSms");
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen != sizeof(RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message)) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response length was %d expected %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message));
-    }
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message *p_cur = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message *) response;
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->uTeleserviceID);
-    p.write(&(p_cur->bIsServicePresent),sizeof(uct));
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->uServicecategory);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->sAddress.digit_mode);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->sAddress.number_mode);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->sAddress.number_type);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->sAddress.number_plan);
-    p.write(&(p_cur->sAddress.number_of_digits), sizeof(uct));
-    digitLimit= MIN((p_cur->sAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_ADDRESS_MAX);
-    for(digitCount =0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        p.write(&(p_cur->sAddress.digits[digitCount]),sizeof(uct));
-    }
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->sSubAddress.subaddressType);
-    p.write(&(p_cur->sSubAddress.odd),sizeof(uct));
-    p.write(&(p_cur->sSubAddress.number_of_digits),sizeof(uct));
-    digitLimit= MIN((p_cur->sSubAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_SUBADDRESS_MAX);
-    for(digitCount =0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-        p.write(&(p_cur->sSubAddress.digits[digitCount]),sizeof(uct));
-    }
-    digitLimit= MIN((p_cur->uBearerDataLen), RIL_CDMA_SMS_BEARER_DATA_MAX);
-    p.writeInt32(p_cur->uBearerDataLen);
-    for(digitCount =0 ; digitCount < digitLimit; digitCount ++) {
-       p.write(&(p_cur->aBearerData[digitCount]), sizeof(uct));
-    }
-    startResponse;
-    appendPrintBuf("%suTeleserviceID=%d, bIsServicePresent=%d, uServicecategory=%d, \
-            sAddress.digit_mode=%d, sAddress.number_mode=%d, sAddress.number_type=%d, ",
-            printBuf, p_cur->uTeleserviceID,p_cur->bIsServicePresent,p_cur->uServicecategory,
-            p_cur->sAddress.digit_mode, p_cur->sAddress.number_mode,p_cur->sAddress.number_type);
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseDcRtInfo(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen)
-    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_DcRtInfo);
-    if ((responselen % sizeof(RIL_DcRtInfo) != 0) || (num != 1)) {
-        RLOGE("responseDcRtInfo: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_DcRtInfo));
-    }
-    startResponse;
-    RIL_DcRtInfo *pDcRtInfo = (RIL_DcRtInfo *)response;
-    p.writeInt64(pDcRtInfo->time);
-    p.writeInt32(pDcRtInfo->powerState);
-    appendPrintBuf("%s[time=%d,powerState=%d]", printBuf,
-        pDcRtInfo->time,
-        pDcRtInfo->powerState);
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseLceData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-  if (response == NULL || responselen != sizeof(RIL_LceDataInfo)) {
-    if (response == NULL) {
-      RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    else {
-      RLOGE("responseLceData: invalid response length %u expecting len: %u",
-            (unsigned)sizeof(RIL_LceDataInfo), (unsigned)responselen);
-    }
-  }
-  RIL_LceDataInfo *p_cur = (RIL_LceDataInfo *)response;
-  p.writeInt32(p_cur->last_hop_capacity_kbps);
-  /* p_cur->confidence_level and p_cur->lce_suspended take 1 byte each.*/
-  p.write((void *)&(p_cur->confidence_level), 1);
-  p.write((void *)&(p_cur->lce_suspended), 1);
-  startResponse;
-  appendPrintBuf("LCE info received: capacity %d confidence level %d \
-                  and suspended %d",
-                  p_cur->last_hop_capacity_kbps, p_cur->confidence_level,
-                  p_cur->lce_suspended);
-  closeResponse;
-  return 0;
-static int responsePcoData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
-        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-  if (response == NULL) {
-    RLOGE("responsePcoData: invalid NULL response");
-  }
-  if (responselen != sizeof(RIL_PCO_Data)) {
-    RLOGE("responsePcoData: invalid response length %u, expecting %u",
-          (unsigned)responselen, (unsigned)sizeof(RIL_PCO_Data));
-  }
-  RIL_PCO_Data *p_cur = (RIL_PCO_Data *)response;
-  p.writeInt32(p_cur->cid);
-  writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->bearer_proto);
-  p.writeInt32(p_cur->pco_id);
-  p.writeInt32(p_cur->contents_length);
-  p.write(p_cur->contents, p_cur->contents_length);
-  startResponse;
-      appendPrintBuf("PCO data received: cid %d, id %d, length %d",
-                     p_cur->cid, p_cur->pco_id, p_cur->contents_length);
-  closeResponse;
-  return 0;
  * A write on the wakeup fd is done just to pop us out of select()
  * We empty the buffer here and then ril_event will reset the timers on the
diff --git a/libril/ril_commands.h b/libril/ril_commands.h
index 95ea491..c9ec0cc 100644
--- a/libril/ril_commands.h
+++ b/libril/ril_commands.h
@@ -14,144 +14,144 @@
 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ** limitations under the License.
-    {0, NULL, NULL},                   //none
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS, dispatchVoid, radio::getIccCardStatusResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN, dispatchStrings, radio::supplyIccPinForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK, dispatchStrings, radio::supplyIccPukForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN2, dispatchStrings, radio::supplyIccPin2ForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK2, dispatchStrings, radio::supplyIccPuk2ForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN, dispatchStrings, radio::changeIccPinForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN2, dispatchStrings, radio::changeIccPin2ForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_NETWORK_DEPERSONALIZATION, dispatchStrings, radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS, dispatchVoid, radio::getCurrentCallsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DIAL, dispatchDial, radio::dialResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, dispatchStrings, radio::getIMSIForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP, dispatchInts, radio::hangupConnectionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_WAITING_OR_BACKGROUND, dispatchVoid, radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_FOREGROUND_RESUME_BACKGROUND, dispatchVoid, radio::hangupForegroundResumeBackgroundResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SWITCH_WAITING_OR_HOLDING_AND_ACTIVE, dispatchVoid, radio::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CONFERENCE, dispatchVoid, radio::conferenceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_UDUB, dispatchVoid, radio::rejectCallResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_LAST_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE, dispatchVoid, radio::getLastCallFailCauseResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, dispatchVoid, radio::getSignalStrengthResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, radio::getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, radio::getDataRegistrationStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR, dispatchVoid, radio::getOperatorResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER, dispatchInts, radio::setRadioPowerResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF, dispatchString, radio::sendDtmfResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS, dispatchStrings, radio::sendSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS_EXPECT_MORE, dispatchStrings, radio::sendSMSExpectMoreResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SETUP_DATA_CALL, dispatchDataCall, radio::setupDataCallResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_IO, dispatchSIM_IO, radio::iccIOForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_USSD, dispatchString, radio::sendUssdResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CANCEL_USSD, dispatchVoid, radio::cancelPendingUssdResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CLIR, dispatchVoid, radio::getClirResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CLIR, dispatchInts, radio::setClirResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_FORWARD_STATUS, dispatchCallForward, radio::getCallForwardStatusResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_FORWARD, dispatchCallForward, radio::setCallForwardResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_WAITING, dispatchInts, radio::getCallWaitingResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_WAITING, dispatchInts, radio::setCallWaitingResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, dispatchInts, radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMEI, dispatchVoid, responseString},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMEISV, dispatchVoid, responseString},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ANSWER,dispatchVoid, radio::acceptCallResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL, dispatchStrings, radio::deactivateDataCallResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK, dispatchStrings, radio::getFacilityLockForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_FACILITY_LOCK, dispatchStrings, radio::setFacilityLockForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_BARRING_PASSWORD, dispatchStrings, radio::setBarringPasswordResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getNetworkSelectionModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC, dispatchVoid, radio::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MANUAL, dispatchString, radio::setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_NETWORKS , dispatchVoid, radio::getAvailableNetworksResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_START, dispatchString, radio::startDtmfResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_STOP, dispatchVoid, radio::stopDtmfResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_BASEBAND_VERSION, dispatchVoid, radio::getBasebandVersionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEPARATE_CONNECTION, dispatchInts, radio::separateConnectionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_MUTE, dispatchInts, radio::setMuteResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_MUTE, dispatchVoid, radio::getMuteResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CLIP, dispatchVoid, radio::getClipResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DATA_CALL_LIST, dispatchVoid, radio::getDataCallListResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_RESET_RADIO, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_RAW, dispatchRaw, radio::sendRequestRawResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_STRINGS, dispatchStrings, radio::sendRequestStringsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE, dispatchInts, radio::sendDeviceStateResponse},   // Note the response function is different.
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION, dispatchInts, radio::setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_WRITE_SMS_TO_SIM, dispatchSmsWrite, radio::writeSmsToSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DELETE_SMS_ON_SIM, dispatchInts, radio::deleteSmsOnSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_BAND_MODE, dispatchInts, radio::setBandModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_BAND_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getAvailableBandModesResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SET_PROFILE, dispatchString, NULL},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_COMMAND, dispatchString, radio::sendEnvelopeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_TERMINAL_RESPONSE, dispatchString, radio::sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_HANDLE_CALL_SETUP_REQUESTED_FROM_SIM, dispatchInts, radio::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_EXPLICIT_CALL_TRANSFER, dispatchVoid, radio::explicitCallTransferResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, dispatchInts, radio::setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, dispatchVoid, radio::getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS, dispatchVoid, radio::getNeighboringCidsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_LOCATION_UPDATES, dispatchInts, radio::setLocationUpdatesResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, dispatchInts, radio::setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, dispatchInts, radio::setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, dispatchVoid, radio::getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE, dispatchInts, radio::setTTYModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getTTYModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_PREFERRED_VOICE_PRIVACY_MODE, dispatchInts, radio::setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_PREFERRED_VOICE_PRIVACY_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_FLASH, dispatchString, radio::sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BURST_DTMF, dispatchStrings, radio::sendBurstDtmfResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SEND_SMS, dispatchCdmaSms, radio::sendCdmaSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, dispatchCdmaSmsAck, radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, radio::getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchGsmBrSmsCnf, radio::setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, dispatchInts, radio::setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchCdmaBrSmsCnf, radio::setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, dispatchInts, radio::setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION, dispatchVoid, radio::getCDMASubscriptionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_WRITE_SMS_TO_RUIM, dispatchRilCdmaSmsWriteArgs, radio::writeSmsToRuimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_DELETE_SMS_ON_RUIM, dispatchInts, radio::deleteSmsOnRuimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY, dispatchVoid, radio::getDeviceIdentityResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_EXIT_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_SMSC_ADDRESS, dispatchVoid, radio::getSmscAddressResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SMSC_ADDRESS, dispatchString, radio::setSmscAddressResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_SMS_MEMORY_STATUS, dispatchInts, radio::reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING, dispatchVoid, radio::reportStkServiceIsRunningResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, dispatchVoid, radio::getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ISIM_AUTHENTICATION, dispatchString, radio::requestIsimAuthenticationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ACKNOWLEDGE_INCOMING_GSM_SMS_WITH_PDU, dispatchStrings, radio::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_WITH_STATUS, dispatchString, radio::sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH, dispatchVoid, radio::getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST, dispatchVoid, radio::getCellInfoListResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE, dispatchInts, radio::setCellInfoListRateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN, dispatchSetInitialAttachApn, radio::setInitialAttachApnResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, radio::getImsRegistrationStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_SEND_SMS, dispatchImsSms, radio::sendImsSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_BASIC, dispatchSIM_APDU, radio::iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL, dispatchString, radio::iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_CLOSE_CHANNEL, dispatchInts, radio::iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_CHANNEL, dispatchSIM_APDU, radio::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_READ_ITEM, dispatchNVReadItem, radio::nvReadItemResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_ITEM, dispatchNVWriteItem, radio::nvWriteItemResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_CDMA_PRL, dispatchRaw, radio::nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_RESET_CONFIG, dispatchInts, radio::nvResetConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION, dispatchUiccSubscripton, radio::setUiccSubscriptionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA, dispatchInts, radio::setDataAllowedResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, radio::getHardwareConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_AUTHENTICATION, dispatchSimAuthentication, radio::requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_DC_RT_INFO, dispatchVoid, responseDcRtInfo},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_DC_RT_INFO_RATE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE, dispatchDataProfile, radio::setDataProfileResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN, dispatchVoid, radio::requestShutdownResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY, dispatchVoid, radio::getRadioCapabilityResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_RADIO_CAPABILITY, dispatchRadioCapability, radio::setRadioCapabilityResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE, dispatchInts, radio::startLceServiceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STOP_LCE, dispatchVoid, radio::stopLceServiceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_PULL_LCEDATA, dispatchVoid, radio::pullLceDataResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO, dispatchVoid, radio::getModemActivityInfoResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, dispatchCarrierRestrictions, radio::setAllowedCarriersResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, dispatchVoid, radio::getAllowedCarriersResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE, dispatchInts, radio::sendDeviceStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER, dispatchInts, radio::setIndicationFilterResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SIM_CARD_POWER, dispatchInts, radio::setSimCardPowerResponse},
+    {0, NULL},                   //none
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS, radio::getIccCardStatusResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN, radio::supplyIccPinForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK, radio::supplyIccPukForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN2, radio::supplyIccPin2ForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK2, radio::supplyIccPuk2ForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN, radio::changeIccPinForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN2, radio::changeIccPin2ForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_NETWORK_DEPERSONALIZATION, radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS, radio::getCurrentCallsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DIAL, radio::dialResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, radio::getIMSIForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP, radio::hangupConnectionResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_WAITING_OR_BACKGROUND, radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_FOREGROUND_RESUME_BACKGROUND, radio::hangupForegroundResumeBackgroundResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SWITCH_WAITING_OR_HOLDING_AND_ACTIVE, radio::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CONFERENCE, radio::conferenceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_UDUB, radio::rejectCallResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_LAST_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE, radio::getLastCallFailCauseResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, radio::getSignalStrengthResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE, radio::getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE, radio::getDataRegistrationStateResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR, radio::getOperatorResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER, radio::setRadioPowerResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF, radio::sendDtmfResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS, radio::sendSmsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS_EXPECT_MORE, radio::sendSMSExpectMoreResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SETUP_DATA_CALL, radio::setupDataCallResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_IO, radio::iccIOForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_USSD, radio::sendUssdResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CANCEL_USSD, radio::cancelPendingUssdResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CLIR, radio::getClirResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CLIR, radio::setClirResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_FORWARD_STATUS, radio::getCallForwardStatusResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_FORWARD, radio::setCallForwardResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_WAITING, radio::getCallWaitingResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_WAITING, radio::setCallWaitingResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ANSWER, radio::acceptCallResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL, radio::deactivateDataCallResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK, radio::getFacilityLockForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_FACILITY_LOCK, radio::setFacilityLockForAppResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_BARRING_PASSWORD, radio::setBarringPasswordResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE, radio::getNetworkSelectionModeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC, radio::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MANUAL, radio::setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_NETWORKS , radio::getAvailableNetworksResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_START, radio::startDtmfResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_STOP, radio::stopDtmfResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_BASEBAND_VERSION, radio::getBasebandVersionResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEPARATE_CONNECTION, radio::separateConnectionResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_MUTE, radio::setMuteResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_MUTE, radio::getMuteResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CLIP, radio::getClipResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DATA_CALL_LIST, radio::getDataCallListResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_RAW, radio::sendRequestRawResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_STRINGS, radio::sendRequestStringsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE, radio::sendDeviceStateResponse},   // Note the response function is different.
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION, radio::setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_WRITE_SMS_TO_SIM, radio::writeSmsToSimResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DELETE_SMS_ON_SIM, radio::deleteSmsOnSimResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_BAND_MODE, radio::setBandModeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_BAND_MODE, radio::getAvailableBandModesResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_COMMAND, radio::sendEnvelopeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_TERMINAL_RESPONSE, radio::sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_HANDLE_CALL_SETUP_REQUESTED_FROM_SIM, radio::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_EXPLICIT_CALL_TRANSFER, radio::explicitCallTransferResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, radio::setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, radio::getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS, radio::getNeighboringCidsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_LOCATION_UPDATES, radio::setLocationUpdatesResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, radio::setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, radio::setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, radio::getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE, radio::setTTYModeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE, radio::getTTYModeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_PREFERRED_VOICE_PRIVACY_MODE, radio::setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_PREFERRED_VOICE_PRIVACY_MODE, radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_FLASH, radio::sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BURST_DTMF, radio::sendBurstDtmfResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SEND_SMS, radio::sendCdmaSmsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, radio::getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, radio::setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, radio::setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, radio::setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, radio::setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION, radio::getCDMASubscriptionResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_WRITE_SMS_TO_RUIM, radio::writeSmsToRuimResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_DELETE_SMS_ON_RUIM, radio::deleteSmsOnRuimResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY, radio::getDeviceIdentityResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_EXIT_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE, radio::exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_SMSC_ADDRESS, radio::getSmscAddressResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SMSC_ADDRESS, radio::setSmscAddressResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_SMS_MEMORY_STATUS, radio::reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING, radio::reportStkServiceIsRunningResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, radio::getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ISIM_AUTHENTICATION, radio::requestIsimAuthenticationResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ACKNOWLEDGE_INCOMING_GSM_SMS_WITH_PDU, radio::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_WITH_STATUS, radio::sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH, radio::getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST, radio::getCellInfoListResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE, radio::setCellInfoListRateResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN, radio::setInitialAttachApnResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE, radio::getImsRegistrationStateResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_SEND_SMS, radio::sendImsSmsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_BASIC, radio::iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL, radio::iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_CLOSE_CHANNEL, radio::iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_CHANNEL, radio::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_READ_ITEM, radio::nvReadItemResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_ITEM, radio::nvWriteItemResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_CDMA_PRL, radio::nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_RESET_CONFIG, radio::nvResetConfigResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION, radio::setUiccSubscriptionResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA, radio::setDataAllowedResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG, radio::getHardwareConfigResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_AUTHENTICATION, radio::requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE, radio::setDataProfileResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN, radio::requestShutdownResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY, radio::getRadioCapabilityResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_RADIO_CAPABILITY, radio::setRadioCapabilityResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE, radio::startLceServiceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STOP_LCE, radio::stopLceServiceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_PULL_LCEDATA, radio::pullLceDataResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO, radio::getModemActivityInfoResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, radio::setAllowedCarriersResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, radio::getAllowedCarriersResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE, radio::sendDeviceStateResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER, radio::setIndicationFilterResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SIM_CARD_POWER, radio::setSimCardPowerResponse},
diff --git a/libril/ril_internal.h b/libril/ril_internal.h
index 0eeff87..9cb8a66 100644
--- a/libril/ril_internal.h
+++ b/libril/ril_internal.h
@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@
 typedef struct CommandInfo {
     int requestNumber;
-    // todo: remove
-    void (*dispatchFunction) (Parcel &p, struct RequestInfo *pRI);
     // todo: change parcel to serial
     int(*responseFunction) (Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
             RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
diff --git a/libril/ril_service.h b/libril/ril_service.h
index 58a7d13..fcec4eb 100644
--- a/libril/ril_service.h
+++ b/libril/ril_service.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 namespace radio {
 void registerService(RIL_RadioFunctions *callbacks, android::CommandInfo *commands);
 int getIccCardStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
                             int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
diff --git a/libril/ril_unsol_commands.h b/libril/ril_unsol_commands.h
index a14d7bf..0b25361 100644
--- a/libril/ril_unsol_commands.h
+++ b/libril/ril_unsol_commands.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     {RIL_UNSOL_SRVCC_STATE_NOTIFY, radio::srvccStateNotifyInd, WAKE_PARTIAL},
     {RIL_UNSOL_HARDWARE_CONFIG_CHANGED, radio::hardwareConfigChangedInd, WAKE_PARTIAL},
     {RIL_UNSOL_RADIO_CAPABILITY, radio::radioCapabilityIndicationInd, WAKE_PARTIAL},
     {RIL_UNSOL_ON_SS, radio::onSupplementaryServiceIndicationInd, WAKE_PARTIAL},
     {RIL_UNSOL_STK_CC_ALPHA_NOTIFY, radio::stkCallControlAlphaNotifyInd, WAKE_PARTIAL},