Data call refactoring and hidlization

Support the new HIDL interface for data call APIs.
More parameters are passing down to the modem to address
some issues we had earlier.

This is also backward compatible with the old vendor RIL.

bug: 32224135, 30173958, 33561503, 30282096, 32020264
Test: Telephony sanity tests, unit tests

Change-Id: I5ed76321ef52d6bc7a00bce918fde7bb316f8c93
diff --git a/libril/ril.cpp b/libril/ril.cpp
index e2bfad8..0f41368 100644
--- a/libril/ril.cpp
+++ b/libril/ril.cpp
@@ -234,10 +234,6 @@
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseSMS(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseDataCallList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-static int responseSetupDataCall(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseRaw(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseSsn(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
@@ -2398,241 +2394,6 @@
     return 0;
-static int responseDataCallListV4(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v4) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseDataCallListV4: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v4));
-    }
-    // Write version
-    p.writeInt32(4);
-    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v4);
-    p.writeInt32(num);
-    RIL_Data_Call_Response_v4 *p_cur = (RIL_Data_Call_Response_v4 *) response;
-    startResponse;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cid);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].active);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].type);
-        // apn is not used, so don't send.
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].address);
-        appendPrintBuf("%s[cid=%d,%s,%s,%s],", printBuf,
-            p_cur[i].cid,
-            (p_cur[i].active==0)?"down":"up",
-            (char*)p_cur[i].type,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].address);
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseDataCallListV6(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v6) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseDataCallListV6: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v6));
-    }
-    // Write version
-    p.writeInt32(6);
-    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v6);
-    p.writeInt32(num);
-    RIL_Data_Call_Response_v6 *p_cur = (RIL_Data_Call_Response_v6 *) response;
-    startResponse;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        p.writeInt32((int)p_cur[i].status);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].suggestedRetryTime);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cid);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].active);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].type);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].ifname);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].addresses);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].dnses);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].gateways);
-        appendPrintBuf("%s[status=%d,retry=%d,cid=%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s],", printBuf,
-            p_cur[i].status,
-            p_cur[i].suggestedRetryTime,
-            p_cur[i].cid,
-            (p_cur[i].active==0)?"down":"up",
-            (char*)p_cur[i].type,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].ifname,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].addresses,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].dnses,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].gateways);
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseDataCallListV9(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v9) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("responseDataCallListV9: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v9));
-    }
-    // Write version
-    p.writeInt32(10);
-    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v9);
-    p.writeInt32(num);
-    RIL_Data_Call_Response_v9 *p_cur = (RIL_Data_Call_Response_v9 *) response;
-    startResponse;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        p.writeInt32((int)p_cur[i].status);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].suggestedRetryTime);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cid);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].active);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].type);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].ifname);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].addresses);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].dnses);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].gateways);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].pcscf);
-        appendPrintBuf("%s[status=%d,retry=%d,cid=%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s],", printBuf,
-            p_cur[i].status,
-            p_cur[i].suggestedRetryTime,
-            p_cur[i].cid,
-            (p_cur[i].active==0)?"down":"up",
-            (char*)p_cur[i].type,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].ifname,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].addresses,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].dnses,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].gateways,
-            (char*)p_cur[i].pcscf);
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseDataCallListV11(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
-                RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-    }
-    if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11) != 0) {
-        RLOGE("invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
-        (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11));
-    }
-    // Write version
-    p.writeInt32(11);
-    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11);
-    p.writeInt32(num);
-    RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11 *p_cur = (RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11 *) response;
-    startResponse;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        p.writeInt32((int)p_cur[i].status);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].suggestedRetryTime);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].cid);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].active);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].type);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].ifname);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].addresses);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].dnses);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].gateways);
-        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur[i].pcscf);
-        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i].mtu);
-        appendPrintBuf("%s[status=%d,retry=%d,cid=%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,mtu=%d],", printBuf,
-        p_cur[i].status,
-        p_cur[i].suggestedRetryTime,
-        p_cur[i].cid,
-        (p_cur[i].active==0)?"down":"up",
-        (char*)p_cur[i].type,
-        (char*)p_cur[i].ifname,
-        (char*)p_cur[i].addresses,
-        (char*)p_cur[i].dnses,
-        (char*)p_cur[i].gateways,
-        (char*)p_cur[i].pcscf,
-        p_cur[i].mtu);
-    }
-    removeLastChar;
-    closeResponse;
-    return 0;
-static int responseDataCallList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (s_callbacks.version <= LAST_IMPRECISE_RIL_VERSION) {
-        if (s_callbacks.version < 5) {
-            RLOGD("responseDataCallList: v4");
-            return responseDataCallListV4(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                    response, responselen);
-        } else if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v6) == 0) {
-            return responseDataCallListV6(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                    response, responselen);
-        } else if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v9) == 0) {
-            return responseDataCallListV9(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                    response, responselen);
-        } else {
-            return responseDataCallListV11(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e,
-                    response, responselen);
-        }
-    } else { // RIL version >= 13
-        if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("Data structure expected is RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11");
-            if (!isDebuggable()) {
-                return RIL_ERRNO_INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            } else {
-                assert(0);
-            }
-        }
-        return responseDataCallListV11(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, response,
-                responselen);
-    }
-static int responseSetupDataCall(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
-    if (s_callbacks.version < 5) {
-        return responseStringsWithVersion(s_callbacks.version, p, slotId, requestNumber,
-                responseType, token, e, response, responselen);
-    } else {
-        return responseDataCallList(p, slotId, requestNumber, responseType, token, e, response,
-                responselen);
-    }
 static int responseRaw(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
     if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
@@ -4512,36 +4273,15 @@
     appendPrintBuf("Ack [%04d]< %s", pRI->token, requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
     if (pRI->cancelled == 0) {
-        Parcel p;
+        pthread_rwlock_t *radioServiceRwlockPtr = radio::getRadioServiceRwlock(
+                (int) socket_id);
+        int rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
+        assert(rwlockRet == 0);
-        p.writeInt32 (RESPONSE_SOLICITED_ACK);
-        p.writeInt32 (pRI->token);
+        radio::acknowledgeRequest((int) socket_id, pRI->token);
-        // TODO : Below block of if condition will go away once below commands are converted
-        // to hidl supported apis. They are left out as they use common functions used by
-        // unsolicited commands present in other CL
-        int cmdId = pRI->pCI->requestNumber;
-        if(cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SETUP_DATA_CALL
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE) {
-            pthread_rwlock_t *radioServiceRwlockPtr = radio::getRadioServiceRwlock(
-                    (int) socket_id);
-            int rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
-            assert(rwlockRet == 0);
-            radio::acknowledgeRequest((int) socket_id, pRI->token);
-            rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_unlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
-            assert(rwlockRet == 0);
-            return;
-        }
-        if (fd < 0) {
-            RLOGD ("RIL onRequestAck: Command channel closed");
-        }
-        sendResponse(p, socket_id);
+        rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_unlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
+        assert(rwlockRet == 0);
 extern "C" void
@@ -4570,7 +4310,8 @@
         // response does not go back up the command socket
         RLOGD("C[locl]< %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        goto done;
+        free(pRI);
+        return;
     appendPrintBuf("[%04d]< %s",
@@ -4595,52 +4336,19 @@
         p.writeInt32 (e);
-        bool hidlized = false;
-        int cmdId = pRI->pCI->requestNumber;
-        if(cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SETUP_DATA_CALL
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE) {
-            hidlized = true;
-        }
+        // there is a response payload, no matter success or not.
+        RLOGE ("Calling responseFunction() for token %d", pRI->token);
-        if (response != NULL || hidlized) {
-            // there is a response payload, no matter success or not.
-            RLOGE ("Calling responseFunction() for token %d", pRI->token);
+        pthread_rwlock_t *radioServiceRwlockPtr = radio::getRadioServiceRwlock((int) socket_id);
+        int rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
+        assert(rwlockRet == 0);
-            pthread_rwlock_t *radioServiceRwlockPtr = radio::getRadioServiceRwlock((int) socket_id);
-            int rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
-            assert(rwlockRet == 0);
+        ret = pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
+                responseType, pRI->token, e, response, responselen);
-            ret = pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                    responseType, pRI->token, e, response, responselen);
-            rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_unlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
-            assert(rwlockRet == 0);
-            if (hidlized)  {
-                free(pRI);
-                return;
-            }
-            /* if an error occurred, rewind and mark it */
-            if (ret != 0) {
-                RLOGE ("responseFunction error, ret %d", ret);
-                p.setDataPosition(errorOffset);
-                p.writeInt32 (ret);
-            }
-        }
-        if (e != RIL_E_SUCCESS) {
-            appendPrintBuf("%s fails by %s", printBuf, failCauseToString(e));
-        }
-        if (fd < 0) {
-            RLOGD ("RIL_onRequestComplete: Command channel closed");
-        }
-        sendResponse(p, socket_id);
+        rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_unlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
+        assert(rwlockRet == 0);