Convert ril cpp to HIDL service.

Bug: 32020264

Test: Basic telephony sanity tests (voice calls, data, sms, APM).
Merged-in: I1327e7b07ed001e7fbb8d69a2c871bdc500f1a9f
Change-Id: I1327e7b07ed001e7fbb8d69a2c871bdc500f1a9f
diff --git a/include/telephony/ril.h b/include/telephony/ril.h
index 6e7cab0..c377ce0 100644
--- a/include/telephony/ril.h
+++ b/include/telephony/ril.h
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
     RIL_E_DEVICE_IN_USE = 64,                   /* Operation cannot be performed because the device
                                                    is currently in use */
     RIL_E_ABORTED = 65,                         /* Operation aborted */
+    RIL_E_INVALID_RESPONSE = 66,                /* Invalid response sent by vendor code */
     // OEM specific error codes. To be used by OEM when they don't want to reveal
     // specific error codes which would be replaced by Generic failure.
     RIL_E_OEM_ERROR_1 = 501,