7197849: Update new build-infra makefiles

Reviewed-by: ihse, erikj, ohrstrom, tbell
diff --git a/common/autoconf/compare.sh.in b/common/autoconf/compare.sh.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25c8c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/autoconf/compare.sh.in
@@ -0,0 +1,1669 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# This script is processed by configure before it's usable. It is run from 
+# the root of the build directory.
+# Substitutions from autoconf
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "macosx" ]; then
+    READELF_CMD="otool -v -V -h -X -t -d"
+elif [ -n "$READELF" ] && [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" != "windows" ]; then
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "macosx" ]; then
+    LDD_CMD="$OTOOL -L"
+elif [ -n "$LDD" ]; then
+    LDD_CMD="$LDD"
+# Diff exceptions
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "linux" ] && [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU" = "x86_64" ]; then
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "solaris" ] && [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU" = "x86" ]; then
+# libjvm.so differs in the random 15 char prefix on some symbols.
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "solaris" ] && [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU" = "x86_64" ]; then
+# Can't find an explaination for the diff in libmlib_image.so.
+# libjvm.so differs in the random 15 char prefix on some symbols.
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "windows" ] && [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU" = "x86_64" ]; then
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "macosx" ]; then
+# Compare text files and ignore specific differences:
+#  * Timestamps in Java sources generated by idl2java
+#  * Sorting order and cleanup style in .properties files
+diff_text() {
+    OTHER_FILE=$1
+    THIS_FILE=$2
+    SUFFIX="${THIS_FILE##*.}"
+    TMP=1
+    if [[ "$THIS_FILE" = *"META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" ]]; then
+            $GREP '^[<>]' | \
+            $SED -e '/[<>] Ant-Version: Apache Ant .*/d' \
+	         -e '/[<>] Created-By: .* (Oracle Corporation).*/d')
+    fi
+    if test "x$SUFFIX" = "xjava"; then
+            $GREP '^[<>]' | \
+            $SED -e '/[<>] \* from.*\.idl/d' \
+                 -e '/[<>] \*.*[0-9]\{4\}_[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{2\}-b[0-9]\{2\}.*/d' \
+                 -e '/[<>] \*.*[0-9]\{4\} [0-9][0-9]*:[0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\}.*/d' \
+                 -e '/\/\/ Generated from input file.*/d' \
+                 -e '/\/\/ This file was generated AUTOMATICALLY from a template file.*/d' \
+                 -e '/\/\/ java GenerateCharacter.*/d')
+    fi
+    # Ignore date strings in class files.
+    # On Macosx the system sources for generated java classes produce different output on 
+    # consequtive invokations seemingly randomly.
+    # For example a method parameter randomly named "thePoint" or "aPoint". Ignore this.
+    if test "x$SUFFIX" = "xclass"; then
+        $JAVAP -c -constants -l -p ${OTHER_FILE} >  ${OTHER_FILE}.javap
+        $JAVAP -c -constants -l -p ${THIS_FILE} > ${THIS_FILE}.javap
+        TMP=$($DIFF ${OTHER_FILE}.javap ${THIS_FILE}.javap | \
+            $GREP '^[<>]' | \
+            $SED -e '/[<>].*[0-9]\{4\}_[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{2\}-b[0-9]\{2\}.*/d' \
+	         -e '/[<>].*Point   Lcom\/apple\/jobjc\/foundation\/NSPoint;/d' \
+	         -e '/[<>].*public com\.apple\.jobjc\.Pointer<com\.apple\.jobjc\..*itemsPtr();/d' \
+	         -e '/[<>].*public void setItemsPtr(com\.apple\.jobjc\.Pointer<com\.apple\.jobjc\..*);/d')
+    fi
+    if test "x$SUFFIX" = "xproperties"; then
+        $CAT $OTHER_FILE | $SED -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\\:/g' -e  's/\([^\\]\)=/\1\\=/g' -e 's/#.*/#/g' \
+            | $SED -f "$SRC_ROOT/common/bin/unicode2x.sed" \
+  	    | $SED -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' \
+            -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' \
+  	    -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' \
+	    -e 's/\\=/=/' | LANG=C $SORT > $OTHER_FILE.cleaned
+        TMP=$(LANG=C $DIFF $OTHER_FILE.cleaned $THIS_FILE)
+    fi
+    if test -n "$TMP"; then
+        echo Files $OTHER_FILE and $THIS_FILE differ
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+# Compare directory structure
+compare_dirs() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    mkdir -p $WORK_DIR
+    (cd $OTHER_DIR && $FIND . -type d | $SORT > $WORK_DIR/other_dirs)
+    (cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -type d | $SORT > $WORK_DIR/this_dirs)
+    echo -n Directory structure...
+    if $DIFF $WORK_DIR/other_dirs $WORK_DIR/this_dirs > /dev/null; then
+        echo Identical!
+    else
+        echo Differences found.
+        REGRESSIONS=true
+    # Differences in directories found.
+        ONLY_OTHER=$($DIFF $WORK_DIR/other_dirs $WORK_DIR/this_dirs | $GREP '<')
+        if [ "$ONLY_OTHER" ]; then
+            echo Only in $OTHER
+            echo $ONLY_OTHER | $SED 's|< ./|\t|g' | $SED 's/ /\n/g'
+        fi
+    # Differences in directories found.
+        ONLY_THIS=$($DIFF $WORK_DIR/other_dirs $WORK_DIR/this_dirs | $GREP '>')
+        if [ "$ONLY_THIS" ]; then
+            echo Only in $THIS
+            echo $ONLY_THIS | $SED 's|> ./|\t|g' | $SED 's/ /\n/g'
+        fi
+    fi
+# Compare file structure
+compare_files() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    mkdir -p $WORK_DIR
+    (cd $OTHER_DIR && $FIND . -type f | $SORT > $WORK_DIR/other_files)
+    (cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -type f | $SORT > $WORK_DIR/this_files)
+    echo -n File names...
+    if diff $WORK_DIR/other_files $WORK_DIR/this_files > /dev/null; then
+        echo Identical!
+    else
+        echo Differences found.
+        REGRESSIONS=true
+    # Differences in directories found.
+        ONLY_OTHER=$(diff $WORK_DIR/other_files $WORK_DIR/this_files | $GREP '<')
+        if [ "$ONLY_OTHER" ]; then
+            echo Only in $OTHER
+            echo "$ONLY_OTHER" | sed 's|< ./|    |g'
+        fi
+    # Differences in directories found.
+        ONLY_THIS=$(diff $WORK_DIR/other_files $WORK_DIR/this_files | $GREP '>')
+        if [ "$ONLY_THIS" ]; then
+            echo Only in $THIS
+            echo "$ONLY_THIS" | sed 's|> ./|    |g'
+        fi
+    fi
+# Compare permissions
+compare_permissions() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    mkdir -p $WORK_DIR
+    echo -n Permissions...
+    found=""
+    for f in `cd $OTHER_DIR && $FIND . -type f`
+    do
+        if [ ! -f ${OTHER_DIR}/$f ]; then continue; fi
+        if [ ! -f ${THIS_DIR}/$f ]; then continue; fi
+        OP=`ls -l ${OTHER_DIR}/$f | awk '{printf("%.10s\n", $1);}'`
+        TP=`ls -l ${THIS_DIR}/$f | awk '{printf("%.10s\n", $1);}'`
+        if [ "$OP" != "$TP" ]
+        then
+	    if [ -z "$found" ]; then echo ; found="yes"; fi
+	    $PRINTF "\told: ${OP} new: ${TP}\t$f\n"
+        fi
+    done
+    if [ -z "$found" ]; then 
+        echo "Identical!"
+    else
+        REGRESSIONS=true
+    fi
+# Compare file command output
+compare_file_types() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    $MKDIR -p $WORK_DIR
+    echo -n File types...
+    found=""
+    for f in `cd $OTHER_DIR && $FIND . -type f`
+    do
+        if [ ! -f ${OTHER_DIR}/$f ]; then continue; fi
+        if [ ! -f ${THIS_DIR}/$f ]; then continue; fi
+        OF=`cd ${OTHER_DIR} && $FILE $f`
+        TF=`cd ${THIS_DIR} && $FILE $f`
+        if [ "$f" = "./src.zip" ] || [ "$f" = "./jre/lib/JObjC.jar" ] || [ "$f" = "./lib/JObjC.jar" ]
+        then
+	    if [ "`echo $OF | $GREP -ic zip`" -gt 0 -a "`echo $TF | $GREP -ic zip`" -gt 0 ]
+	    then
+	        # the way we produces zip-files make it so that directories are stored in old file
+	        # but not in new (only files with full-path)
+	        # this makes file-5.09 report them as different
+	        continue;
+	    fi
+        fi
+        if [ "$OF" != "$TF" ]
+        then
+	    if [ -z "$found" ]; then echo ; found="yes"; fi
+	    $PRINTF "\tother: ${OF}\n\tthis : ${TF}\n"
+        fi
+    done
+    if [ -z "$found" ]; then 
+        echo "Identical!"
+    else
+        REGRESSIONS=true
+    fi
+# Compare the rest of the files
+compare_general_files() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    GENERAL_FILES=$(cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -type f ! -name "*.so" ! -name "*.jar" ! -name "*.zip" \
+        ! -name "*.debuginfo" ! -name "*.dylib" ! -name "jexec" \
+        ! -name "ct.sym" ! -name "*.diz" ! -name "*.dll" \
+        ! -name "*.pdb" ! -name "*.exp" ! -name "*.ilk" \
+        ! -name "*.lib" \
+        | $GREP -v "./bin/"  | $SORT | $FILTER)
+    echo General files...
+    for f in $GENERAL_FILES
+    do
+        if [ -e $OTHER_DIR/$f ]; then
+            DIFF_OUT=$($DIFF $OTHER_DIR/$f $THIS_DIR/$f 2>&1)
+            if [ -n "$DIFF_OUT" ]; then
+                echo $f
+                REGRESSIONS=true
+                if [ "$SHOW_DIFFS" = "true" ]; then
+                    echo "$DIFF_OUT"
+                fi
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+# Compare zip file
+compare_zip_file() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    ZIP_FILE=$4
+    THIS_SUFFIX="${THIS_ZIP##*.}"
+    if [ "$THIS_SUFFIX" != "$OTHER_SUFFIX" ]; then
+        echo The files do not have the same suffix type!
+        return 2
+    fi
+    if $CMP $OTHER_ZIP $THIS_ZIP > /dev/null
+    then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    # Not quite identical, the might still contain the same data.
+    # Unpack the jar/zip files in temp dirs
+    return_value=0
+    if [ -n "$ONLY_OTHER" ]; then
+        echo "        Only OTHER $ZIP_FILE contains:"
+        echo "$ONLY_OTHER" | sed "s|Only in $OTHER_UNZIPDIR|            |"g | sed 's|: |/|g'
+        return_value=1
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$ONLY_THIS" ]; then
+        echo "        Only THIS $ZIP_FILE contains:"
+        echo "$ONLY_THIS" | sed "s|Only in $THIS_UNZIPDIR|            |"g | sed 's|: |/|g'
+        return_value=1
+    fi
+    DIFFING_FILES=$($GREP differ $CONTENTS_DIFF_FILE | $CUT -f 2 -d ' ' | $SED "s|$OTHER_UNZIPDIR/||g")
+    $RM -f $WORK_DIR/$ZIP_FILE.diffs
+    for file in $DIFFING_FILES; do
+	if [[ "$ACCEPTED_JARZIP_CONTENTS" != *"$file"* ]]; then
+            diff_text $OTHER_UNZIPDIR/$file $THIS_UNZIPDIR/$file >> $WORK_DIR/$ZIP_FILE.diffs
+	fi
+    done
+    if [ -s "$WORK_DIR/$ZIP_FILE.diffs" ]; then
+        return_value=1
+        echo "        Differing files in $ZIP_FILE"
+        $CAT $WORK_DIR/$ZIP_FILE.diffs | $GREP differ | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | \
+            $SED "s|$OTHER_UNZIPDIR|            |g" > $WORK_DIR/$ZIP_FILE.difflist
+        $CAT $WORK_DIR/$ZIP_FILE.difflist
+        if [ -n "$SHOW_DIFFS" ]; then
+            for i in $(cat $WORK_DIR/$ZIP_FILE.difflist) ; do
+                if [ -f "${OTHER_UNZIPDIR}/$i.javap" ]; then
+                    LANG=C $DIFF ${OTHER_UNZIPDIR}/$i.javap ${THIS_UNZIPDIR}/$i.javap
+                elif [ -f "${OTHER_UNZIPDIR}/$i.cleaned" ]; then
+                    LANG=C $DIFF ${OTHER_UNZIPDIR}/$i.cleaned ${THIS_UNZIPDIR}/$i
+                else
+                    LANG=C $DIFF ${OTHER_UNZIPDIR}/$i ${THIS_UNZIPDIR}/$i
+                fi
+            done
+        fi
+    fi
+    return $return_value
+# Compare all zip files
+compare_all_zip_files() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    ZIPS=$(cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -type f -name "*.zip" | $SORT | $FILTER )
+    if [ -n "$ZIPS" ]; then
+        echo Zip files...
+        return_value=0
+        for f in $ZIPS; do
+            if [ -f "$OTHER_DIR/$f" ]; then
+                compare_zip_file $THIS_DIR $OTHER_DIR $WORK_DIR $f
+                if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+                    return_value=1
+                    REGRESSIONS=true
+                fi
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    return $return_value
+# Compare all jar files
+compare_all_jar_files() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    # TODO filter?
+    ZIPS=$(cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -type f -name "*.jar" | $SORT | $FILTER)
+    if [ -n "$ZIPS" ]; then
+        echo Jar files...
+        return_value=0
+        for f in $ZIPS; do
+            if [ -f "$OTHER_DIR/$f" ]; then
+                compare_zip_file $THIS_DIR $OTHER_DIR $WORK_DIR $f
+                if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+                    return_value=1
+                    REGRESSIONS=true
+                fi
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    return $return_value
+# Compare binary (executable/library) file
+compare_bin_file() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    BIN_FILE=$4
+    NAME=$(basename $BIN_FILE)
+    if [[ "$STRIP_BEFORE_COMPARE" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+        $MKDIR -p $FILE_WORK_DIR/this $FILE_WORK_DIR/other
+    fi
+    if [ -z "$SKIP_BIN_DIFF" ]; then
+        if cmp $OTHER_FILE $THIS_FILE > /dev/null; then
+        # The files were bytewise identical.
+            if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then
+                echo "        :           :         :         :          : $BIN_FILE"
+            fi
+            return 0
+        fi
+        BIN_MSG=" diff "
+        if [[ "$ACCEPTED_BIN_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+            DIFF_BIN=true
+            if [[ "$KNOWN_BIN_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                BIN_MSG="*$BIN_MSG*"
+                REGRESSIONS=true
+            else
+                BIN_MSG=" $BIN_MSG "
+            fi
+        else
+            BIN_MSG="($BIN_MSG)"
+            DIFF_BIN=
+        fi
+    fi
+    THIS_SIZE=$(ls -l "$THIS_FILE" | awk '{ print $5 }')
+    OTHER_SIZE=$(ls -l "$OTHER_FILE" | awk '{ print $5 }')
+    if [ $THIS_SIZE -ne $OTHER_SIZE ]; then
+        SIZE_MSG=$($PRINTF "%3d%% %4d" $DIFF_SIZE_REL $DIFF_SIZE_NUM)
+        if [[ "$ACCEPTED_SMALL_SIZE_DIFF" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]] && [ "$DIFF_SIZE_REL" -gt 98 ] && [ "$DIFF_SIZE_REL" -lt 102 ]; then
+            SIZE_MSG="($SIZE_MSG)"
+            DIFF_SIZE=
+        else
+            if [[ "$ACCEPTED_SIZE_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                DIFF_SIZE=true
+                if [[ "$KNOWN_SIZE_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                    SIZE_MSG="*$SIZE_MSG*"
+                    REGRESSIONS=true
+                else
+                    SIZE_MSG=" $SIZE_MSG "
+                fi
+            else
+                SIZE_MSG="($SIZE_MSG)"
+                DIFF_SIZE=
+            fi
+        fi
+    else
+        SIZE_MSG="           "
+        DIFF_SIZE=
+        if [[ "$KNOWN_SIZE_DIFF $ACCEPTED_SIZE_DIFF" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+            SIZE_MSG="     !     "
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [[ "$SORT_SYMBOLS" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+        SYM_SORT_CMD="sort"
+    else
+        SYM_SORT_CMD="cat"
+    fi
+    # Check symbols
+    if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "windows" ]; then
+	$DUMPBIN -exports $OTHER_FILE | $GREP " = " | $SYM_SORT_CMD > $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.other
+	$DUMPBIN -exports $THIS_FILE  | $GREP " = " | $SYM_SORT_CMD > $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.this
+    elif [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "solaris" ]; then
+        # Some symbols get seemingly random 15 character prefixes. Filter them out.
+        $NM -a $ORIG_OTHER_FILE | $GREP -v $NAME | $AWK '{print $2, $3, $4, $5}' | $SED 's/^\([a-zA-Z] \.\)[a-zA-Z0-9_\$]\{15,15\}\./\1./g' | $SYM_SORT_CMD > $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.other
+	$NM -a $ORIG_THIS_FILE  | $GREP -v $NAME | $AWK '{print $2, $3, $4, $5}' | $SED 's/^\([a-zA-Z] \.\)[a-zA-Z0-9_\$]\{15,15\}\./\1./g' | $SYM_SORT_CMD > $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.this
+    else
+	$NM -a $ORIG_OTHER_FILE | $GREP -v $NAME | $AWK '{print $2, $3, $4, $5}' | $SYM_SORT_CMD > $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.other
+	$NM -a $ORIG_THIS_FILE  | $GREP -v $NAME | $AWK '{print $2, $3, $4, $5}' | $SYM_SORT_CMD > $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.this
+    fi
+    LANG=C $DIFF $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.other $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.this > $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.diff
+    if [ -s $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.diff ]; then
+        SYM_MSG=" diff  "
+        if [[ "$ACCEPTED_SYM_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+            DIFF_SYM=true
+            if [[ "$KNOWN_SYM_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                SYM_MSG="*$SYM_MSG*"
+                REGRESSIONS=true
+            else
+                SYM_MSG=" $SYM_MSG "
+            fi
+        else
+            SYM_MSG="($SYM_MSG)"            
+            DIFF_SYM=
+        fi
+    else
+        SYM_MSG="         "
+        DIFF_SYM=
+        if [[ "$KNOWN_SYM_DIFF $ACCEPTED_SYM_DIFF" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+            SYM_MSG="    !    "
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Check dependencies
+    if [ -n "$LDD_CMD" ];then
+	(cd $FILE_WORK_DIR && $CP $OTHER_FILE . && $LDD_CMD $NAME | $AWK '{ print $1;}' | $SORT | $TEE $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.other | $UNIQ > $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.other.uniq)
+	(cd $FILE_WORK_DIR && $CP $THIS_FILE . && $LDD_CMD $NAME | $AWK '{ print $1;}' | $SORT | $TEE $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.this | $UNIQ > $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.this.uniq)
+	(cd $FILE_WORK_DIR && $RM -f $NAME)
+	LANG=C $DIFF $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.other $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.this > $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.diff
+	LANG=C $DIFF $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.other.uniq $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.this.uniq > $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.diff.uniq
+	if [ -s $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.diff ]; then
+            if [ -s $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.diff.uniq ]; then
+		DEP_MSG=" diff  "
+            else
+		DEP_MSG=" redun "
+            fi
+            if [[ "$ACCEPTED_DEP_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+		DIFF_DEP=true
+		if [[ "$KNOWN_DEP_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                    DEP_MSG="*$DEP_MSG*"
+                    REGRESSIONS=true
+		else
+                    DEP_MSG=" $DEP_MSG "
+		fi
+            else
+            fi
+	else
+	    DEP_MSG="         "
+	    DIFF_DEP=
+            if [[ "$KNOWN_DEP_DIFF $ACCEPTED_DEP_DIFF" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                DEP_MSG="     !      "
+            fi
+	fi
+    fi
+    # Compare readelf output
+    if [ -n "$READELF_CMD" ] && [ -z "$SKIP_ELF_DIFF" ]; then
+        $READELF_CMD $OTHER_FILE > $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.other 2>&1
+        $READELF_CMD $THIS_FILE > $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.this 2>&1
+        LANG=C $DIFF $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.other $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.this > $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.diff
+        if [ -s $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.diff ]; then
+            ELF_DIFF_SIZE=$(ls -n $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.diff | awk '{print $5}')
+            ELF_MSG=$($PRINTF "%8d" $ELF_DIFF_SIZE)
+            if [[ "$ACCEPTED_ELF_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                DIFF_ELF=true
+                if [[ "$KNOWN_ELF_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                    ELF_MSG="*$ELF_MSG*"
+                    REGRESSIONS=true
+                else
+                    ELF_MSG=" $ELF_MSG "
+                fi
+            else
+                ELF_MSG="($ELF_MSG)"
+                DIFF_ELF=
+            fi
+        else
+            ELF_MSG="          "
+            DIFF_ELF=
+            if [[ "$KNOWN_DEP_DIFF $ACCEPTED_DEP_DIFF" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                ELF_MSG="    !    "
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Compare disassemble output
+    if [ -f "$OBJDUMP" ] && [ -z "$SKIP_DIS_DIFF" ]; then
+        $OBJDUMP -d $OTHER_FILE | $GREP -v $NAME > $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.other 2>&1
+        $OBJDUMP -d $THIS_FILE  | $GREP -v $NAME > $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.this  2>&1
+        LANG=C $DIFF $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.other $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.this > $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.diff
+        if [ -s $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.diff ]; then
+            DIS_DIFF_SIZE=$(ls -n $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.diff | awk '{print $5}')
+            DIS_MSG=$($PRINTF "%8d" $DIS_DIFF_SIZE)
+            if [[ "$ACCEPTED_DIS_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                DIFF_DIS=true
+                if [[ "$KNOWN_DIS_DIFF" != *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                    DIS_MSG="*$DIS_MSG*"
+                    REGRESSIONS=true
+                else
+                    DIS_MSG=" $DIS_MSG "
+                fi
+            else
+                DIS_MSG="($DIS_MSG)"
+                DIFF_DIS=
+            fi
+        else
+            DIS_MSG="          "
+            DIFF_DIS=
+            if [[ "$KNOWN_DEP_DIFF $ACCEPTED_DEP_DIFF" = *"$BIN_FILE"* ]]; then
+                DIS_MSG="    !    "
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+        if [ -n "$BIN_MSG" ]; then echo -n "$BIN_MSG:"; fi
+        if [ -n "$SIZE_MSG" ]; then echo -n "$SIZE_MSG:"; fi
+        if [ -n "$SYM_MSG" ]; then echo -n "$SYM_MSG:"; fi
+        if [ -n "$DEP_MSG" ]; then echo -n "$DEP_MSG:"; fi
+        if [ -n "$ELF_MSG" ]; then echo -n "$ELF_MSG:"; fi
+        if [ -n "$DIS_MSG" ]; then echo -n "$DIS_MSG:"; fi
+        echo " $BIN_FILE"
+        if [ "$SHOW_DIFFS" = "true" ]; then
+            if [ -s "$WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.diff" ]; then
+                echo "Symbols diff:"
+                $CAT $WORK_FILE_BASE.symbols.diff
+            fi
+            if [ -s "$WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.diff" ]; then
+                echo "Deps diff:"
+                $CAT $WORK_FILE_BASE.deps.diff
+            fi
+            if [ -s "$WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.diff" ]; then
+                echo "Readelf diff:"
+                $CAT $WORK_FILE_BASE.readelf.diff
+            fi
+            if [ -s "$WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.diff" ]; then
+                echo "Disassembly diff:"
+                $CAT $WORK_FILE_BASE.dis.diff
+            fi
+        fi
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+# Print binary diff header
+print_binary_diff_header() {
+    if [ -z "$SKIP_BIN_DIFF" ]; then echo -n " Binary :"; fi
+    if [ -z "$SKIP_SIZE_DIFF" ]; then echo -n "   Size    :"; fi
+    if [ -z "$SKIP_SYM_DIFF" ]; then echo -n " Symbols :"; fi
+    if [ -z "$SKIP_DEP_DIFF" ]; then echo -n "  Deps   :"; fi
+    if [ -z "$SKIP_ELF_DIFF" ]; then echo -n " Readelf  :"; fi
+    if [ -z "$SKIP_DIS_DIFF" ]; then echo -n " Disass   :"; fi
+    echo
+# Compare all libraries
+compare_all_libs() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    LIBS=$(cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -name 'lib*.so' -o -name '*.dylib' -o -name '*.dll' | $SORT | $FILTER)
+    if [ -n "$LIBS" ]; then
+        echo Libraries...
+        print_binary_diff_header
+        for l in $LIBS; do
+            if [ -f "$OTHER_DIR/$l" ]; then
+                compare_bin_file $THIS_DIR $OTHER_DIR $WORK_DIR $l
+                if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+                    return_value=1
+                fi
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    return $return_value
+# Compare all executables
+compare_all_execs() {
+    THIS_DIR=$1
+    OTHER_DIR=$2
+    WORK_DIR=$3
+    if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "windows" ]; then
+        EXECS=$(cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -type f -name '*.exe' | $SORT | $FILTER)
+    else
+        EXECS=$(cd $THIS_DIR && $FIND . -name db -prune -o -type f -perm -100 \! \( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.dylib' -o -name '*.dll' -o -name '*.cgi' \) | $SORT | $FILTER)
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$EXECS" ]; then
+        echo Executables...
+        print_binary_diff_header
+        for e in $EXECS; do
+            if [ -f "$OTHER_DIR/$e" ]; then
+                compare_bin_file $THIS_DIR $OTHER_DIR $WORK_DIR $e
+                if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+                    return_value=1
+                fi
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
+    return $return_value
+# Initiate configuration
+if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "windows" ]; then
+    if [ "$(uname -o)" = "Cygwin" ]; then
+	COMPARE_ROOT=$(cygpath -msa $COMPARE_ROOT)
+    fi
+THIS="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
+echo "$THIS"
+if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-?" ] || [ "$1" = "/h" ] || [ "$1" = "/?" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then
+    echo "bash ./compare.sh [OPTIONS] [FILTER]"
+    echo ""
+    echo "-all                Compare all files in all known ways"
+    echo "-names              Compare the file names and directory structure"
+    echo "-perms              Compare the permission bits on all files and directories"
+    echo "-types              Compare the output of the file command on all files"
+    echo "-general            Compare the files not convered by the specialized comparisons"
+    echo "-zips               Compare the contents of all zip files"
+    echo "-jars               Compare the contents of all jar files"
+    echo "-libs               Compare all native libraries"
+    echo "-execs              Compare all executables"
+    echo "-v                  Verbose output, does not hide known differences"
+    echo "-vv                 More verbose output, shows diff output of all comparisons"
+    echo "-o [OTHER]          Compare with build in other directory. Will default to the old build directory"
+    echo ""
+    echo "[FILTER]            List filenames in the image to compare, works for jars, zips, libs and execs"
+    echo "Example:"
+    echo "bash ./common/bin/compareimages.sh CodePointIM.jar"
+    exit 10
+while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+    case "$1" in
+        -v)
+            VERBOSE=true
+            ;;
+        -vv)
+            VERBOSE=true
+            SHOW_DIFFS=true
+            ;;
+        -o)
+            OTHER=$2
+            shift
+            ;;
+        -all)
+            CMP_NAMES=true
+            if [ "$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" != "windows" ]; then
+                CMP_PERMS=true
+            fi
+            CMP_TYPES=true
+            CMP_GENERAL=true
+            CMP_ZIPS=true
+            CMP_JARS=true
+            CMP_LIBS=true
+            CMP_EXECS=true
+            ;;
+        -names)
+            CMP_NAMES=true
+            ;;
+        -perms)
+            CMP_PERMS=true
+            ;;
+        -types)
+            CMP_TYPES=true
+            ;;
+        -general)
+            CMP_GENERAL=true
+            ;;
+        -zips)
+            CMP_ZIPS=true
+            ;;
+        -jars)
+            CMP_JARS=true
+            ;;
+        -libs)
+            CMP_LIBS=true
+            ;;
+        -execs)
+            CMP_EXECS=true
+            ;;
+        *)
+            CMP_NAMES=false
+            CMP_PERMS=false
+            CMP_TYPES=false
+            CMP_ZIPS=true
+            CMP_JARS=true
+            CMP_LIBS=true
+            CMP_EXECS=true
+            if [ -z "$FILTER" ]; then
+                FILTER="$GREP"
+            fi
+            FILTER="$FILTER -e $1"
+            ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+if [ "$CMP_NAMES" = "false" ] && [ "$CMP_TYPES" = "false" ] && [ "$CMP_PERMS" = "false" ] && [ "$CMP_GENERAL" = "false" ] && [ "$CMP_ZIPS" = "false" ] && [ "$CMP_JARS" = "false" ] && [ "$CMP_LIBS" = "false" ] && [ "$CMP_EXECS" = "false" ]; then
+    CMP_NAMES=true
+    CMP_PERMS=true
+    CMP_TYPES=true
+    CMP_GENERAL=true
+    CMP_ZIPS=true
+    CMP_JARS=true
+    CMP_LIBS=true
+    CMP_EXECS=true
+if [ -z "$FILTER" ]; then
+    FILTER="$CAT"
+if [ -z "$OTHER" ]; then
+    if [ -d "$OTHER" ]; then
+        OTHER="$( cd "$OTHER" && pwd )"
+    else
+        echo "Default old build directory does not exist:"
+        echo "$OTHER"
+    fi
+    echo "Comparing to default old build:"
+    echo "$OTHER"
+    echo
+    echo "Comparing to:"
+    echo "$OTHER"
+    echo
+if [ ! -d "$OTHER" ]; then
+    echo "Other build directory does not exist:"
+    echo "$OTHER"
+    exit 1;
+# Figure out the layout of the new build. Which kinds of images have been produced
+if [ -d "$THIS/images/j2sdk-image" ]; then
+    THIS_J2SDK="$THIS/images/j2sdk-image"
+    THIS_J2RE="$THIS/images/j2re-image"
+if [ -d "$THIS/images/j2sdk-overlay-image" ]; then
+    THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY="$THIS/images/j2sdk-overlay-image"
+    THIS_J2RE_OVERLAY="$THIS/images/j2re-overlay-image"
+# Figure out the layout of the other build (old or new, normal or overlay image)
+if [ -d "$OTHER/j2sdk-image" ]; then
+    if [ -f "$OTHER/j2sdk-image/LICENSE" ]; then
+        OTHER_J2SDK="$OTHER/j2sdk-image"
+        OTHER_J2RE="$OTHER/j2re-image"
+    else
+        OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY="$OTHER/j2sdk-image"
+        OTHER_J2RE_OVERLAY="$OTHER/j2re-image"
+    fi
+if [ -z "$OTHER_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ] && [ -z "$THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ]; then
+    echo "OTHER build only has an overlay image while this build does not. Nothing to compare!"
+    exit 1
+# Do the work
+if [ "$CMP_NAMES" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK "
+        compare_dirs $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+        echo -n "J2RE  "
+        compare_dirs $THIS_J2RE $OTHER_J2RE $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re
+        echo -n "J2SDK "
+        compare_files $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+        echo -n "J2RE  "
+        compare_files $THIS_J2RE $OTHER_J2RE $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK Overlay "
+        compare_dirs $THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk-overlay
+        echo -n "J2RE  Overlay "
+        compare_dirs $THIS_J2RE_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2RE_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re-overlay
+        echo -n "J2SDK Overlay "
+        compare_files $THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk-overlay
+        echo -n "J2RE  Overlay "
+        compare_files $THIS_J2RE_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2RE_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re-overlay
+    fi
+if [ "$CMP_PERMS" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK "
+        compare_permissions $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+        echo -n "J2RE  "
+        compare_permissions $THIS_J2RE $OTHER_J2RE $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK Overlay "
+        compare_permissions $THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk-overlay
+        echo -n "J2RE  Overlay "
+        compare_permissions $THIS_J2RE_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2RE_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re-overlay
+    fi
+if [ "$CMP_TYPES" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK "
+        compare_file_types $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+        echo -n "J2RE  "
+        compare_file_types $THIS_J2RE $OTHER_J2RE $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK Overlay "
+        compare_file_types $THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk-overlay
+        echo -n "J2RE  Overlay "
+        compare_file_types $THIS_J2RE_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2RE_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re-overlay
+    fi
+if [ "$CMP_GENERAL" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK "
+        compare_general_files $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+        echo -n "J2RE  "
+        compare_general_files $THIS_J2RE $OTHER_J2RE $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ]; then
+        echo -n "J2SDK Overlay "
+        compare_general_files $THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk-overlay
+        echo -n "J2RE  Overlay "
+        compare_general_files $THIS_J2RE_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2RE_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2re-overlay
+    fi
+if [ "$CMP_ZIPS" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        compare_all_zip_files $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+    fi
+if [ "$CMP_JARS" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        compare_all_jar_files $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+    fi
+if [ "$CMP_LIBS" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        compare_all_libs $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ]; then
+        echo -n "Overlay "
+        compare_all_libs $THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk-overlay
+    fi
+if [ "$CMP_EXECS" = "true" ]; then
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK" ]; then
+        compare_all_execs $THIS_J2SDK $OTHER_J2SDK $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ] && [ -n "$OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY" ]; then
+        echo -n "Overlay "
+        compare_all_execs $THIS_J2SDK_OVERLAY $OTHER_J2SDK_OVERLAY $COMPARE_ROOT/j2sdk-overlay
+    fi
+if [ -n "$REGRESSIONS" ]; then
+    echo
+    exit 1
+    echo "No regressions found"
+    echo
+    exit 0