Change the Bidi class over to ICU4J.

The Harmony BidiTest passes before and after this change.

This change requires a corresponding change in libnativehelper
to remove the reference to java_text_bidi.cpp.

After this change (ICU4J):

                   benchmark    us linear runtime
    _complicatedOverrideBidi 18.64 =========================
    _createBidiFromCharArray 14.28 ===================
         _createBidiFromIter 11.54 ===============
       _createBidiFromString 11.08 ===============
                 _hebrewBidi 21.92 ==============================
            _reorderVisually  2.41 ===
               _requiresBidi  1.37 =
    vm: app_process
    trial: 0

Before this change (ICU4C):
                   benchmark    us linear runtime
    _complicatedOverrideBidi 66.94 ======================
    _createBidiFromCharArray 44.25 ==============
         _createBidiFromIter 21.76 =======
       _createBidiFromString 20.23 ======
                 _hebrewBidi 89.72 ==============================
            _reorderVisually  7.10 ==
               _requiresBidi 29.02 =========
    vm: app_process
    trial: 0

Change-Id: I733ac3f9983b8285883dee70958c5cf8054d334d
6 files changed