Tidy up Android change markers

Follow-up to http://aosp/713925/

This commit contains changes made after an investigation into cases
where Android has added non-javadoc change marker comments between
javadoc and body declarations. In some cases it would make more sense
to put the change marker above the javadoc comment (e.g. where the
javadoc has been changed or the javadoc itself is an addition).

A short list was generated in ojluni using:
for i in `find . -name "*.java"`; do
  echo $i;
  sed -En '{N; /\*\/(\s+)\/\//{=;p} ; D}' $i;
done | less

... and the results manually inspected. Since it was manual there are
likely a few cases missed but the most obvious ones are contained here.

Methods with just signature changes were left as is so the change marker
is above the declaration.

The files changed were compared with upstream which revealed some other
unusual comments and the more obvious/trivial problems have been
addressed here too.

Bug: 111055375
Test: build
Change-Id: I53b392c85745ff1745f2df262b6729c0b334075f
11 files changed