Cleanup some support test classes

Preparation for splitting core-tests-support into two parts, one that
depends only on core_current and can be used outside libcore and one
that can depend on core-all directly.

Deletes a lot of classes that are no longer used. Some of the classes
were only used by external/conscrypt tests and it has its own copies of
them. Some of them were copied over from harmony and are not used in
libcore tests. Some of them have been extracted into

Moves some classes that are only used internally by a couple of luni
tests to am appropriate luni/src/test/java directory to reduce the
number of split packages.

Tightens up visibility in a couple of classes.

Removes some unused members from a couple of classes:
* support/src/test/java/libcore/java/security/
* support/src/test/java/libcore/javax/net/ssl/

Bug: 117547194
Test: make checkbuild && \
    atest CtsKeystoreTestCases CtsNetTestCases conscrypt-tests \
          FrameworksCoreTests KeyChainTests time_zone_distro-tests \
Change-Id: I8b258e66911ece69d4eaefef56810e17dddb2583
45 files changed