Update ResourceBundle related classes from java.util to OpenJDK8u60

Documented several previously undocumented Android-changed sections
that were missed in the initial draft of this CL.

 - ResourceBundle
   Added test for new method getBaseBundleName().
   Added missing Android-changed comment for:
     - use of UTF-8 for PropertyResourceBundles
     - use of getLoader(VMStack.getCallingClassLoader())
 - spi.ResourceBundleControlProvider
 - PropertyResourceBundle, ListResourceBundle
   Android-changed: Made access to the 'lookup' field thread safe.
 - ServiceLoader
   Do not use legacy security code.
   Added missing Android-changed comments for loadFromSystemProperty()
   and for fail() invocations where Android passes a 'Throwable cause'.

Bug: 29935305

Test: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases

Change-Id: Idc3a7c5513644dd103e7d132789d37a1c40f1471
8 files changed