Preload zone rules in zygote hook

Call ICU's TimeZone.getDefault() to explicitly load current time-zone
rules into zygote to improve app startup time.

This is the second attempt to submit this CL. The first attempt was, which accidentally used java.util's

Bug: 150605074
Test: m droid
Test: (adb shell) simpleperf record -p `pidof zygote64` -g --post-unwind=yes -f 10000
      Collected profile, started apps: Messages, Calls, Browser and Camera;
      no generateZoneRules() call in profile found.
Change-Id: Ieba87f7235b9e6d2adc602f221537192839a42f6
Merged-In: Ieba87f7235b9e6d2adc602f221537192839a42f6
(cherry picked from commit 4cbb52fd7b30859794714606e8a08a238519cc4c)
1 file changed