Don't close SSLSocket streams during HandshakeCompletedEventTest.

Closing the InputStream returned by SSLSocket.getInputStream()
should cause the associated socket to be closed:

Similarly for SSLSocket.getOutStream().

ConscryptEngineSocket actually implements that behaviour whereas
ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket does not, causing this test to fail
when using engine-based sockets.

As the stream closure is not really relevant to the rest of the
test, simply remove it so the test passes on both implementations
of SSLSocket.

Bug: 143682035
Test: atest CtsLibcoreTestCases:HandshakeCompletedEventTest
    for both Conscrypt implementations of SSLSocket

Change-Id: I5cff8a40fcfc1c26fa685f7dbdd72d63b5df5f4f
1 file changed