Merge branch jdk-11+28 NoSuchMethodException into expected_upstream

Raw commands:
git merge temp_NoSuchMethodException_branch
// Force checkout to resolve merge conflict
git checkout HEAD -- ojluni/
git checkout temp_NoSuchMethodException_branch  -- ojluni/src/main/java/java/lang/
git commit

1. temp_NoSuchMethodException_branch is a local branch
2. The has the exact same content as the copy in aosp/master.
3. This is the second commit using the new importing process stated in b/111603149

Test: n/a
Change-Id: I1f1a0c9668f994e2184482cd131ebaa5110566a2
tree: 0e0171b5d465ff332e304476ac04db3643038d07
  1. ojluni/