macros: Add compile-time checking/inferencing for native method registration

Convert existing NATIVE_METHOD/FAST_NATIVE_METHOD macros into
also checking that the JNI signature descriptor matches the C++ function

For example it matches "(J)V" with "void funcname(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong)"
with regular native methods.

Also add several new macros:
  MAKE_JNI_[FAST_|CRITICAL_]NATIVE_METHOD - Non-convention-requiring macro.
  MAKE_JNI_[FAST_|CRITICAL_]NATIVE_METHOD_AUTOSIG - Infer signature for above.
  [FAST_|CRITICAL_]NATIVE_METHOD_AUTOSIG - Convention-requiring signature inferencing.

All of the checking/inferencing is done purely at compile time and has
zero runtime cost. If any of the checks fail there will be a compilation
error with a stack trace pointing to the reason.

See jni_macros.h for exact details on check/inference rules.

Bug: 35325126
Change-Id: I98797727ca80caf7bc462582f582b23701a1b661
Test: make -j32 JniSafeRegisterNativeMethods_test \
      && out/host/linux-x86/nativetest64/JniSafeRegisterNativeMethods_test/JniSafeRegisterNativeMethods_test
Test: make -j32  # build all of android, then see if it boots.
4 files changed