HFP Client call status update

When a call is terminating only inform telecom about its termination
when there is an actual state change from the attached phone.

Bug: 138753272
Test: start and end call, observe logs from HfpClientDeviceBlock that a
closing call still in its previous state doesn't get destroyed

Change-Id: Ia5d105daa239f64b73c058d064c2e5181d862e4e
(cherry picked from commit c1f83b71f34d101c023db154607c8ea50218214f)

Merged-In: Ia5d105daa239f64b73c058d064c2e5181d862e4e
Change-Id: I5d9d59c64bc8a79b397d2d4ef6feef1320345f42
1 file changed