Fix get contact size not correct issue.

Call history handles should be ordered by "date DESC" per spec. The first
handle 1.vcf should be the most recently happend call.

Add order support for pullVcardListing reqeust:
One typical use case for PBAP is: first use pullVcardListing request to
display the contacts list, then use pullVcardEntry request to tirgger
the selected contact vcard. In such case, we need keep the contact db
query consistent for pullVcardListing and pullVcardEntry.

Use "Own number" for phone owner number instead of "Unknown name" in case
can not get the name from system.

Original Change: Fan Jackson
Dr No: Eastham
Bug Id: 2183320
4 files changed
tree: a9a939e6c8f4e0149c2614409257c7feae552d5e
  1. res/
  2. src/
  4. AndroidManifest.xml
  5. AndroidManifest_test.xml