Skip empty nodes when finding next focusable

Skip nodes that can't take focus when finding the next or previous
focusable descendant rather than returning null when the next or
previous focusable descendant can't take focus.

This fixes a bug in Settings caused by a setting with empty bounds
that was preventing the after-scroll action from executing.

Bug: 161484085
Test: atest CarRotaryControllerRoboTests, manual
Change-Id: I5173c2d98b156ca0b35a2d344a56d9fcd159a0c7
3 files changed
tree: 8b913ceb565358f3354909725acdd62d46a1d548
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  4. Android.bp
  5. AndroidManifest.xml

Car rotary service


make CarRotaryController -j64

Enable/disable RotaryService

To enable, run:

adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services

To disable, run:

adb shell settings delete secure enabled_accessibility_services

Inject events

Inject RotaryEvent

To rotate the controller counter-clockwise, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-rotary

For clockwise, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-rotary -c true

To rotate the controller multiple times (100 ms ago and 50 ms ago), run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-rotary -dt 100 50

Inject KeyEvent

To nudge the controller up, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-key 280

Use KeyCode 280 for nudge up, 281 for nudge down,282 for nudge left,283 for nudge right.

To click the controller center button, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-key 23