Update nudge target finding algorithm

1. When searching focus area target, exclude the ones that are not in
the given direction
2. When searching better candidate, don't check whether it's a candidate
in the first place.

Fixes: 162114576
Test: atest CarRotaryControllerRoboTests
Change-Id: I425a231e048a26df97acb447a27e218fde9fedc4
4 files changed
tree: b9ccca421a647eaa25ea65398ee16ef3eb2bd2b0
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  4. Android.bp
  5. AndroidManifest.xml
  7. readme.md

Car rotary service


make CarRotaryController -j64

Enable/disable RotaryService

To enable, run:

adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.car.rotary/com.android.car.rotary.RotaryService

To disable, run:

adb shell settings delete secure enabled_accessibility_services

Inject events

Inject RotaryEvent

To rotate the controller counter-clockwise, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-rotary

For clockwise, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-rotary -c true

To rotate the controller multiple times (100 ms ago and 50 ms ago), run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-rotary -dt 100 50

Inject KeyEvent

To nudge the controller up, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-key 280

Use KeyCode 280 for nudge up, 281 for nudge down,282 for nudge left,283 for nudge right.

To click the controller center button, run:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-key 23