Pass FragmentController to PreferenceControllers.

Currently, when controllers need to launch a fragment or pop the backstack, they need to:
-modify the preference and opaquely launch via the click handling pathway
-be passed a fragment manager from the fragment, tightly coupling the controller to the fragment impl
Both are not ideal. Passing the FragmentController at construction time will ensure consistent handling of launching fragments / pop the fragment stack without the above mentioned drawbacks. One downside is longer mandatory constructors.

Bug: 112931076

Test: build and deploy, RunCarSettingsRoboTests
Change-Id: I24b426ce154b02da309363b086092a435248ce15
46 files changed
tree: f85fa072307fdb1c93287d521eede3c9df4c4d13
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  5. AndroidManifest.xml
  6. PREUPLOAD.cfg