DO NOT MERGE Check if package is installed before lauching it in Recent Location Requests

This change removes calling PackageManager.resolveActivity and checks if
the package is installed instead. Calling resolveActivity on apps like Maps and
Assistant returns android, and therefore causing the Android System
AppInfo to launch when clicked on Maps and Assistant in Recent Location Requests.

Bug: 166786767
Test: make, verify Maps in Recent Location Requests launches Maps

Change-Id: I91dbc9e3783c5723220a7e08e6c0f84bb01cf290
(cherry picked from commit 7f25501c3a95a26dfa8ca18f6286b61af8f79250)
1 file changed
tree: 982b4d86af26113fe0d4457e011068738341ff70
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  4. Android.bp
  5. AndroidManifest.xml
  7. PREUPLOAD.cfg