Merge tag 'android-13.0.0_r52' into int/13/fp3

Android 13.0.0 Release 52 (TQ3A.230605.012)

* tag 'android-13.0.0_r52': (22 commits)
  Update pre-hide animation logic
  [DO NOT MERGE] Re-focus pin view when focus becomes allowed
  Change order of views in notification_center_activity.xml
  [DO NOT MERGE] Update constructor
  Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] Update constructor"
  Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] Update constructor"
  Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] Update constructor"
  [DO NOT MERGE] Update constructor
  Import translations. DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE
  Remove BouncerInteractor#onFinishedGoingToSleep
  [DO NOT MERGE] Add StatusBarEventsModule to CarSystemUIModule
  Revert^2 "Remove host_view xml"
  Removed GarbageMonitor Service Bind
  Revert "Remove host_view xml"
  Remove host_view xml
  DO NOT MERGE Prevent privacy dot from showing on status bar
  Remove keyguard bouncer in carsysui.
  Handle config changes in ActivityBlockingActivity to prevent restart
  [DO NOT MERGE] Update dependencies for DisplayTracker
  Import translations. DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE

Change-Id: Ic9d4d87073c3544be158f491ddeb4cd46852145c