Remove all List forms of KindSectionData

Pick and render one raw contact delta at a time in editor.
Have the account selector always visible.
  - When viewing a read only contact, header will say "Viewing"
  - Otherwise it says "Saving to"
Swap between raw contact deltas when an account is selected in the
drop down
Keep menu options available even when viewing just one raw contact.
Remove some code related to photo picker.

Tested the following editor scenarios:
  1) new contact
  2) edit other contact
  3) edit writable raw contact
  4) edit read-only raw contact (joins a new writable raw contact to it)
  5) edit aggregate w/ 1 writable and 1 read-only raw contact
  6) edit aggregate w/ 2 writable raw contacts
  7) edit local me raw contact
  8) edit local me raw contact joined with a read-only raw contact
  9) editing photo of a raw contact that is part of an aggregate
     updates the aggregate photo
  10) same with editing the name

Change-Id: Id797619e656d3a9974cc9454a3d26fee471569d5
5 files changed