Suggested Aggregations Color and Spacing Tweaks

In collapsed view
- modified image size, text.

In expanded view
- modified title text, help text and size,
- modified current contact photo and padding, added current contact info below contact name,
- modified suggestion photo and padding
- modified button color, and made it listen to the checkboxes

Bug: 25165935
Change-Id: I21a32c78d0bcc664693547641e0d0e8ca37a90e3
diff --git a/res/values/colors.xml b/res/values/colors.xml
index 7b20f82..0025a41 100644
--- a/res/values/colors.xml
+++ b/res/values/colors.xml
@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@
     <!-- Color of button background in compact photo picker. -->
     <color name="google_grey_600">#757575</color>
-    <!-- Color of button text color in compact photo picker, 85% white. -->
+    <!-- Color of button text in compact photo picker, 85% white. -->
     <color name="photo_action_button_color">#D9FFFFFF</color>
+    <!-- Color of text on disabled link contacts button, 25% black. -->
+    <color name="disabled_button_text">#40000000</color>
+    <!-- Color of background of disabled link contacts button, 15% black. -->
+    <color name="disabled_button_background">#26000000</color>