Make phone number copyable on call detail

Now the phone number is long-pressable, which starts the CAB
for copying phone number.

Tapping the phone number again while will unselect it. (Or press back or UP.)

Also tweak the highlight area for the phone number view, per UX suggestion.
Now when you press the phone number view, the entire row will be highlighted,
including the SMS action view.

- Regular phone number.
- SIP address.
- No-caller ID, or "private number" -> The "Call XXX" view is gone, so
nothing to long-press.
- "Voicemail".  The text "Voicemail" will by copied, which is iffy, but I
don't think "fixing" it is worth introducing more complication to the code.

Bug 6354066

Change-Id: I54ee67589a2e5aaba8e4a5dd9589e8c9e46c18b8
7 files changed