Updated picker UI for linking and send to labels.

Changed the look of the pickers to be more consistent,
also removed header indexes from send to labels picker
to make more room for displaying phones and emails.

Test: Manual, verified pickers were being displayed correctly
in both regular and RTL modes.

Bug: 30418005
Change-Id: I3d7b8aa43b1fb553aced494f3b7bb38bb2b45a27
diff --git a/res/values/dimens.xml b/res/values/dimens.xml
index d3431fb..d603973 100644
--- a/res/values/dimens.xml
+++ b/res/values/dimens.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
     <!-- For join screen. Mainly for tablet. -->
     <dimen name="join_header_left_margin">@dimen/contact_browser_list_header_left_margin</dimen>
     <dimen name="join_header_right_margin">@dimen/contact_browser_list_header_right_margin</dimen>
-    <dimen name="join_header_top_margin">16dip</dimen>
-    <dimen name="join_header_bottom_margin">0dip</dimen>
+    <dimen name="join_header_top_margin">12dip</dimen>
+    <dimen name="join_header_bottom_margin">12dip</dimen>
     <dimen name="contact_filter_header_min_height">24dip</dimen>