Reflect recent UX design changes around filter capability

Include several related changes

- introduce filter option in phone search
-- have limited filter support in PhoneNumberListAdapter. There's
   no easy way to share the logic for filtering as People UI
   is taking care of Contacts/RawContacts table while Phone UI
   needs to take care of Data table, though we may be able to have
   some utility library for filter operations.
- have additonal layouts for filtered phone search. Along with it,
  also introduce some pixel-perfect design for Phone/People apps
  both for phone and tablet
- add "up" capability for CustomContactListFilterActivity
- launch CustomContactListFilterActivity directly from
  AccountFilterActivity instead of relying on
  their parent Activities (PeopleActivity and DialtactsActivity).
-- In the current structure, IME is shown during migrating
   from AccountFilterActivity to CustomContactListFilterActivity
   "only in Phone UI", as SearchView temporarily has a focus

Currently devices without hard menu key show overflow menu in
Phone search mode, while we want soft button on the right side
of search view.

Bug: 5104984
Bug: 5081251
Bug: 5121569
Change-Id: If935f13b33b105884a914b207fd096588825226e
26 files changed