Remove dialer sounds and vibrations settings fragments and redirect to the system sound settings fragment instead.

There is no need for dialer to have it's own sounds and vibrations fragment. Instead of maintaining two separate fragments that do that same thing (and have to be kept in sync), we can just have one source of truth and have users modify those settings. Thus we have removed the dialer and vibrations settings fragment and have it instead re-direct to the system sound settings. The automatic advantage of this is also that for dual sim cases,  dialer settings don't need to be updated.

Bug: 73750524
Test: Manual. Navigated to the dialer sound and settings fragment, and it opened the system settings. Also pressing back took us back to Dialer as expected.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 187564461
Change-Id: I7d620721237f1c932ed8cea949486ae7dbdefba1
2 files changed