am 078c053c: (-s ours) am 4d82dffb: am d9da2416: am 301c7155: am 263b01dd: Changed dialer launch activity style to use a 0dp height actionbar. This prevents the user from seeing a blue "Phone" actionbar during loading.  DO NOT MERGE

* commit '078c053c1ab6ee6befa507149d2b1c3b659f650d':
  Changed dialer launch activity style to use a 0dp height actionbar. This prevents the user from seeing a blue "Phone" actionbar during loading.  DO NOT MERGE
tree: f099ebd4e11f20d9ef9b77d19a7fe30d91b257c9
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  5. AndroidManifest.xml
  6. proguard.flags