Delete build directory.

To streamline our build, I've gone through
and eliminated the redundant build directory.
Strings in build/res have been moved into the
regular res/ directory and the
file has been updated to no longer use the
non-existent build directory at all. Fixes b/9105428.

Change-Id: I93288068dceb13ad0a9a5396eb88335e3ecd65f1
diff --git a/ b/
index cc9a535..df048e5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 unified_email_dir := ../UnifiedEmail
 photo_dir := ../../../frameworks/opt/photoviewer/res
 emailcommon_dir := emailcommon
-res_dir := $(chips_dir) res $(unified_email_dir)/res $(photo_dir) $(emailcommon_dir)/res build/res
+res_dir := $(chips_dir) res $(unified_email_dir)/res $(photo_dir) $(emailcommon_dir)/res
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional