Add android.test.base/stubs dependency

In preparation for the removal of the non-junit classes in the
android.test.base library from the android.jar this adds a dependency
on android.test.base/stubs to ensure this code will continue to

The following change descriptions were generated automatically and so
may be a little repetitive. They are provided to give the reviewer
enough information to check the comments match what has actually been
changed and check the reasoning behind the changes.

* tests/robolectric/
    Added 'android.test.base' to LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES because
    EmergencyInfoRoboTests's will need them in order to compile once
    its classes are removed from the SDK on which it currently depends.

Bug: 30188076
Test: make dist
Change-Id: Ie5aded464a8ae6c6ea68d88079ce06b3deea8903
1 file changed
tree: d2f04442924414caa0e8f25e8c1607a9a713fd6c
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  5. AndroidManifest.xml
  6. proguard.flags