KeyChain: Wire user-selectability into KeyChain.

NOTE: Seeking early feedback, particularly on how to test.

Wire the ability to mark individual keys as non-user-selectable
into KeyChain Service:
* Add methods in the aidl to set/get user-selectability.
* Use the information in the AliasLoader activity to avoid loading
  aliases that are not user-selectable.
* When granting access to an alias in the AliasLoader, check that the
  alias is not one that should not be selected by user. This is an
  additional safety check since such aliases should not be selected
  by the user anyway.

Bug: 65624467
Test: To be added.

Change-Id: Ibaba2ddd4f94fced1a2a7bfcfb91189302ec7f3a
2 files changed
tree: 4514ebbc07948b1be4447bba26bbd91d1c6fad01
  1. res/
  2. robotests/
  3. src/
  4. support/
  5. tests/
  7. AndroidManifest.xml