KeyChain: Implement user-selectability

Store indication of whether each key in KeyChain can be selected by
users from the UI, or restricted for selection by the DPC only.

This CL contains the implementation of storing the information
in a SQLite table, a fallow-up CL will wire it to the AliasLoader
and KeyChainService.

Bug: 65624467
Test: New robolectric tests (run manually)
Change-Id: I5c51f4b5501ceccf070e7843864c10a0813509b3
2 files changed
tree: 78f0725c3c398054f5e8cdb96565390ff2b6e948
  1. res/
  2. robotests/
  3. src/
  4. support/
  5. tests/
  7. AndroidManifest.xml