Support LauncherGoGoogle builds in Android.bp

LauncherGoGoogle has dependencies in Launcher3. In order to build it with Android.bp files, these must be exported as filegroups/libraries.

Bug: 184175022
Test: Manual (built/installed on local device)
Test: m -j RunLauncherGoGoogleRoboTests
Change-Id: I1748ab9ccda06dadbd05c2ffcc77b59478ce37c7
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index e30d22f..df0a96f 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -211,3 +211,30 @@
     name: "launcher-proguard-rules",
     srcs: ["proguard.flags"],
+// Library with all the dependencies for building Launcher Go
+android_library {
+    name: "LauncherGoResLib",
+    srcs: [
+        "src/**/*.java",
+        "quickstep/src/**/*.java",
+        "go/src/**/*.java",
+        "go/quickstep/src/**/*.java",
+    ],
+    resource_dirs: [
+        "go/res",
+        "go/quickstep/res",
+    ],
+    static_libs: [
+        "Launcher3CommonDepsLib",
+        "QuickstepResLib",
+    ],
+    manifest: "quickstep/AndroidManifest-launcher.xml",
+    additional_manifests: [
+        "go/AndroidManifest.xml",
+        "AndroidManifest-common.xml",
+    ],
+    min_sdk_version: "29",