37742976 - Catch bad gifs

* A security researcher crafted a gif that would cause the Android
Bitmap code to throw an NPE. That would cause messaging to crash when
decoding the NPE. The frameworks team is changing the underlying code to
throw an OutOfMemoryError instead of a NullPointerException.
In order to catch both errors, the code needs to catch Throwable.

Test: I added code to GifImageResource.getDrawable to throw a new
OutOfMemoryError and then used the debugger to verify it was caught by the
new catch Throwable statement. I did the same test with NullPointerException.
I tested attaching gif images and sending them to verify the gif path still


Change-Id: If71a7e65f8c0b083fe6c4b79f78358666338d59d
1 file changed