blob: 51a9d69c514ec139ae682d37677377ebda5fb63e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed to The Android Open Source Project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var BLOCKED_SRC_ATTR = "blocked-src";
// the set of Elements currently scheduled for processing in handleAllImageLoads
// this is an Array, but we treat it like a Set and only insert unique items
var gImageLoadElements = [];
var gScaleInfo;
* Only revert transforms that do an imperfect job of shrinking content if they fail
* to shrink by this much. Expressed as a ratio of:
* (original width difference : width difference after transforms);
var gTransformText = {};
* Returns the page offset of an element.
* @param {Element} element The element to return the page offset for.
* @return {left: number, top: number} A tuple including a left and top value representing
* the page offset of the element.
function getTotalOffset(el) {
var result = {
left: 0,
top: 0
var parent = el;
while (parent) {
result.left += parent.offsetLeft; += parent.offsetTop;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
return result;
* Walks up the DOM starting at a given element, and returns an element that has the
* specified class name or null.
function up(el, className) {
var parent = el;
while (parent) {
if (parent.classList && parent.classList.contains(className)) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
return parent || null;
function getCachedValue(div, property, attrName) {
var value;
if (div.hasAttribute(attrName)) {
value = div.getAttribute(attrName);
} else {
value = div[property];
div.setAttribute(attrName, value);
return value;
function onToggleClick(e) {
function toggleQuotedText(toggleElement) {
var elidedTextElement = toggleElement.nextSibling;
var isHidden = getComputedStyle(elidedTextElement).display == 'none';
toggleElement.innerHTML = isHidden ? MSG_HIDE_ELIDED : MSG_SHOW_ELIDED; = isHidden ? 'block' : 'none';
// Revealing the elided text should normalize it to fit-width to prevent
// this message from blowing out the conversation width.
if (isHidden) {
function collapseAllQuotedText() {
processQuotedText(document.documentElement, false /* showElided */);
function processQuotedText(elt, showElided) {
var i;
var elements = elt.getElementsByClassName("elided-text");
var elidedElement, toggleElement;
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elidedElement = elements[i];
toggleElement = document.createElement("div");
toggleElement.className = "mail-elided-text";
toggleElement.innerHTML = MSG_SHOW_ELIDED;
toggleElement.onclick = onToggleClick; = 'none';
elidedElement.parentNode.insertBefore(toggleElement, elidedElement);
if (showElided) {
function isConversationEmpty(bodyDivs) {
var i, len;
var msgBody;
var text;
// Check if given divs are empty (in appearance), and disable zoom if so.
for (i = 0, len = bodyDivs.length; i < len; i++) {
msgBody = bodyDivs[i];
// use 'textContent' to exclude markup when determining whether bodies are empty
// (fall back to more expensive 'innerText' if 'textContent' isn't implemented)
text = msgBody.textContent || msgBody.innerText;
if (text.trim().length > 0) {
return false;
return true;
function normalizeAllMessageWidths() {
var expandedBodyDivs;
var metaViewport;
var contentValues;
var isEmpty;
expandedBodyDivs = document.querySelectorAll(".expanded > .mail-message-content");
isEmpty = isConversationEmpty(expandedBodyDivs);
// assemble a working <meta> viewport "content" value from the base value in the
// document, plus any dynamically determined options
metaViewport = document.getElementById("meta-viewport");
contentValues = [metaViewport.getAttribute("content")];
if (isEmpty) {
} else {
metaViewport.setAttribute("content", contentValues.join(","));
* Normalizes the width of all elements supplied to the document body's overall width.
* Narrower elements are zoomed in, and wider elements are zoomed out.
* This method is idempotent.
function normalizeElementWidths(elements) {
var i;
var el;
var documentWidth;
var newZoom, oldZoom;
documentWidth = document.body.offsetWidth;
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
el = elements[i];
oldZoom =;
// reset any existing normalization
if (oldZoom) { = 1;
newZoom = documentWidth / el.scrollWidth;
transformContent(el, documentWidth, el.scrollWidth);
newZoom = documentWidth / el.scrollWidth;
function transformContent(el, docWidth, elWidth) {
var nodes;
var i, len;
var index;
var newWidth = elWidth;
var wStr;
var touched;
// the format of entries in this array is:
// entry := [ undoFunction, undoFunctionThis, undoFunctionParamArray ]
var actionLog = [];
var node;
var done = false;
var msgId;
var transformText;
var existingText;
var textElement;
var start;
if (elWidth <= docWidth) {
start =;
if (el.parentElement.classList.contains("mail-message")) {
msgId =;
transformText = "[origW=" + elWidth + "/" + docWidth;
// Try munging all divs or textareas with inline styles where the width
// is wider than docWidth, and change it to be a max-width.
touched = false;
nodes = ENABLE_MUNGE_TABLES ? el.querySelectorAll("div[style], textarea[style]") : [];
touched = transformBlockElements(nodes, docWidth, actionLog);
if (touched) {
newWidth = el.scrollWidth;
console.log("ran div-width munger on el=" + el + " oldW=" + elWidth + " newW=" + newWidth
+ " docW=" + docWidth);
if (msgId) {
transformText += " DIV:newW=" + newWidth;
if (newWidth <= docWidth) {
done = true;
if (!done) {
// OK, that wasn't enough. Find images with widths and override their widths.
nodes = ENABLE_MUNGE_IMAGES ? el.querySelectorAll("img") : [];
touched = transformImages(nodes, docWidth, actionLog);
if (touched) {
newWidth = el.scrollWidth;
console.log("ran img munger on el=" + el + " oldW=" + elWidth + " newW=" + newWidth
+ " docW=" + docWidth);
if (msgId) {
transformText += " IMG:newW=" + newWidth;
if (newWidth <= docWidth) {
done = true;
if (!done) {
// OK, that wasn't enough. Find tables with widths and override their widths.
nodes = ENABLE_MUNGE_TABLES ? el.querySelectorAll("table") : [];
touched = addClassToElements(nodes, shouldMungeTable, "munged",
if (touched) {
newWidth = el.scrollWidth;
console.log("ran table munger on el=" + el + " oldW=" + elWidth + " newW=" + newWidth
+ " docW=" + docWidth);
if (msgId) {
transformText += " TABLE:newW=" + newWidth;
if (newWidth <= docWidth) {
done = true;
if (!done) {
// OK, that wasn't enough. Try munging all <td> to override any width and nowrap set.
nodes = ENABLE_MUNGE_TABLES ? el.querySelectorAll("td") : [];
touched = addClassToElements(nodes, null /* mungeAll */, "munged",
if (touched) {
newWidth = el.scrollWidth;
console.log("ran td munger on el=" + el + " oldW=" + elWidth + " newW=" + newWidth
+ " docW=" + docWidth);
if (msgId) {
transformText += " TD:newW=" + newWidth;
if (newWidth <= docWidth) {
done = true;
// If the transformations shrank the width significantly enough, leave them in place.
// We figure that in those cases, the benefits outweight the risk of rendering artifacts.
if (!done && (elWidth - newWidth) / (elWidth - docWidth) >
console.log("transform(s) deemed effective enough");
done = true;
if (done) {
if (msgId) {
transformText += "]";
existingText = gTransformText[msgId];
if (!existingText) {
transformText = "Message transforms: " + transformText;
} else {
transformText = existingText + " " + transformText;
gTransformText[msgId] = transformText;
window.mail.onMessageTransform(msgId, transformText);
textElement = el.firstChild;
if (!textElement.classList || !textElement.classList.contains("transform-text")) {
textElement = document.createElement("div");
textElement.classList.add("transform-text"); = "10px"; = "#ccc";
el.insertBefore(textElement, el.firstChild);
textElement.innerHTML = transformText + "<br>";
console.log("munger(s) succeeded, elapsed time=" + ( - start));
// reverse all changes if the width is STILL not narrow enough
// (except the width->maxWidth change, which is not particularly destructive)
for (i = 0, len = actionLog.length; i < len; i++) {
actionLog[i][0].apply(actionLog[i][1], actionLog[i][2]);
if (actionLog.length > 0) {
console.log("all mungers failed, changes reversed. elapsed time=" + ( - start));
function addClassToElements(nodes, conditionFn, classToAdd, actionLog) {
var i, len;
var node;
var added = false;
for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
if (!conditionFn || conditionFn(node)) {
if (node.classList.contains(classToAdd)) {
added = true;
actionLog.push([node.classList.remove, node.classList, [classToAdd]]);
return added;
function transformBlockElements(nodes, docWidth, actionLog) {
var i, len;
var node;
var wStr;
var index;
var touched = false;
for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
wStr = ||;
index = wStr ? wStr.indexOf("px") : -1;
if (index >= 0 && wStr.slice(0, index) > docWidth) {
saveStyleProperty(node, "width", actionLog);
saveStyleProperty(node, "minWidth", actionLog);
saveStyleProperty(node, "maxWidth", actionLog); = "100%"; = ""; = wStr;
touched = true;
return touched;
function transformImages(nodes, docWidth, actionLog) {
var i, len;
var node;
var w, h;
var touched = false;
for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
w = node.offsetWidth;
h = node.offsetHeight;
// shrink w/h proportionally if the img is wider than available width
if (w > docWidth) {
saveStyleProperty(node, "maxWidth", actionLog);
saveStyleProperty(node, "width", actionLog);
saveStyleProperty(node, "height", actionLog); = docWidth + "px"; = "100%"; = "auto";
touched = true;
return touched;
function saveStyleProperty(node, property, actionLog) {
var savedName = "data-" + property;
actionLog.push([undoSetProperty, node, [property, savedName]]);
function undoSetProperty(property, savedProperty) {[property] = savedProperty ? this.getAttribute(savedProperty) : "";
function shouldMungeTable(table) {
return table.hasAttribute("width") ||;
function hideAllUnsafeImages() {
function hideUnsafeImages(msgContentDivs) {
var i, msgContentCount;
var j, imgCount;
var msgContentDiv, image;
var images;
var showImages;
for (i = 0, msgContentCount = msgContentDivs.length; i < msgContentCount; i++) {
msgContentDiv = msgContentDivs[i];
showImages = msgContentDiv.classList.contains("mail-show-images");
images = msgContentDiv.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (j = 0, imgCount = images.length; j < imgCount; j++) {
image = images[j];
// TODO: handle inline image attachments for all supported protocols
if (!showImages) {
* Changes relative paths to absolute path by pre-pending the account uri
* @param {Element} imgElement Image for which the src path will be updated.
function rewriteRelativeImageSrc(imgElement) {
var src = imgElement.src;
// DOC_BASE_URI will always be a unique x-thread:// uri for this particular conversation
if (src.indexOf(DOC_BASE_URI) == 0 && (DOC_BASE_URI != CONVERSATION_BASE_URI)) {
// The conversation specifies a different base uri than the document
src = CONVERSATION_BASE_URI + src.substring(DOC_BASE_URI.length);
imgElement.src = src;
function attachImageLoadListener(imageElement) {
// Reset the src attribute to the empty string because onload will only fire if the src
// attribute is set after the onload listener.
var originalSrc = imageElement.src;
imageElement.src = '';
imageElement.onload = imageOnLoad;
imageElement.src = originalSrc;
* Handle an onload event for an <img> tag.
* The image could be within an elided-text block, or at the top level of a message.
* When a new image loads, its new bounds may affect message or elided-text geometry,
* so we need to inspect and adjust the enclosing element's zoom level where necessary.
* Because this method can be called really often, and zoom-level adjustment is slow,
* we collect the elements to be processed and do them all later in a single deferred pass.
function imageOnLoad(e) {
// normalize the quoted text parent if we're in a quoted text block, or else
// normalize the parent message content element
var parent = up(, "elided-text") || up(, "mail-message-content");
if (!parent) {
// sanity check. shouldn't really happen.
// if there was no previous work, schedule a new deferred job
if (gImageLoadElements.length == 0) {
window.setTimeout(handleAllImageOnLoads, 0);
// enqueue the work if it wasn't already enqueued
if (gImageLoadElements.indexOf(parent) == -1) {
// handle all deferred work from image onload events
function handleAllImageOnLoads() {
// clear the queue so the next onload event starts a new job
gImageLoadElements = [];
function blockImage(imageElement) {
var src = imageElement.src;
if (src.indexOf("http://") == 0 || src.indexOf("https://") == 0 ||
src.indexOf("content://") == 0) {
imageElement.setAttribute(BLOCKED_SRC_ATTR, src);
imageElement.src = "data:";
function setWideViewport() {
var metaViewport = document.getElementById('meta-viewport');
metaViewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=' + WIDE_VIEWPORT_WIDTH);
function restoreScrollPosition() {
var scrollYPercent = window.mail.getScrollYPercent();
if (scrollYPercent && document.body.offsetHeight > window.innerHeight) {
document.body.scrollTop = Math.floor(scrollYPercent * document.body.offsetHeight);
function onContentReady(event) {
function setupContentReady() {
var signalDiv;
// Notify the app on 'webkitAnimationStart' of a simple dummy element with a simple no-op
// animation that immediately runs on page load. The app uses this as a signal that the
// content is loaded and ready to draw, since WebView delays firing this event until the
// layers are composited and everything is ready to draw.
// This code is conditionally enabled on JB+ by setting the ENABLE_CONTENT_READY flag.
signalDiv = document.getElementById("initial-load-signal");
signalDiv.addEventListener("webkitAnimationStart", onContentReady, false);
// BEGIN Java->JavaScript handlers
function measurePositions() {
var overlayTops, overlayBottoms;
var i;
var len;
var expandedBody, headerSpacer;
var prevBodyBottom = 0;
var expandedBodyDivs = document.querySelectorAll(".expanded > .mail-message-content");
// N.B. offsetTop and offsetHeight of an element with the "zoom:" style applied cannot be
// trusted.
overlayTops = new Array(expandedBodyDivs.length + 1);
overlayBottoms = new Array(expandedBodyDivs.length + 1);
for (i = 0, len = expandedBodyDivs.length; i < len; i++) {
expandedBody = expandedBodyDivs[i];
headerSpacer = expandedBody.previousElementSibling;
// addJavascriptInterface handler only supports string arrays
overlayTops[i] = "" + prevBodyBottom;
overlayBottoms[i] = "" + (getTotalOffset(headerSpacer).top + headerSpacer.offsetHeight);
prevBodyBottom = getTotalOffset(expandedBody.nextElementSibling).top;
// add an extra one to mark the top/bottom of the last message footer spacer
overlayTops[i] = "" + prevBodyBottom;
overlayBottoms[i] = "" + document.body.offsetHeight;
window.mail.onWebContentGeometryChange(overlayTops, overlayBottoms);
function unblockImages(messageDomIds) {
var i, j, images, imgCount, image, blockedSrc;
for (j = 0, len = messageDomIds.length; j < len; j++) {
var messageDomId = messageDomIds[j];
var msg = document.getElementById(messageDomId);
if (!msg) {
console.log("can't unblock, no matching message for id: " + messageDomId);
images = msg.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (i = 0, imgCount = images.length; i < imgCount; i++) {
image = images[i];
blockedSrc = image.getAttribute(BLOCKED_SRC_ATTR);
if (blockedSrc) {
image.src = blockedSrc;
function setConversationHeaderSpacerHeight(spacerHeight) {
var spacer = document.getElementById("conversation-header");
if (!spacer) {
console.log("can't set spacer for conversation header");
} = spacerHeight + "px";
function setMessageHeaderSpacerHeight(messageDomId, spacerHeight) {
var spacer = document.querySelector("#" + messageDomId + " > .mail-message-header");
if (!spacer) {
console.log("can't set spacer for message with id: " + messageDomId);
} = spacerHeight + "px";
function setMessageBodyVisible(messageDomId, isVisible, spacerHeight) {
var i, len;
var visibility = isVisible ? "block" : "none";
var messageDiv = document.querySelector("#" + messageDomId);
var collapsibleDivs = document.querySelectorAll("#" + messageDomId + " > .collapsible");
if (!messageDiv || collapsibleDivs.length == 0) {
console.log("can't set body visibility for message with id: " + messageDomId);
for (i = 0, len = collapsibleDivs.length; i < len; i++) {
collapsibleDivs[i].style.display = visibility;
// revealing new content should trigger width normalization, since the initial render
// skips collapsed and super-collapsed messages
if (isVisible) {
setMessageHeaderSpacerHeight(messageDomId, spacerHeight);
function replaceSuperCollapsedBlock(startIndex) {
var parent, block, msg;
block = document.querySelector(".mail-super-collapsed-block[index='" + startIndex + "']");
if (!block) {
console.log("can't expand super collapsed block at index: " + startIndex);
parent = block.parentNode;
block.innerHTML = window.mail.getTempMessageBodies();
// process the new block contents in one go before we pluck them out of the common ancestor
processQuotedText(block, false /* showElided */);
msg = block.firstChild;
while (msg) {
parent.insertBefore(msg, block);
msg = block.firstChild;
function replaceMessageBodies(messageIds) {
var i;
var id;
var msgContentDiv;
for (i = 0, len = messageIds.length; i < len; i++) {
id = messageIds[i];
msgContentDiv = document.querySelector("#" + id + " > .mail-message-content");
msgContentDiv.innerHTML = window.mail.getMessageBody(id);
processQuotedText(msgContentDiv, true /* showElided */);
// handle the special case of adding a single new message at the end of a conversation
function appendMessageHtml() {
var msg = document.createElement("div");
msg.innerHTML = window.mail.getTempMessageBodies();
msg = msg.children[0]; // toss the outer div, it was just to render innerHTML into
processQuotedText(msg, true /* showElided */);
function onScaleBegin(screenX, screenY) {
// console.log("JS got scaleBegin x/y=" + screenX + "/" + screenY);
var focusX = screenX + document.body.scrollLeft;
var focusY = screenY + document.body.scrollTop;
var i, len;
var msgDivs = document.getElementsByClassName("mail-message");
var msgDiv, msgBodyDiv;
var msgTop, msgDivTop, nextMsgTop;
var initialH;
var initialScale;
var scaledOriginX, scaledOriginY;
var translateX, translateY;
var origin;
gScaleInfo = undefined;
for (i = 0, len = msgDivs.length; i < len; i++) {
msgDiv = msgDivs[i];
msgTop = nextMsgTop ? nextMsgTop : getTotalOffset(msgDiv).top;
nextMsgTop = (i < len-1) ? getTotalOffset(msgDivs[i+1]).top : document.body.offsetHeight;
if (focusY >= msgTop && focusY < nextMsgTop) {
msgBodyDiv = msgDiv.children[1];
initialScale = msgBodyDiv.getAttribute("data-initial-scale") || 1.0;
msgDivTop = getTotalOffset(msgBodyDiv).top;
// TODO: correct only for no initial translation
// FIXME: wrong for initialScale > 1.0
scaledOriginX = focusX / initialScale;
scaledOriginY = (focusY - msgDivTop) / initialScale;
// TODO: is this still needed?
translateX = 0;
translateY = 0;
gScaleInfo = {
div: msgBodyDiv,
initialScale: initialScale,
initialScreenX: screenX,
initialScreenY: screenY,
originX: scaledOriginX,
originY: scaledOriginY,
translateX: translateX,
translateY: translateY,
initialH: getCachedValue(msgBodyDiv, "offsetHeight", "data-initial-height"),
minScale: Math.min(document.body.offsetWidth / msgBodyDiv.scrollWidth, 1.0),
currScale: initialScale,
currTranslateX: 0,
currTranslateY: 0
origin = scaledOriginX + "px " + scaledOriginY + "px";
msgBodyDiv.classList.add("zooming-focused"); = origin; = "scale3d(" + initialScale + "," + initialScale
+ ",1) translate3d(" + translateX + "px," + translateY + "px,0)";
// console.log("scaleBegin, h=" + gScaleInfo.initialH + " origin='" + origin + "'");
function onScaleEnd(screenX, screenY) {
var msgBodyDiv;
var scale;
var h;
if (!gScaleInfo) {
// console.log("JS got scaleEnd x/y=" + screenX + "/" + screenY);
msgBodyDiv = gScaleInfo.div;
scale = gScaleInfo.currScale; = "0 0";
// clear any translate
// switching to a 2D transform here re-renders the fonts more clearly, but introduces
// texture upload lag to any subsequent scale operation
// TODO: conditionalize this based on device GPU performance and/or body size/complexity?
if (true) { = "scale(" + gScaleInfo.currScale + ")";
} else { = "scale3d(" + scale + "," + scale + ",1)";
h = gScaleInfo.initialH * scale;
// console.log("onScaleEnd set h=" + h); = h + "px";
// Use saved translateX/Y rather than calculating from screenX/Y because screenX/Y values
// from onScaleEnd only track focus of remaining pointers, which is not useful and leads
// to a perceived jump.
var deltaScrollX = (scale - 1) * gScaleInfo.originX - gScaleInfo.currTranslateX;
var deltaScrollY = (scale - 1) * gScaleInfo.originY - gScaleInfo.currTranslateY;
// console.log("JS adjusting scroll by x/y=" + deltaScrollX + "/" + deltaScrollY);
msgBodyDiv.setAttribute("data-initial-scale", scale);
// TODO: is there a better way to make this more reliable?
window.setTimeout(function() {
window.scrollBy(deltaScrollX, deltaScrollY);
}, 10);
function onScale(relativeScale, screenX, screenY) {
var scale;
var translateX, translateY;
var transform;
if (!gScaleInfo) {
scale = Math.max(gScaleInfo.initialScale * relativeScale, gScaleInfo.minScale);
if (scale > 4.0) {
scale = 4.0;
translateX = screenX - gScaleInfo.initialScreenX;
translateY = screenY - gScaleInfo.initialScreenY;
// TODO: clamp translation to prevent going beyond body edges
gScaleInfo.currScale = scale;
gScaleInfo.currTranslateX = translateX;
gScaleInfo.currTranslateY = translateY;
transform = "translate3d(" + translateX + "px," + translateY + "px,0) scale3d("
+ scale + "," + scale + ",1) translate3d(" + gScaleInfo.translateX + "px,"
+ gScaleInfo.translateY + "px,0)"; = transform;
// console.log("JS got scale=" + scale + " x/y=" + screenX + "/" + screenY
// + " transform='" + transform + "'");
// END Java->JavaScript handlers
// Do this first to ensure that the readiness signal comes through,
// even if a stray exception later occurs.