Quantum search - version 1

I apologize in advance for this huge CL.

- New icons (yay!)

- Abandon framework search and handle in-app search
functionality ourselves. This is made possible because
we use Toolbar and can position any custom view on top.

- Remove all previous search related attributes, including
search providers, searchable, search authority, default
search menu item layout, etc.

- Cleaned up the recent history provider to contain only
the functionalities we need - query, add, and delete.
Instead of using the framework to add recent queries,
we directly insert into our database. Since the provider
no longer needs to extend ContentProvider, removed
some unnecessary callbacks such as onCreate.

- Custom quantum search views:
  - Top search bar, this is inserted in a FrameLayout
  on top of Toolbar. The search bar interacts with
  the suggestion list and AbstractActivityController
  via the QuantumSearchViewController interface.
  - Suggestions list, this is inserted in the FrameLayout
  that typically contains the main content pane for
  either one-pane or two-pane layouts. Again, this
  interacts with the action bar via the controller.
  - Voice search, this is simply an implicit intent
  that converts speech to text.


Change-Id: I589c40e6c6e3d8c719856b735d0c53e8db986e65
61 files changed