Use a stadium border for "My Photos" category

This CL configures the app to use a stadium border shape (rectangle with maximum corner radius) for the "My Photos" category thumbnail.

Screenshot -

Fixes: 182344964
Test: none added
Change-Id: I4f2d12478de1ab0eae731b02ebf1a8a17edfa51d
diff --git a/src/com/android/wallpaper/picker/ b/src/com/android/wallpaper/picker/
index 8ea0af4..714bc89 100644
--- a/src/com/android/wallpaper/picker/
+++ b/src/com/android/wallpaper/picker/
@@ -362,8 +362,11 @@
             // Reuse the height of featured category since My Photos category & featured category
             // have the same height in current UI design.
             CardView categoryView = itemView.findViewById(;
-            categoryView.getLayoutParams().height =
-                    SizeCalculator.getFeaturedCategoryTileSize(getActivity()).y;
+            int height = SizeCalculator.getFeaturedCategoryTileSize(getActivity()).y;
+            categoryView.getLayoutParams().height = height;
+            // Use the height as the card corner radius for the "My photos" category
+            // for a stadium border.
+            categoryView.setRadius(height);