Switch TestNetworkStack to release API

Instead of building TestNetworkStack against the in-development SDK,
use the latest released SDK.

This allows TestNetworkStack to build in mainline branches, where the
in-development SDK may not be available.
TestNetworkStack is used for install/rollback testing, so using a
release-like build instead of a development build makes the test more

Change-Id: Ia72af6cffe6c34bb93db3147b8ee201b36eb359a
Test: m
Bug: 175609674
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index d6519b2..951b160 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
 android_app {
     name: "TestNetworkStack",
-    defaults: ["NetworkStackAppDefaults", "NetworkStackDevApiLevel"],
-    static_libs: ["NetworkStackApiCurrentLib"],
+    defaults: ["NetworkStackAppDefaults", "NetworkStackReleaseApiLevel"],
+    static_libs: ["NetworkStackApiStableLib"],
     certificate: "networkstack",
     manifest: ":NetworkStackTestAndroidManifest",
     // The permission configuration *must* be included to ensure security of the device