Fix names of #include guard symbols.

Subsequent discussion recommended "ANDROID_" prefix.

Pattern: ANDROID_FRAMEWORKS_ML_${RELPATH}_H, where ${RELPATH} is relative to
frameworks/ml, with "include" path component (if any) removed,
everything in caps, and word breaks indicated by underscores (rather
than by upper case).  This is derived from our current practices in

Generate name: ANDROID_FRAMEWORKS_ML_$(echo ${RELPATH} | sed -e 's!/include!!g' -e 's![/.]!_!g' -e 's!\([^_A-Z]\)\([A-Z]\)!\1_\2!g' | awk '{ print toupper($1); }')

Bug: 129138718

Test: cd frameworks/ml ; mma

Change-Id: Ida001ba3767e8a6984e47b3570c69b1ba91f8bd4
Merged-In: Ida001ba3767e8a6984e47b3570c69b1ba91f8bd4
64 files changed