Parse the manifest to get the attribution label

This really should come from the package Info, but someone forget to add
it ...

This live-data can later be used in usage UI to show more details about
the usage

Test: atest AttributionLabelLiveDataTest
Change-Id: Icbd509b7cecc4cbbb3f4046e22a9f9d570097f91
diff --git a/PermissionController/proguard.flags b/PermissionController/proguard.flags
index 693eb05..1f0b032 100644
--- a/PermissionController/proguard.flags
+++ b/PermissionController/proguard.flags
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
 -keep class** {*;}
+# Keep as this is only used by instrumentation tests for now. This can be removed once the class is
+# used from code
+-keep class* {
+    *;
 # for proto names for Proto.toString
 -keepclassmembers class * extends {
   *** get*();